英语:Module 2《Highlight of My Senior Year》英文教案(5)(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!英语:Module 2Highlight of My Senior Year英文教案(5)(外研版选修7)Period 5 Listening Vocabulary, Everyday EnglishTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening.2. To study some daily expressions.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the answers to the Grammar exercises in the Workbook.Step 2. Vocabulary study1. Let Ss finish Activity 1 on page 20 to learn some new words.2. Give Ss some notes about the usage of the words.(1) 注意astonished与 astonishing的区别:astonished得主语是人,astonishing得主语是物。翻译“他发现的情况使他十分惊讶”,如下:He was astonished at what he found.=What he found was astonishing.(2) issue n (杂志、报刊的) 起,号Eg I bought the novel the day after its issue.v 分给,配发Eg The teacher issued paper and pencils to all the children. (3) vote v投票选择,选举vote for sb /sth支持某人/某事vote against sth / sb反对某人/某事vote to do sth投票决定做某事vote sb in/out 使某人在选举中当选/落选(4) competition n 比赛,竞赛 【拓展】compete v 与竞争,与比赛competitive adj 有竞争力的(5) popularity n普及,流行【拓展】popular adj 受欢迎的,流行的Step 3. Listening1. Ask Ss to listen to the discussion and finish the following table.EditorsPlannings_(1)_(2)_ to California _(3)_ of different sports clubs _(4)_ with Craiq Dalton_(5)_A piece on _(6)_ _(7)_ of the drama club play and the senior play_(8)_An interview with _(9)_Article about the _(10)_(11)_Pieces of letters about _(12)_Best _(13)_ in the areaSuggested Answers: (1) Sports (2) Senior Basketball teams trip (3) Comparison (4) An interview (5) Arts (6) the Big Noise (7) Reviews (8) News (9) the English teacher (10) new Science building (11) Opinions (12) foreign students (13) restaurants in the area2. Ask Ss to listen to the discussion again and choose the best answers.(1) In the senior basketball team, who will be interviewed by Joshua?A. The captain and a few other players.B. The coach of the team.C. Craig Dalton.(2) Which club is getting a lot more popular? A. Basketball club.B. Baseball club. C. Running club.(3) How is Joannas feeling about the Big Noise? A. She was amused when she heard them play.B. She was surprised by how good their songs were. C. She had no special feeling about their songs. (4) Which one is better according to the discussion? A. Drama club. B. Senior play. C. Not mention.(5) Why does Prescott leave from school? A. Because he has a health problemB. We dont know the exact reason. C. Because he doesnt like the school he is working now.(6) Which of the following sentences is incorrect according to the discussion? A. Craig Dalton is one of their best sportsmen.B. The Big Noise will be famous one day. C. Joanna feels happy that drama club is so much better than the senior play.Suggested Answers:(1) A (2) C (3) B (4) A (5) B (6) C 3. Ask Ss to listen to the tape a third time and fill in the missing words.Toby: Ok, were all here, so _(1)_. Joshua, what exciting ideas do you have?Joshua: _(2)_ is an article about the Senior Basketball teams trip to California. Interview the captain, and a few other players, _(3)_.Toby: Sounds good. What else?Joshua: I was thinking of doing an article comparing the popularity of the different sports clubs. Like, its interesting that the running clubs getting a lot more popular.Toby: Cool. We need one more piece, I think.Joshua: How about an article about Craig Dalton? Hes one of our best sportsmen.Toby: Didnt we do something like that six months ago?Joshua: We thought about it but we didnt do it _(4)_.Joshua: OK, so lets do those three.Toby: Joanna?Joanna: Im planning to write a piece on the Big Noise. You know, I went to hear them play the other day, and I was astonished by how good their songs were. I think _(5)_. My feeling is that _(6)_.Joshua: _(7)_. Theyre amazing.Toby: Good. What else?Joanna: Um, _(8)_, reviews of the drama club play, the senior play. You know, the drama club was so much better than the senior play, it was embarrassing. I wont say that of course.Toby: Why not? You should!Joanna: No, I dont like hurting peoples feelings. They all try so hard.Toby (laughing): Youll never be theatre critic if you think like that, Joanna. OK, Mr. News Editor, what are your ideas?Russell: I think what we need is some interesting news, and _(9)_!Joanna: What?Toby: Prescotts leaving.Joanna: Hes not! Oh, thats real pity. Why is he going?Russell: Thats _(10)_. Im going to interview him and ask him why.Toby:Ask him to stay. The school will never get another English teacher as good as him.Joshua: My belief is _(11)_.Russell:I dont think so. Anyway, well see. Im also preparing a short article on the new Science building.Toby:OK, this all sounds great. And how about the Opinions page, Kate?Kate:Well, weve had some great letters in, so we can use those. But what I was thinking was, there are quite a few foreign students whove come here to study for their final year of High School. My idea is that we ask one or two of them to write about their experiences, and give their opinion of the school.Alison:_(12)_ Thats all make them popular!Kate:Well, _(13)_. And the other thing Id like to do is an opinion piece on the best restaurants in the area.Toby:Great idea! OK, well, does anyone have any thing else to say? (Silence). OK, it seems _(14)_. See you here same time next week?All (chorws): OK. Yeath. Bye.Suggested Answers:(1) lets get going (2) What Im planning(3) that kind of thing(4) in the end(5) theyve really got something(6) theyre going to be famous one day(7) Im with you on that(8) the usual stuff (9) Ive got some(10) what my articles going to be about (11) he has a health problem(12) Supposing they say that they hate the place? (13) its up to them(14) were throughStep 4. Everyday EnglishAsk Ss to complete the conversations with the phrases and expressions in the box in Everyday English. Make sure they understand the meanings of the phrases and expressions.Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to finish Vocabulary Exercises in the Workbook on P98.2. Ask Ss to preview Reading and Vocabulary (3) and Writing.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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