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贵州省2020年英语五年级上册Module8单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There a forest in the nature park. ( ) AisBareCbe2 . What did you do during the holidays? ( )I listening.ApractiseBpractisingCpractised3 . _ is my hobby. ( )AReadingBReadCReads4 . Its time . ( )Ato dinnerBfor dinnerCto having dinnerDfor have dinner5 . Dont let the robots_.( )Ado houseworkBhelp children learnCdo homework6 . We are _. Lets have some chicken for dinner. ( )AthirstyBhungryCnot hungry二、情景交际7 . 老师指着一个正方形问你:Whats that? 你应回答:_( )AIts a circle.BIts a square.8 . 当你想让某人站起来时,你应该说:_ ( )AStand up, please.BThank you.CAll right9 . 当想向别人介绍你的姐姐时,你会说:( )AThis is my sister.BThis is my uncle.CThis is my father.DThis is my cousin.10 . 当别人问你身边站的是谁时,你可以对别人说_.( )AShesmysister.BShesa nurse.11 . 你想念你之前在中国的朋友,你说:_ ( )AI miss my friends back in China.BThis is an English school.CThis is my school.三、填空题12 . 按要那要求写单词。1. uncle(对应词)_ 2. big (反义词)_3. have(中文)_ 4. its (完全形式)_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear Tom,Im at a new school in Dalian now. I like it very much. School starts at eight oclock. I get up at seven oclock and have breakfast. We have three lessons (课) in the morning. At break time, I usually play games with my friends. Lunch is at one oclock. In the afternoon, we have three lessons. School finishes at half past three. I go home at four oclock. I like my new school! Please write and tell me about your school in England.Yours,John13 . Johns new school is in China.(_)14 . John gets up at half past seven.(_)15 . John doesnt play games at school.(_)16 . School finishes at half past three.(_)17 . John doesnt like his new school.(_)五、英译汉18 . 翻译下列句子。1. In the UK, children sit around tables in class._2. Miss Li teaches us singing._3. They start school at 9 oclock._4. We go to school on foot._5. They dont do morning exercises._六、匹配题19 . 给句子选择合适的图片。ABCDE(_)1. We can make a snowman in winter.(_)2. Some ducks are swimming in the river in spring.(_)3. We can have a picnic in autumn.(_)4. There are lots of flowers in spring.(_)5. We can not see any leaves in the tree in winter.七、书面表达20 . 写作。同学们,请写一写你们教室里都有什么,每天都有哪些课,你最喜欢的科目和老师等。不少于5句话。提示:There is/areIn the morning, we haveMy favouriteis_第 4 页 共 4 页


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