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成都市2019年三年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -How many windows? ( )-.AThreeBYesCNo2 . ( )(5)This is _egg and that is _ hot dog.Aan, aBa, aCan ,an3 . ( )(6)_ is a peach .AThatBTheyCThem选出与画线部分同类的一项。4 . Whats the weather like in Beijing? ( )AworldBNanjingCweather5 . Its cloudy in London. ( )AsnowyBweatherCnine6 . I can play football outside. ( )AplaygroundBgardenCfly kites7 . Now its seven oclock. ( )AnineBcoldCwarm8 . Mum, can I have some bread? ( )AcarefulBeatCkite9 . Good morning, Miss Li. ( )_AHi, Sam.BGood morning, class.CHello10 . ( )AT-shirtBshirt11 . There are ?a ruler _ the desk. (?)AatBinCon二、情景交际12 . Lily 愁眉苦脸的,你关心地问道:A、Whats wrong?B、What do you do?13 . 在下午碰到老师,我们应该说:( )AGood afternoon, teacher.BGood morning, teacher.CHow do you do.14 . 你想现在画两只耳朵,你可以说:( )ANow draw two ears.BNow draw two eyes.15 . 你想知道对方喜欢什么时,问:_( )AWhat do you like?BWhat do you do on Sundays?三、单词拼写16 . 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. l_brary图书馆 2. w_lcome欢迎 3. h_ve有 4. l_ke喜欢5. c_n能6.h_lp帮助 7. sh_p轮船 8. b_at小船9. b_ke自行车10.tr_试四、排序题17 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话,把序号写在横线上。AWhat did you do on the farm?BHello, Helen. What did you do last week?CDid you like it?DYes, we all liked it. On Wednesday I visited a farm.EI watched a film with my classmates last week. It was interesting.FI milked cows and collected eggs._难度:一般使用:30次题型:排序题更新:2017/11/13纠错智能换题收藏详情五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。This Sunday is Hollys eleventh birthday. Shes going to have a birthday party. On Sunday morning, shes going to the supermarket with her mum. They are going to buy some food and drinks. Hollys also going to buy some balloons and birthday hats. Hollys friends are coming to her home in the afternoon. Her parents are going to give her a video of their trip to Disneyland as a birthday present. Shes going to play it and watch the video with her friends. It will be great fun.After dinner, shes going to see a film with her friends. Shes sure she will have a good time on her birthday.18 . Holly will be 7 years old this Sunday. (_)19 . In the morning, Holly is going to buy some balloons at the supermarket. (_)20 . Holly will give her parents a video. (_)21 . After dinner, Holly is going to play the video. (_)22 . Hollys family had a trip to Disneyland. (_)难度:一般使用:8次题型:任务型阅读更新:2020/2/21纠错智能换题收藏详情六、匹配题23 . 找朋友【小题1】My father is a policeman【小题2】Good morning【小题3】Hes a doctor【小题4】Shes a nurse【小题5】Im a pupilA他是一位医生( )B她是一位护士( )C我爸爸是一位警察(D早上好 ( )E我是一个小学生难度:一般使用:8次题型:匹配题更新:2017/5/20纠错智能换题收藏详情七、字母题24 . 将下列字母对应的大小写补充完整。难度:较易使用:10次题型:字母题更新:2018/11/12纠错智能换题收藏详情五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。This Sunday is Hollys eleventh birthday. Shes going to have a birthday party. On Sunday morning, shes going to the supermarket with her mum. They are going to buy some food and drinks. Hollys also going to buy some balloons and birthday hats. Hollys friends are coming to her home in the afternoon. Her parents are going to give her a video of their trip to Disneyland as a birthday present. Shes going to play it and watch the video with her friends. It will be great fun.After dinner, shes going to see a film with her friends. Shes sure she will have a good time on her birthday.18 . Holly will be 7 years old this Sunday. (_)19 . In the morning, Holly is going to buy some balloons at the supermarket. (_)20 . Holly will give her parents a video. (_)21 . After dinner, Holly is going to play the video. (_)22 . Hollys family had a trip to Disneyland. (_)六、匹配题23 . 找朋友【小题1】My father is a policeman【小题2】Good morning【小题3】Hes a doctor【小题4】Shes a nurse【小题5】Im a pupilA他是一位医生( )B她是一位护士( )C我爸爸是一位警察(D早上好 ( )E我是一个小学生七、字母题24 . 将下列字母对应的大小写补充完整。第 6 页 共 6 页

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