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南昌市2020年五年级下册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There is a shop between the school the park. ( )AatBorCand2 . Therea lot of sheep over there .AisBareCbe3 . Weoften _afterdinner. ( )AgoforwalkBgoforawalkCgowalk4 . Its so hot. _ your coat, Jack. ( )APut onBTake offCTry on5 . does Mike go to school? ( )By school bus.AHowBWhereCWhat6 . It _ like a castle.( )AlookBlooksClooking7 . 找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. dress B. desk C. shirt(_) 2. A. yellow B. red C. colour(_) 3. A. juice B. skirt C. milk(_) 4. A. trainer B. white C. black(_) 5. A. kite B. ball C. toy(_) 6. A. socks B. chocolate C. shoes8 . They _ black.AwereBareCisDWas9 . Are you having a picnic? ( )_AYes, we arent.BNo, we arent.10 . _are you from? ( )Im from Shanghai.AWhereBwhere11 . The girl looks _ ten shops. ( )AofBwithCin12 . So many animals in the ( )AGrand Theatre.BShanghai zoo.13 . Excuse me. Where is the cinema? ( ) .AI am a cleaner.BI am going outside.CNext to the bookstore.14 . Ill eat mooncakes _ my family. ( )AandBwithCfor15 . We often _ at five in the afternoon. ( )Ago to homeBgo home16 . My brother and I come to school taxi. ( )AbyBtakeCon二、阅读选择阅读理解。Do you know how to make a salad? Let me tell you. First, you should prepare something. Prepare a bowl, a knife, vegetables, a spoon and a fork. Then cut the vegetables with a knife. Later put the vegetables into the bowl. Use a spoon and a fork stir(搅拌) them. Salad is ready. Now you can have a try!17 . What should you do at first? ( )ACut the vegetables.BPrepare something.CStir.18 . What do you do with a knife? ( )ACut the vegetables.BStir the vegetables.CWash the vegetables.19 . How to stir vegetables? ( )AUse a spoonBUse a forkCUse a spoon and a fork20 . How many steps(步骤) do you need to make a salad? ( )ATwoBThreeCFour三、填空题21 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Can I have some _ (jelly)?2. There _ (be) some orange juice in the bottle.3. He never _ (watch) TV till very late.4. Walk into the room _ (quiet).5. Thank you for _ (invite) me to your house.6. Whats wrong with _ (he)?7. No _ (spit).8. The Great Wall is the _ (long) wall in the world.9. February is the _ (two) month of the year.10. They _ (play) football next Sunday.四、单词拼写22 . 将字母重新排列成正确的单词:r, e, a _五、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Steven is a schoolboy. He is thirteen years old this year. Today he is not at school. He is ill. He is in the hospital now. The doctor says to him, “Open your mouth and say Ah.” “OK, Doctor.” Steven opens his mouth.The doctor says, “You have a bad cold.”“What should I do, Doctor?”“Go home and take some medicine. Drink some warm water. Dont run or jump. Have a good rest.”“OK, Doctor. Can I go to school tomorrow?”“If (如果) you feel well, you can go to school. I hope you can get better soon.”“Thank you, Doctor.”23 . Steven is 13 years old this year. (_)24 . Steven is not at school today. (_)25 . Steven has a bad cough. (_)26 . Steven should take some medicine and take off his clothes. (_)27 . Steven should not drink any warm water. (_)六、匹配题28 . 选择相对应的答句_Whats your fathers job? AEleven._Who are they? BThey are my parents._How many people are there in your family?CHes a doctor._Whos this woman? DYes, he is._Is this your uncle?EShes my aunt.七、书面表达29 . 写作。(假设你的朋友生病了,请对他或她至少写出五条建议。)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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