高中英语 Module 1《Basketball》Grammar(教案)外研版选修7

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!选修7 Module 1 BasketballGrammar(1)说课稿课题及教材简介本课题是外研版高中英语顺序选修7 Module 1 Basketball 中的 Grammar(1)部分,英语构词法中的转化。本模块主要内容为篮球。其学习目的是:帮助学生熟悉篮球运动的起源、发展和现状,了解优秀篮球运动员的风采,认识篮球运动的规则,探索篮球运动的安全性,讨论篮球运动在国内的普及度,以及体会不同国家的篮球文化,从而激发学生更加热爱篮球运动。语言知识目标1能识别所学词语和结构并听懂他们所在句子和段落并获取信息,能听懂和辨别词性转换和加后缀的词并获取信息,能听懂和辨别感情和情感的表达并获取信息。2能流利说出含有本模块词语和结构的句子、段落,熟练运用含有词性转换和后缀用法以及表达感情和情感功能的句子进行表达,能进行谈论篮球和其他运动的对话。3强调用英语获取和处理信息的能力目标,能从文章中获取主要信息并摘录要点,能理解文章主旨、作者意图,能提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息,能利用上下文猜测新词汇的含义。4能熟练写出包含所学词语和结构的句子、段落,能熟练写出含有词性转换和后缀用法以及表示感情和情感功能的句子、段落,能顺利完成模块所要求的短文写作和其他书面练习。学习策略目标1认知策略:通过含有一定难度的阅读练习,提高逻辑思维能力和对比策略。通过对材料进行理解、分析、综合等提高获取信息进而解决问题的能力。2交际策略:以篮球为主题进行对话,掌握准确的篮球术语,学习利用表达感情和情感的句子评论篮球运动员的风格,进行中外篮球文化的对比。文化意识掌握谈论篮球运动和其他运动项目的一般技巧,对中外篮球运动员的风格进行对比,进而比较中外篮球文化。教学重点与难点1练习说的技能,提高分析、综合和归纳能力。2掌握和利用词性转换。3复习以-ful,-less, -ic等后缀结尾的形容词。4预测、查读、评论、分析等各类阅读策略教学方法理论依据:高中新课程标准,整体语言教学理论具体方法:1任务行教学,以意义为中心,尽力调动各种语言和非语言资源,完成任务。2开展自主性学习的小组活动、合作探究与独立思考相结合。Book 7Module 1 Grammar 1 -Conversion 教案教学目标:英语构词法-转化及其应用能熟练写出包含所学词语和结构的句子、段落,能熟练写出含有词性转换和后缀用法以及表示感情和情感功能的句子、段落教学难点转化的意义及应用教学方法探究式学习,自主学习,合作式学习理论依据高中新课程标准,整体语言教学理论CONVERSIONStep1 Read the sentences and answer the questions1Ask the students to read through the four sentences and think about the two questions(1)Whats the difference in the way average and score are used in these sentences?(2) Does the meaning of the words change when they are used differently?2. Ask them to answer individually , then check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Answers:(1) In the first sentences “averaged” is a verb describing what Chamberlain did, in the second sentence “average” is a noun telling us what we are talking about. In the third sentence “score” is a verb while in the fourth sentence “score” is a noun.(2) No, it doesnt.Step 2 Find some conversion forms in the test(Reading and vocabulary)1. Ask the students to find the similar conversion forms in the test individually.2. Ask some students to read them out.Step 3. Rewrite the sentencesAsk the students to do the exercises individually, then get some students to read the sentences out with their partners cooperation. Get them to say the differences between them. And if they make some mistakes, the teacher correct them.Answers:1. win 2. a surprise 3. a changeStep 4. Decide which type of word is missing from the sentences (noun or verb) and complete the sentences with the words in the box.1. Read through the words in the box with the whole class an d make sure that they understand them.2. Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check them with the class. And get them to tell the words noun or verb.Answers: 1. verb: dream 2. noun: result 3. noun: star 4. verb: worked 5. noun: questionsStep 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Use each word twice.1. Read through the words in the box with the whole class and make sure that they understand them.2. Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check them with the class. And get them to tell the words noun or verb.Answers: 1. broke 2. head 3. record 4. played 5. headed 6. recorded 7. play 8. breakStep 6. ExercisesDo the exercises in the workbook on page 91.Then give the students the correct answers.Step 7. Homework Read the passage in the papers, and find the conversion words.板书设计Module 1 Basketball Conversionnoun - verb verb-noun 教后札记:课堂各个环节严格按新课程标准的指导思想而设计,使用了小组活动,全班活动,个人活动等活动方式,体现了新课程标准的合作学习及探究学习等教学方法,并加大了学生自主学习的实施。这样使枯燥无味的语法变得活泼生动,课堂形式多样化,大大提高了课堂效果,增加了学生对这部分语法知识的深刻认识,并能够灵活使用。在学生学习策略培养方面也起到了很大促进作用。在教学过程中如何使语法教学变得生动有效,是我们以后要努力的方向。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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