南昌市2019版英语六年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷A卷

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南昌市2019版英语六年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ there any flowers in the nature park? ( )ADoBIsCAre2 . ( ) Lets get _ it and have a look.AcloseBbe closeCclose toDbe close t oRead and choose. ( 根据所给情景,选择一个最佳答案,补全对话。)3 . What do you have on Tuesdays? ( )星期二美术数学英语AWe have art, Chinese and PE.BWe have art, maths and English.CI do my homework.4 . Who is he? ( )AShes our English teacher.BHes our English teacher.CHes our science teacher.5 . Where is the dog? ( )AIts on the hat.BIts under the hat.CIts near the hat.6 . Do you often read books in this park? ( )AYes, I do.BNo, he isnt.CYes, they are.7 . 上周日你去哪里了?( )AWhere do you go last Sunday?BWhere did you go last Sunday?8 . like to wear a kilt. ( )AThe AmericanBThe ChineseCThe ScottishDThe British9 . What _ you do this morning? ( )AdoBdoesCdid10 . Here you _.AisBamCareDto11 . It is.AsnowBsnowingCsnowwing12 . The water is _. You can t swim. ( )AsunnyBwarmCcold13 . nine three _ ( )AfourBthree二、阅读选择14 . 阅读理解。A)阅读短文,选择正确的选项。It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen. Shes making apple pies. The pies she makes are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste? Mr. Brown isnt in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue? Shes in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching the Animal World.( ) (1)There are _ people in Mr. Browns family.A. six B. four C. two D. three( ) (2)Mrs. Brown is _.A. tasting the apple pies B. watching TVC. cookingD. eating a cake( ) (3)Mr. Brown looks after _ very well.A. Mrs. Brown B. his daughter C. his family D. his car( ) (4)Who are playing outside?A. Mrs. Brown and Sue. B. Some boys.C. Sue and Ann. D. Some girls.( ) (5) Sue and Ann are _.A. watching TV in the living roomB. playing football in the open airC. watching TV in Sues roomD. playing in Anns roomB)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Im Fangfang. I live in a village. Its small but beautiful. Look! That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the house theres a big river. You can see boats on the river. Many ducks are beside the boats. How lovely! Oh, many flowers are among (在之中)the trees. Lets get some for our teachers.( ) (1) Fangfangs house is small.( ) (2) Theres a small river behind the house.( ) (3) There are some boats on the river.( ) (4) What lovely ducks they are!( ) (5) Some flowers among the trees are for our English teachers.三、阅读回答问题15 . 阅读短文,用简单的词语或者句子回答所给的问题My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to the bookstore by bus. Then Im going to buy a dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.【小题1】Does Amy have classes on Saturday?_【小题2】Whats Amys mother going to do tomorrow?_【小题3】Whos Amys father is going to visit?_【小题4】When is Amy going to visit her grandparents and have a big dinner?_【小题5】Where is Amy going by bus?_四、任务型阅读看图,判断正(T)误(F)。16 . There is a letter on the table. (_)17 . There are two children under the tree. (_)18 . There is a bird on the basketball. (_)19 . There are three cupcakes(纸杯蛋糕)on the desk. (_)20 . Three birds are drinking water. (_)任务型阅读。This is a picture of my village. There are many small houses. There is a river around it. There are many fish in the river. There is a bridge over the river. There is a mountain behind the houses. There are many tall trees on the mountain. There are many animals on the mountain, too. The air is fresh there. Its really a beautiful village.21 . 根据短文内容,圈出符合短文描述的图片。ABC22 . 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。1. There are many big houses in the village. (_)2. There is a lake in front of the village. (_)3. There arent any fish in the water. (_)4. There is a mountain in front of the houses. (_)5. There are many trees and animals on the mountain. (_)五、选内容补全对话23 . 补全对话。ACan you tell me more about it?BThey live in Sanya. CYes, it is. DIm writing a letter to my uncles family. EYes, I do.Linda: What are you doing, Xiaoyong?Xiaoyong: _Linda: Do you miss them?Xiaoyong: _Linda: Where do they live?Xiaoyong: _Linda: Is Sanya a beautiful city?Xiaoyong: _Linda: _Xiaoyong: Of course. Its in the south of China. Its a famous city by the sea.六、匹配题24 . 情景交际1.Which season do you like best?_AI usually go to the beach on Christmas Day.2.Why do you like winter?_BYes, I do.3.What do you often do in the summer?_CAutumn.4.Do you like the music?_DBecause I can sleep all day.5.What do you usually do on Christmas Day?_EI often go swimming.七、音标题选出画线部分读音与其他不同的选项。25 . AcloseBopenCcomeDcold26 . AcanBlakeChaveDangry27 . AwillBlikeCswimDvisit28 . AredBeggCnextDshe29 . AwatchBcatchCstomachDbeach八、连词成句30 . 连词成句:school, I, writing, to, friends, all, am, letters, goodbye, my(.)_31 . 连词成句。1. my cooks mother breakfast morning every ( . ) _2. want go shopping the afternoon I to in ( . ) _3. Sundays do you on do what ( ? )_4. some have photos of family I my ( . ) _5. wants Bob cake a ( . )_6. has a Ted headache ( . )_7. about how you ( ? )_8. helps always but me Lily ( . )_9. is to play the piano it difficult ( ? )_10. Sunday tomorrow is ( . )_32 . 将下列单词排成一句话。1. white, Look. at, the, shoes (.)_2. They, nice, are, shoes (.)_3. What, your, size, is (?)_4. I , May, try, on, the ,trousers, black (?)_5. I , May, at, look. the, shoes, blue (?)_33 . 连词成句1. Chinese/ New/ happy/ Year (!)_2. entered/ the/ year/ we/ just/ of/ the/ tiger (.)_3. does/ she/ how/ often/ play/ sports (?)_4. animal/ is/ the/ my/ birth-year/ tiger (.)_5. do/ you/ what/ mean (?)_34 . 连词成句:lots of will stamps send you I Chinese(?)_九、书面表达35 . 写作根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate 上周六的一日生活(字数不少于60单词)7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out with friends 7:00 watch TV第 10 页 共 10 页


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