青海省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练4 :情景对话B卷

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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练4 :情景对话B卷_第1页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练4 :情景对话B卷_第2页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练4 :情景对话B卷_第3页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练4 :情景对话B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . - What would you like? ( )-_ a banana.AId likeBI haveCI like2 . _ the book on your head.ALookBPutCMake3 . is the pen? ( )Its blue.AWhereBWhat colourCWhat4 . Tom: Hello, _? ( )Jack: I feel fine.AHelloBHow do you feelCThank you5 . _ ( )Thank you.AHello!BHere you are.CGo!6 . -Whats the weather like today? ( )-_AIts a nice day.BDont forget your raincoat.CIts Monday.7 . 当你打电话向对方介绍你自己是凯特时,应该说:_ ( )AHello! Im Kate.BHello! This is Kate.CHello! Are you Kate?8 . _, Yang Ling. ( )Hi, Bobby.AMorningBHiCGoodbye9 . What did you do there? ( )_AI ride a horse.BI want to go fishing.CI took lots of pictures.10 . I can carry it _ my shoulder. ( )AforBinCover11 . How much_ the ball and the kite?( )Theyre thirty yuan.AamBisCare12 . What _ you _ on Mondays? ( )I have P.ABdo; doesCare; haveDdo; have二、情景交际13 . 当早晨你见到李老师时,可以说:( )AGood afternoon, Mike.BGood morning, Miss Li.CHello, Mike.14 . 你想祝李老师新年快乐,可以说:( )AHappy Birthday, Miss Li.BHappy New Year, class.CHappy New Year, Miss Li.15 . 你看到朋友Amy不开心,你想知道她怎么了,应该说:( )AWhats the matter?BHow are you?16 . 你想询问一个书包的价格,你可以说:_( )AHow much are they?BHow much is it?17 . 别人拿了一本新书,你想看,你应说_( )AIs this a book?BWhats this?CMay I have a look?18 . 下雪了,你穿的很薄,你会说:( )AI feel cold.BI am happy.CI like winter.19 . 你想去向别人问路,首先怎么说?( )AExcuse me.BBy the way.CHello!20 . 当别人对你表达谢意时,应答:( )AThats OK.BIts my pleasure.21 . 妈妈在厨房做饭时电话铃声响了,她想让你接电话,她应说:( )AThis is the call.BCan you answer the call?CAre you naughty?22 . 当你感谢别人帮忙时,应当说:_( )AThankyousomuch.BOh,sorry.23 . 当你想介绍你的中国朋友玲玲给你的朋友时,你会说:( )AThis is our Chinese friend, Lingling.BThis is our China friend, LIngling.24 . 你跟苏海道别,可以说:( )AGoodbye, Su Hai.BHello, Su Hai.25 . 当你向别人表示感谢时:( )ARight.BThank you.CSure.26 . 你想知道那件夹克是什么颜色。你应该怎么问:( )AWhats that?BWhat color is that jacket?CIs that your jacket?27 . 当别人赞美你时,你可以客气地说:( )AGreat!BThank you.CYoure welcome!28 . 当你不小心弄脏了别人的衣服时,你可以说:_( )AWe were very sorry.BI was very sorry.29 . 当你想让埃米指向窗户时,你应该说:_( )APoint to the door, Amy.BPoint to the window, Amy.30 . 问别人公园在哪儿,你应该说:( )AWhat are you doing?BWhere is the park?31 . 当别人问你是否可以给你写信时,如果可以,你说:_( )ANo.BOf course.CYes, it is.32 . 你很喜欢玩具小汽车,当朋友问你一共有多少辆时,你该怎样告诉他你有20辆呢?( )AHow many cars do you have?BWow, so many cars.CI have 20 cars.33 . 当别人跟你说“早上好”的时候,你该怎么说?( )AThank you.BGood morning.34 . 当你打电话给别人,电话接通后,你应对接听电话的人说:( )AMay I speak to, please?BIs it . speaking?35 . 教师节到了,你对老师说:( )AHappy birthday!BHappy Teachers Day!36 . 你很想知道桐梓的天气如何,你可以这样问:_ ( )AWhere is Tongzi?BWhats the weather like in Tongzi CWhen is the best time to Tongzi?37 . 当你想知道去邮局的路怎么走时, 你怎么询问? ( )AExcuse me, can I use this pen?BCan I get to the post office?CExcuse me, how can I get to the post office?38 . 圣诞节到了,你想给朋友送祝福,可以对他说:( )AMerry Christmas!BHappy Christmas!39 . 当别人夸你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该说:( )AYes, I am.BThank you.40 . 跟别人说再见时,应说( )AHello!Im Sam.BGood bye.41 . 我是汤姆。 ( )AThis is Tom.BBye, Tom.CIm Tom.42 . 在餐馆里,当服务员问你想喝点什么时,他会说:( )AWhat do you want to drink?BWhat do you want to eat?CWhat do you want to make?43 . 你看见Amy的一张大床,你应说:_ ( )AYour bed is big.BYour bed is nice.44 . 你想了解对方以前是不是擅长打篮球,你可以问:_ ( )ACan you play basketball well?BWere you good at football before?CWere you good at basketball before?45 . 你想询问妈妈“现在我能出去吗”,你会说:( )ACan I go outside now?BCan I have some soup?46 . 