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南宁市2019-2020学年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷2B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I_oranges.AlikeBamCdo2 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AtallBlongCpear3 . _isthelibrary?AWhatBWhereCHow4 . Lets go school. ( )AtooBtoC5 . Whats your favorite season? ( )_.AAutumnBRainyCFriday二、填空题给下列单词归类。blue father ruler cat nine pen seven dog yellow sister6 . 颜色:_7 . 数字:_8 . 文具:_9 . 动物:_10 . 家庭成员:_三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子是“T”否“F”与短文内容相符。Today I want to go to the supermarket with my parents. We take the No. 102 bus first. About thirty minutes later, we get off at the bank. My father takes some money here. Then we go to the supermarket. The supermarket is next to the bank. We buy a lot of things. I buy some ice cream. My mother buys a nice hat. My father buys a pair of socks. Then we go to a restaurant to have dinner. How happy we are!11 . My parents and I go to the zoo this afternoon.(_)12 . We get off at the restaurant.(_)13 . The supermarket is near the bank.(_)14 . My father buys a pair of shoes.(_)15 . We have dinner in the restaurant.(_)四、匹配题将问句与答句匹配起来。AYes, she sings very well.BOliver can do some kungfu.CI can draw cartoons for the party.DYes, I can.EMike can play basketball.16 . What can you do for a party? (_)17 . Can she sing English songs? (_)18 . What can Mike do? (_)19 . Can you dance? (_)20 . Who can do kungfu? (_)21 . 看一看,读一读,选择与图片内容相符的句子,将序号写在题前括号里。(_) 1. This is the library. Its on the first floor.A(_) 2. Its hot and sunny in Sydney.B(_) 3. Are these potatoes? No, they are onions.C(_) 4. How much is the purple scarf? Its five yuan.D(_) 5. Its four oclock. Its time to go home.E五、抄写题22 . 请按字母的正确形式抄写下列字母L Q I P Kb g d y j_23 . 把下列单词按正确的书写格式写三遍。1. cake 2.light3.wish 4.here5.birthday第 4 页 共 4 页


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