高一英语:Unit3 《The weird world of plants》-grammar教案(牛津上海版S1B)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Chapter3.The weird world of plants-grammar一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法-形容词和副词的比较结构在牛津英语中出现两次: 本课和高二(上)第二课。本课主要介绍副词的比较结构;高二(上)第二课主要介绍一些不规则的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式, 复习asas 结构,并且补充了一些修饰比较结构的副词,如,a bit, much, a little, a lot, rather, far。故本课不仅要介绍课本上副词的比较机构,还应适量扩展形容词和副词的用法。(二)目标学习形容词和副词的比较结构。(三)教学方法 口语情景教学法( 教师创设情景,学生主要通过口语训练达到对语言知识的掌握)(四)重点和难点1 简单总结一些形容词和副词的比较级和最高级不规则变化形式。2 细讲比较结构和句型。3 把比较级和最高级结构运用于实际生活中。4二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Lead in l 让学生找出课文中含有比较结构的句子,分析比较它们的不同点,引出正题:比较级。l 介绍比较级结构的特点。(见链接1)华师大一课一练Practicel 教师列出学生熟悉的两样或三样以上活动或事物,如:watching TV/going to the movies; a plane/a train,a kangaroo and a tortoise等,用比较结构比较两样事物或活动。l 从报纸或杂志上收集一些同类品牌汽车广告、旅游景点等信息,让学生用比较结构分析说明自己的选择,并编一个对话,向朋友推荐该汽车或旅游景点。l 用比较结构翻译句子。Exercises and homework写作:给学生两个选择,如出国留学和在国内大学求学,从几个方面,例如,学费、人文环境、自理能力等比较说明自己的选择。链接1 说明:与形容词比较结构有关的语言点知识。Language structure: 1) 只能做表语的形容词有: afraid, alike, alive, alone, asleep, awake, ashamed2) 以ly 结尾的形容词有:a. elderly; friendly; deadly; lovely; lonely; likely; lively; ugly; brotherly; sisterlyb. daily; weekly; monthly; yearly; early3) 没有比较级和最高级的绝对形容词有: correct, wrong, right, ready, full, empty, perfect, true, round, excellent, dead, atomic, industrial, British()4) tooto结构中没有否定意义的形容词有 anxious, delighted, eager, easy, glad, kind, pleased, ready, surprised, willing; 在too前往往有 “only, all. Never, just 修饰. e.g. One is never too old/late to learn.5) 形容词的排列顺序OSACOM(opinion, shape, age, color, origin, material)6) 特殊的形容词比较级:badly more/most badly (迫切地)fond/real/glad/worried/tired more/most fond/real/glad/worried/tired7) Would you be +adj.+ enough to do?Would you be so+adj.+ as (not) to do?(nearly/almost/just/quite/exactly/nothing like/every bit) as + adj./adv. + as not so/as + adj./adv. + asas + adj. + a + noun + asas + many/much + noun + astoo + adj. + a + noun + to8) 倍数+ as + adj. + as = 倍数+ the + noun + ofa. A is three times the size/length/height/width/age/depth of Bb. A is three times as big/long/high/wide/old/deep as Bc. A is three times bigger than B.9) This handbag is as good as, or better than the one I lost yesterday.This handbag is as good as, if not better than the one I lost yesterday.This handbag is one of the best handbags, if not the best one, that I have ever had.10) the more , the more.11) a bit/a little/rather/much/still/even/far/by far/any/many/a lot +比较级 + than= 比较级+ than + any other + noun/ than any of the other /than anybody else/anything else/than any + noun12) 形容词后有名词, 该形容词前有可能有定冠词. 例如, Which is larger, Canada or Australia?/ Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?13) 形容词的比较级后面有一个Of 的短语时, 这个比较级前要加定冠词. 例如, She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters.14) most+adj. 时most 解释为quite, very 例如 Its most beautiful. (它非常漂亮.)链接2说明:一些关于形容词比较结构的练习。I. Choose the suitable word to complete the sentences.deep / deeply1. Mary was _ moved by the novel and she went on reading _into the night.high / highly2. The teacher spoke _ of the smart boy.3. As a senior executive, shes _ paid.4. Throw the ball as _ as you can.wide / widely5. The rumour was _ spread throughout the country.6. Open your mouth _, please.fair / fairly7. Dont cheat. Play _.8. Their parents treat them both _.9. This maths test is _ easy.close / closely10. He examined the machine _.11. My home is _ to the shopping mall.12. They are _friends to each other and they share all the secrets with each other.direct / directly13. Please speak _ to her.14. She walked _ to me.most / mostly15. On Christmas Eve, we had several guests, who were _ friends of our daughter.16. What surprised me _ was that my friend used his new computer mostly for playing video games.II. Choose the best answers.17. _ you climb, _ youll see.A) The higher the fartherB) The taller the furtherC) The lower the fartherD) The higher the far18. The church is such a _ place that youd better not go there _.A) alone lonelyB) lonely aloneC) lonely lonelyD) alone alone19. Is the ice _?A) enough hard to skate onB) hard enough to skate onC) enough hard to skateD) hard enough to skate with20. The news is _ good. But I think it _ good to believe.A) rather; tooB) very; soC) fairly; tooD) so; to21. The boy is so near-sighted that he could not see clearly anything _.A) farB) nearC) nearbyD) distant22. It is _that pollution will be got rid of in the end.A) clearlyB) obviousC) naturalD) reasonable23. This factory has produced _ this year than it did last year.A) three times more carsB) twice as many carsC) more cars twiceD) many cars twice24. The prices of the goods are _ because they are produced _a low cost.A) cheap; forB) low; atC) cheap; atD) low; for25. You cant eat the meat any more. It _.A) went badlyB) went wrongC) has gone wrongD) has gone bad26. The trousers bought yesterday _ large for me.A) is much tooB) is too muchC) are much tooD) are too much27. Mountains are often wild places where one might _.A) easily be lostB) be easily lostC) easy be lostD) be easy lost28. The students are asked to sit _ in class.A) straightlyB) upC) straightD) upstairs29. Does your mother speak English _ your father?A) as good asB) so well asC) as well asD) weller than30. We should learn from our group leader, who talks _, but does _.A) less moreB) few moreC) more lessD) little many31. My _ brother is two years _ than I.A) older olderB) elder elderC) older elderD) elder older32. When he heard that English was most _ used in the world, he opened his eyes very _.A) widely widelyB) wide wideC) widely wideD) wide widely33. _ the temperature is, _ the water freezes.A) The colder the fasterB) The lower the fasterC) The lower the slowerD) The hotter the slower34. I always consider this _ of the two books.A) the bestB) bestC) the betterD) better答案I.1. deeply; deep 2. highly 3. highly 4. high 5. widely 6. wide 7. fair 8. fairly 9. fairly 10. closely 11. close 12. close 13. directly 14. direct 15. mostly 16. mostII. 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. C客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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