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贵州省2019-2020年度三年级下册期中测试英语试卷(四)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出与所给单词同类的选项。1 . her ( )AweBmyChe2 . dinner ( )AbreakfastBbeefCfridge3 . nurse ( )AquietBfloorCdriver4 . uncle ( )AcousinBpeopleCfamily5 . hat ( )AkeyBshoeCtoy6 . Xiaoming is going to _ stories.( )AhaveBtellingCtell7 . 香肠( )AhamburgerBsausageCchicken8 . Are giraffes taller than the monkeys? ( )AYes, they are.BNo, it isnt.9 . Whats that?_a bird.AThis isBItsCThat10 . 我会搭配句子。(_) 1. Im stuck.A. Can I help you? B. Whats your name?(_) 2. No, it cant.A. Can it see? B. Can you see?(_) 3. Youre welcome.A. Thank you. B. Help!(_) 4. Yes, please.A. My ears! B. Can I help you?(_) 5. An animal.A. Whats in the box? B. Where is the duck?11 . Do you like pears?AYes, I dont .BNo, I do.CYes, I do.12 . 找出不同类的单词:( )AbigBshortClion13 . How many mangoes are there?( )are twelve.AThereBTheyCThese14 . Whats this? ( ) .AYes, it isBIts a card15 . Let mea look thermometer(温度计)( )Ahave,atBto have,atChaving,for16 . The blue bag _ got four wheels. ( )AhaveBhadChas二、情景交际17 . 当你和朋友一起做沙拉时,你需要一个勺子,你会说:_( )AThis is a spoon.BPass me the spoon.18 . 朋友在自习室说话时你应该说:( )ADont talk here.BNot talk.19 . 小猴子想问面前的建筑物是不是图书馆,它应该这样说:_ ( )AIs this the library?BIs that the library?20 . 当你做错事感到抱歉时,应说:_ ( )AIm sorry.BIm fine.21 . 当你不喜欢甜食时,应该说:_( )AI like hot food.BI dont like hot food.CI dont like sweet food.22 . 向对方道歉时,要说:_( )AThank you.BSorry!23 . 爸爸提醒近视眼的儿子Bill说:( )ABill, you should keep your bedroom clean.BBill, you shouldnt watch TV too often.24 . 当你想建议你的朋友不要听王冰的话时,你可以说:Not listen to Wang Bing. B. Dont listen to Wang Bing.25 . 你想知道这是不是对方的蜡笔,你可以问:( )AThis is your crayon.BIs this a crayon?CIs this your crayon?26 . 当你想表达“好主意”时,应说:( )AGood idea!BGoodbye!三、排序题27 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) Thank you.(_) What is this?(_) It is over there.(_) Hello, Liu Tao. Where is your lunch box?(_) A cake. Its for you.(_) Hello, Helen.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误。A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy, Can you go and buy us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars(美元). Great! says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. Where is my hamburger? asks the young man. Oh, there is only one(只有一个) hamburger left(剩下). So Im eating mine. Here is your dollar, the boy says.28 . The young man is under a big umbrella. (_)29 . The young man asks the boy to buy two hamburgers. (_)30 . The boy is eating a hamburger. (_)31 . The young man gets a hamburger. (_)32 . The boy helps the young man. (_)五、汉译英根据汉语提示,补全英语句子。33 . 我想要一些鸡肉和米饭。Id like some _ and _.34 . 我们星期二和星期三有美术课。We have art lessons on _ and _.35 . 有两张桌子和四把椅子。There are two _ and four _.36 . 我将要唱歌和跳舞。Ill _ and _.37 . 这个书包里有两本书。There are two _ in this _.38 . 汉译英:匆忙_六、匹配题看图读一读,将相应的文字与图配对。A. Try to stand up on the ice. You can ask your parents to help you.B. Put on your ice skates.C. Now you can ice-skate with your friends. Isnt it fun?D. Try to move and stop on the ice. You can use the rail(栏杆)to help you.39 . (_)40 . (_)41 . (_)42 . (_)七、连词成句43 . 连词成句。(将所给的词连接成句,注意大小写及标点。)1. potatoes, this, cuts, machine, the, (.)_2. bags, machine, puts, this, the, in, the, crisps, (.)_3. feed, ducks, dont, the, (.)_4. the, touch, machines, dont, (.)_5. on, walk, grass, the, dont, (.)_第 6 页 共 6 页


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