当你的阿姨送给你一只可爱的泰迪熊时,你应该说:_ ( )AThank you.BIm Yuanyuan.CHow are you?47 . 当你询问对方“你们学校有音乐教室吗?”你应该说:_( )ADo you have a music room in your school?BYou have a library in your school.48 . 当你想知道别人认识多少单词时,问( )AHow much English words do you know?BHow many English word do you know?CHow many English words do you know?49 . 在每年的9月10日那天,你应该对老师说:( )AHappy birthday to you!BHappy Childrens Day!CHappy Teachers Day!50 . 你买的东西一共七十元:( )AIts seventy yuan.BIts sixty yuan.51 . 当你指着远处告诉别人那是一个操场时,你可以说:( )AThis is a playground.BThat is a playground.52 . 当你想知道对方能看见多少辆车时,你可以问:_( )AI can see five cars.BHow many cars can you see?53 . 你想问“玲玲昨天去哪里了?”,应问:( )AWhat did you go yesterday?BLingling went to the park yesterday.CWhere did Lingling go yesterday?54 . 有客人需要点餐时,你可以说:( )ACan you help me?BCan I help you?CLet me help you.55 . 你得到别人的帮助后,应该说 _ ( )AThank you.BExcuse me.CSorry.56 . 你和你的朋友问好,你说:“_” ( )ANice to meet you.BGood boy, Lisa.57 . 新年到了,你见到朋友以后会道一声什么呢?( )AHappy new year!BHappy birthday!CHappy everyday.58 . 今天是喜羊羊的生日,美羊羊捧着鲜花高兴地对喜羊羊说:( )AHappy birthday to you.BPleased to see you.59 . 体育课上,同学们争抢着玩游戏,老师会说:( )AWork quietly!BTake turns!CKeep your desk clean!60 . 别人帮助了你,你应该说:( )AThanks.BSorry.61 . 你不小心,把行李箱的衣服散了一地,你应该说些什么? ( )ASorry.BI want to dance.CIm excited.62 . 作自我介绍时,你应说:_ ( )AIm Lingling. Im from China.BWhere are you from?63 . 你想夸一个人,你可以说:( )AWell done!BWell do!64 . 如果你是Jim, 当你接起电话时, 你应该这样说:_ ( )AHello, this is Jim.BHello, who are you?CHello, how are you?65 . 吃早餐时见到爷爷,会说:( )AGood morning, grandpa.BGood afternoon, grandpa.66 . 你想问别人你可不可以用卫生间。用英语怎么说? ( )ACan I use your bathroom, please?BI can use your bathroom, please.67 . 当你想表达我非常开心时,你可以说:_( )AIm so sad.BIm so happy.CYoure happy.68 . 你想询问某物的颜色,可以说:( )AWhat is that?BWhat color is it?CIts red.69 . 你想问,“你星期天干什么”,怎么说?( )AWhat do you do on Sunday?BWhat are you do on weekend?CWhat do you do on the weekend?70 . 清早去学校,你对同学们说:( )AGood morning.BGood afternoon.71 . 当你打电话问“你是谁?”时,应该说:( )AWhos he?BWhos that?72 . 当你赞叹别人的卧室很漂亮时,你会说?( )AI love your study.BWow, your bedroom is very beautiful.COh, what a mess!73 . 当你心爱的玩具找不到时,你的心里很难过,应说:_ ( )AThats OK.BA pear for you.CIm sad.74 . 当你想了解物品的颜色时,该问:( )AWhats this?BWhat colour is it?CHow much is it?75 . 如果你想了解别人最喜欢吃什么,你可以问:AWhat do you like?BWhats your favourite food?CDo you like this?76 . 当你在外面玩时,妈妈提醒你不要忘了写家庭作业,她应说:( )AYou must do your homework!BDo your homework quickly!CDont forget your TV!DDont forget your homework!77 . 当你想跟对方致歉时,应说:( )AThank you.BSorry.78 . 新年那天,你见到了好朋友,会说:( )AHello!BHappy New Year.79 . 朋友来你家里玩, 你会怎么招呼他:( )ASorry, I dont like milk.BNice to meet you.CHave some fruit.80 . 如果你想问“现在几点了?”你应该这样问:( )AWhats the time?BWhats the date today?CWhere is the clock?81 . 当你在电话中介绍自己是Tom时,应说:( )AIm Tom.BThis is Tom.82 . 当你想告诉别人这里有条河时,你应该说:( )AThere is a forest here.BThere is a lake here.CThere is a river here.三、判断题83 . 判断下列句子转换(或改写)是否正确,对的打“”,错的打“”1. Yesterday I cooked noodles for lunch.Yesterday Mr. Smart cooked noodles for lunch. (_)2. Dad cooked lunch last Sunday.Did Dad cooked lunch last Sunday? (_)3. Sam and Amy watched TV yesterday. (_)They watched TV yesterday.4. On Mondays I help my mother.Monday I helped my mother. (_)5. It will be sunny tomorrow.It will be sunny yesterday. (_)四、匹配题84 . 为下列句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1. Mr Smart cooked noodles for lunch. ( ) 2. Fangfang helped her mother do the housework.( ) 3. Jack played on the computer on Saturday.( ) 4. It rained in Hainan yesterday.( ) 5. She phoned her mother on Monday.ABCDERead and find.(读单词,找到它们的缩略形式。)A. B. C. D.85 . (_)86 . (_)87 . (_)88 . (_)五、连线题89 . 连线题。1. LondonA牛津2. OxfordB伦敦3. Big BenC塔桥4. London EyeD大本钟5. Tower BridgeE伦敦眼第 12 页 共 12 页

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