南宁市2019版英语四年级下册Unit 3 单元测试卷B卷

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南宁市2019版英语四年级下册Unit 3 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its sunny today. How about Taiyuan? ( )_AIts sunny and hot.BIts sunny in Beijing.CIts near our city.2 . Where my gloves? ( ) in your schoolbag.Ais; ItsBare; TherereCare; Theyre读句子, 选图片。3 . The desk is heavy. ( )AB4 . Whose pencil is this? ( )Its my pencil.AB5 . Where is the notebook? ( )Its on the desk.AB6 . Put your ball under the chair. ( )AB7 . The picture is on the wall. ( )AB8 . Whats your name? ( )AMy name is Sam.BHi!9 . How _is it ? - Two yuan.AmuchBmanyCany10 . _ a policewoman. ( )ASheBShesCHes11 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AbirdBdeskCdog【小题2】AgoodBpandaClion【小题3】AtableBchairCzoo【小题4】AappleBbananaCtiger【小题5】ArabbitByouCit12 . _ about you? ( )AWhenBHowCWhats13 . What did you see? ( )_AI am seeing a lot of trees.BI see a lot of trees.CI saw a lot of trees.DIll see a lot of trees.14 . ( )AThe river is long.BThe river is wide.15 . _ will you plant trees? ( ) On the hill behind our school.AWhatBHowCWhere16 . Its every policemans dream to keep people _ and the traffic in good order. ( )AsafeBhealthyCbusyDclean17 . I have a fish. It has two _ eyes. ( )AlongBshortCbig看图选择。18 . ( )AThere are eight monkeys.BThere are five monkeys.19 . ( )AA bird lives in a tree.BA bird lives in a river.20 . ( )APandas eat fish.BCats eat fish.21 . ( )AIts nose is long.BIts tail is long.22 . The _ is blue,and the _ is fresh. ( )Acloud;airBsky;sunCsky;air二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello, my name is Judy. I am a girl. I live in a house with my family. This is Anna. She is my friend. She lives in a house on Park Road. Anna is 11 years old. Im 12 years old. Im older than Anna. Anna is 1.5 metres tall. Im 1.55 metres tall. Anna and I live far from the school, so we go to school by bus. Anna likes to listen to music. I like to read books. We are good friends.23 . Where does Judy live? ( )AIn a house.BIn an apartment(公寓).CAt school.24 . How old is Anna? ( )ATwelve.BEleven.CThirteen.25 . Who is older? ( )AJudy.BAnna.CI dont know.26 . Is Anna taller than Judy? ( )AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CNo, she is.27 . How do they go to school? ( )AOn foot.BBy bike.CBy bus.三、匹配题连线句子的相应答句。AMe, too.BGood idea.CIm thirsty.DYes, he can.EI have Art lessons.FYes, I do.GAll right.H. Hes Mr. Brown.28 . Do you like playing the piano?(_)29 . What do you do at weekends? (_)30 . Dont eat a lot. (_)31 . Whats the matter? (_)32 . I like swimming. (_)33 . Whos the man in front of Mike? (_)34 . Lets go boating. (_)35 . Can Billy skate? (_)四、看图题根据图片填出正确的单词(注意形式)。36 . _ eat meat.37 . A fish lives in a _.38 . _ eat grass.39 . _ eat bananas.40 . A _ lives in a forest.41 . A cow lives on a _.第 7 页 共 7 页


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