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太原市2020版英语五年级上册期末专项训练:句子B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They teach _ a sport. ( )Aeach otherBeach othersCother each2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbirdBdoorCwindow3 . How do you go to Beijing? ( ).AEvery dayBOftenCBy plane4 . 找出每组中不同类的词语。【小题1】AuncleBcarCcousin【小题2】AschoolbagBrulerCsleep【小题3】AshoutBrunCright【小题4】AchairBchickenCblackboard5 . 选出与所给单词属于同类的一项:Sam( )AAmyByouCyour6 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AdirtyBtrousersCskirt7 . I like winter. I can play _the snow. ( )AinBbyCon8 . Well _ e-cards this weekend. ( )AmakeBmakingCto make9 . What is Liu Taos hobby? ( ) He_. He can swim well.AswimsBcan swimCswimmingDlikes swimming10 . I want _ some pingpong balls. ( )AbuyBto buyCbuys二、填空题选词填空。11 . Look at this _. I like _. (cat / cats)12 . Would you like a _?No, thank you. I dont like _. (lion / lions)13 . This is _ nice elephant. (a / an)14 . I like pandas. _ cute and fat. (Its / Theyre)15 . Is this _ toy dog?_ are right. Its my toy dog. (you / your)16 . _you like dogs? No, I_.(do / dont)17 . 用所给词的正确形式完成句子。1. What are they _(do)?2. Dont _(open) them!3. This is _(you) teacher.4. Whose gifts are _(this)?5. It _(be) 5 yuan.三、判断题Read and judge.(读一读,判断下列单词是“T”否“F”是同类)18 . wherethere _19 . ourtheir _20 . Maywill _21 . autumnApril _22 . tripalways _四、句型转换按照括号内要求填空,每空一词。23 . I went to Japan for FIBA games by air.(改为同义句)I _Japan for FIBA games.24 . He doesnt lie on the grass or watch the sky.(改为肯定句)He_on the grass and_the sky.25 . This pair of runners is $299.(对画线部分提问)_is this pair of runners?26 . He wants to go to the beach for the summer holiday(改为同义句)He_to go to the beach for the summer holiday27 . I am chatting on line because I have nothing to do.(对画线部分提问)_ are you chatting on line?五、匹配题句子搭配。A. Thats right. Its here.B. Its got about twenty million people.C. Its in the east of China.D. Yes, its very big and its very great.E. Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.28 . Where is Shanghai? (_)29 . China is a big country. (_)30 . How long is the Great Wall? (_)31 . How big is Beijing? (_)32 . Haikou is in the south of China. (_)六、连词成句33 . 连词成句1. can, dance, for, I, you (. )_.2. a , there, table, big, is ( ?) _?3. there, three, on, are, apples, the, table(.)_.4. sing, can, I, English songs(.)_.5. would, like , what , you, eat, to(?)_?6. is, computer, there, the, a, on, desk(.)_.7. where, your, is, clock (?)_?8. do, you, what, on, Sundays, do(?)_?9. at, home, I, helpful, am(.)_.10. have, we, on , Mondays, music, maths, and(.)_.第 5 页 共 5 页


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