成都市2020年六年级下册第一次月考(Unit 5-6)英语试卷AA卷

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成都市2020年六年级下册第一次月考(Unit 5-6)英语试卷AA卷_第1页
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成都市2020年六年级下册第一次月考(Unit 5-6)英语试卷AA卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . You are so _. You never help me with the housework. ( )AgoodBlazyCkind2 . We can go to Sanya to visit_. ( )Athe butterfly parkBthe Sea WorldCA and B3 . The snake can use its body_. ( )Ato danceBdaceCdances4 . -did you know about the US? ( )-I read about it on the Internet.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhy5 . The man _ a plane to Beijing. ( )Ais takeBtakeCis going to take6 . We will find Stonehenge in . ( )Athe UKBChinaCCanadaDAustralia7 . We _ have a sports meeting next week. ( )AwillBareCdidnt8 . Its going to be May Day _. ( )AtomorrowBlast weekCthree days ago9 . _ are you doing? ( )AWhatBWhereCHow10 . In_, Childrens Day is in November. ( )ACanadaBThailandCIndia二、完形填空阅读短文,选择合适的答案。The summer holiday is _. I dont have _ homework to do. I will play _my friends. We will go _.I like to watch TV. I will watch the sports _ TV. I want to know something _the basketball game. My brother is a basketball _. My family will go _a trip _the sea. We will play _the beach.11 . AcomeBcomingCcame12 . AaBsomeCany13 . AwithBtoC/14 . AswimmingBswimCswiming15 . AtoBonCat16 . AatBinCabout17 . AplayerBplayCplays18 . AtoBinCon19 . AtoBonCfor20 . AinBonCof三、填空题21 . 用所给词正确形式填空1. I cant carry all _ (this) things.2. He is _ (walk) to the blackboard. 3. Everything_ (be) falling now.4. Who can _ (help) this girl? 5. Look! A panda is _ (fall) down.用所给词的适当形式填空。22 . That is not _ kite. It is very small. _ is very big.(I)23 . My holiday is very _(interest).24 . The traffic _(be)very heavy and the streets are _(crowed).25 . _(we)dresses are red. What colour are _(you)?26 . I cant wait _(are)back home and see all my _(friend).四、阅读回答问题根据表格回答问题(12题要求完整完成下面小题可以简单回答)CCTV Channel(中央电视台频道)1TimeProgramme(节目)15:00Cook with Mrs Read15:30Animal World16:40Cartoon City17:00Sister Nancys Story Time17:30Sports World18:30Music Club19:00News(新闻) and Weather27 . Do you often watch TV after school?_28 . Helen comes home at 5:00 p.m. Can she watch Animal World? _29 . What time does Cartoon City start?_30 . Peter likes football and baseball. Which programme can he watch?_31 . Which programme do you like best?_五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Do you know my English teacher? My English teacher is a nice woman. Her name is Yu Li. She is tall and active. She speaks English very well. She is very clever and cool. She always plays with us. Her classes are very good. We all like her.32 . My English teachers name is Yu Li. (_)33 . She is short. (_)34 . She speaks English very well. (_)35 . She is cool. (_)36 . Her classes are very bad. (_)六、英汉混合英汉词组互译。37 . after school _38 . draw pictures _39 . play the piano _40 . watch films _41 . a photo of _42 . 读书_43 . 手工制作_44 . 一幢高楼_45 . 围成圆圈_46 . 多少_七、句型转换47 . I will buy a new bike for him. (变为同义句)_八、改错找出句子中错误的部分,并在横线上改正。48 . There is a lot of flowers in the garden._49 . What do you often do on Wednesday?_50 . There are a pen, two books and three erasers in the bag._51 . My favourite food is hamburgers. Its delicious._52 . My grandparents have a garden on front of their house._53 . There are lots of plant in my grandparents garden._54 . The bedrooms are clean. Pictures are everywhere._第 6 页 共 6 页

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