福州市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷

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福州市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its _ now. Lets fly kites. ( )AwindyBcloudCrain2 . - Is it a cat? ( )- _, it isnt.AYesBNo3 . _can I get to the shopping center ? By bus.AWhereBHowCWhen4 . (题文)Did you have_nice trip? ( )ABa5 . Whats this? ( )AThis is a pencil.BNo, it isnt.CYes, it is.DIt are a cat.6 . I usually get up at six oclock. What _you? ( )AareBaboutCof给下列句子选择正确的译文。7 . The apple tastes good. ( )A这个桃吃起来很美味。B这个苹果吃起来很美味。8 . Can I have an apple, please? ( )A我可以吃个苹果吗?B我能有一个苹果吗?9 . Here you are. ( )A你在这儿。B给你。10 . She is full. ( )A她饿了。B她吃饱了。11 . Bobby is sick. He goes _hospital. ( )AtoBin theC/12 . - Can I see your photo?-_.ASure, here you are.BYou are welcome.13 . Is the lion small?AYes, the lion small.BNo, fish swim.CNo, a rabbit has long ears.DNo, the lion is big.14 . Its 8:00. My mum _our clothes. ( )AwashingBis washingCwash15 . Are _ Tim? ( )No, _ Joe.Ayou; ImByou; Im notChe; Im选择正确的译文。16 . 猴子长着长长的尾巴。 ( )AA monkey has a long tail.BA monkey has long tails.17 . 看,长颈鹿是如此的高。 ( )ALook. The giraffe is so tall.BLook. The giraffe is so short.18 . 我有一双大眼睛和一对小耳朵。( )AI have big ears and small eyes.BI have big eyes and small ears.19 . 不要给动物们喂吃的。( )ADont feed the animal.BDont feed the animals.20 . 我是高的,你是矮的。( )AIm tall, and youre short.BIm tall, and youre small.21 . 香港的天气怎么样?( )AWhats the weather like in Hong Kong? BWhat about Hong Kong?CWhats the weather like in New York?22 . _ you _ basketball tomorrow afternoon? ( )ADo; playBAre; playCAre; going to playDWill; playing二、阅读选择阅读理解。根据表格内容选择合适的选项。CityDegreeWeatherBeijing27Hot and sunnyLondon16WindySydney24WarmSingapore18Cool and rainyMoscow-11Cold and snowy23 . _ is 16. ( )ABeijingBLondonCMoscow24 . The weather is _ in Singapore. ( )AcoolBcool and rainyCrainy25 . Whats the weather like in Beijing? ( )AIts hot.BIts sunny.CBoth A and B.26 . Moscow is _ degrees. ( )A-11B16C2727 . Sydney is _. ( )AwindyBcoolCwarm三、填空题根据提示补全句子。28 . He often goes home _.29 . By ferry, you must wear a _.30 . Pay attention to the traffic lights. Its red now. You must _ and _.31 . She often goes to school_in winter.32 . 写出下列句子中划线动词的种类1. I was late yesterday. _2.She must be hungry. _3.He looks very young. _4.They went swimming yesterday evening. _5.I dont have any sisters. _用所给单词的适当形式填空。33 . Its _ (cloud) today.34 . Can I _( have ) some soup?35 . What time _(are) it?36 . Its 15 _ (degree).37 . Is it raining now?No, it_ (is).四、选内容补全对话选词补全短文。AhotBwindyCcoldDcloudyEsnowyGood morning, this is the weather report. Its 38 . in Harbin. Its very 39 . . Its 40 . in Beijing. You can swim outside. Its 41 . in Guangzhou. You can fly a kite. How about Kunming? Its sunny today. Tomorrow it will be 42 . .五、音标题将下列单词按画线部分的读音归类(只填序号)。work horse for world morning short fork forty born homework43 . _44 . _六、连词成句连词成句。45 . your, are, these, pants, baby(.)_46 . is, It, interesting, (!)_47 . name, Qiqi, is, My(.)_48 . Im,Good,Kami,morning(,)(.)_49 . fourth,the,This, is, one(.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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