高二英语:《unit4 the Burger business-grammar》教案(牛津上海版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!unit4. The Burger Businessgrammar教案一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法被动语态是本章节的一项重要语法项目,它是动词的一种形式,表示主语是动作的承受者。学生对于动词的使用能力,无论是时态还是语态,相对来说较弱, 因此在指导学生学习这一部分时,应该让学生首先牢记被动语态的总结构be + done,在此基础上多操练各种时态的被动语态,多识记一些常用句型。(二)目标学习各种时态的被动语态及一些常用句型。(三)教学方法 归纳法。 (四)重点和难点1. A 部分简单复习一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态,然后归纳出被动语态的总结构be done;在此基础上将结构运用到其它时态。此外归纳出不用被动语态的情况。2. B部分归纳一些常用句型,是重点。3. C部分可带领学生学习书中所给例词。4. D部分可以通过练习稍加巩固。 二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Lead in Warming upl 利用图片进行小组对话,复习一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态 l 引导学生归纳出被动语态的结构牛津英语 课本 Page64 A1Practicel 在进行了短暂热身练习之后,让学生找出下列句子中哪些是主动语态哪些是被动语态 l 让学生把分别含有不同时态的句子改为被动语态,进一步熟悉被动语态的结构l 介绍It is said that 等常用句型并通过练习进行巩固 具体处理这部分的内容的建议见链接1。l 拓展感官动词的被动语态和主动形式表示被动意义的一些动词具体处理这部分的内容的建议见链接2。 牛津英语教学参考Exercises and homework教师自编题目和书后练习结合操练具体处理这部分的内容的建议见链接3。牛津英语课本以及课后练习 链接1说明: 这是一份关于被动语态的教案。Teaching procedures:Step One Leading inl Present students some pictures (图片可扫描书上Page64A1) T: What is this called? S: Its called a safety razor. T: What is it used for ? S: Its used to shave safely. T: When was it invented? S: It was invented in 1895.l Ask the students to work in pairs and ask about the rest inventions .l Questions: How can we make these passive forms?(By using the verb be and the past participle)Step Two Practice:l Ask students to change each sentence into the passive.1. The cashier takes your order.(Your order is taken by the cashier.)2. He sold over 100 million cubes.( Over 100 million cubes were sold by him.)3. The salesman is offering me a special deal.( I am being offered a special deal by the salesman.4. At 6 p.m. Gary was washing the potatoes.( At 6 p.m. the potatoes were being washed by Gary.)5. The doctor has cured the little boy.( The little boy has been cured by the doctor.)6. By the end of last week, we had covered three units.( Three units had been covered by the end of last week.)7. The professor will give a lecture on history.( A lecture on history will be given by the professor.)8. We heard that they would sell clothes of the latest fashion in the store the next week.( We heard that clothes of the latest fashion would be sold in the store the next week.)9. The doctor is taking good care of the little girl.( The little girl is being taken good care of.)l After the practice above, the teachers can sum up the following points for students:1) 不及物动词没有被动语态2) 系动词没有被动语态3) 短语动词的被动语态,不可丢掉动词后面的介词或副词。l Teachers introduce the following sentences patterns to students.1) It is said that 据说2) It is suggested 据建议3) It is believed 大家相信4) It is reported 据报道5) It is thought 大家认为6) It is well known that众所周知( The above pattern is useful for expressing an idea when we do not know exactly who the speakers or the listeners are.)Example:It is said that McDonalds has its own university.( = McDonalds is said to have its own university.)It is thought that smoking is bad for your health. (= Smoking is thought to be bad for your health.)Practice:l Change the following sentences into the sentences with the infinitive:1. It is said that the new project is in progress.= The new project is said to be in progress.2. It is reported that GDP in 2006 has increased by 8 percent.=GDP in 2006 is reported to have increased by 8 percent.3. It is believed that he studied abroad last year.= He is believed to have studied abroad last year.l Translate the following sentences into English :1. 据报道200人死于这次空难。(It is reported that 200 people were killed in the air crash.) ( 200 people are reported to have been killed in the air crash.)2. 人们相信麦当劳的员工培训是世界上最好的之一。 ( It is generally believed that McDonalds staff training program is one of the best in the world.) ( McDonalds staff training program is believed to be one of the best in the world.)3. 众所周知,计算机能帮助人们提高工作效率。 (It is well known that computers help people to work more efficiently.链接2说明:这是被动语态的拓展部分,拓展了感官动词的被动和主动形式表示被动意义的一些动词,教师可选择使用。1. 感官动词和使役动词的宾补在主动语态中是不带to的不定式,变为被动时,该不定式前要加to典型例句:1) The teacher made me go out of the classroom.(I was made to go out of the classroom by the teacher)2) We saw him play football on the playground.( He was seen to play football on the playground.)2主动形式表示被动意义1)有些动词表示主语内在特性,后常接副词。这类动词有wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, write, sell等。典型例句:1) The book sells well.2) This knife cuts easily.3) The pen writes smoothly.2) 有些动词习惯上用不定式主动态,这类动词有blame, let等典型例句:1) I was to blame for the accident.2) The apartment on the top floor is to let.链接3说明: 这是针对本章节语法部分的专项练习。I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs given.1. Dont take away the papers. They _ ( not sign) by the manager.2. It _(say) that some effective ways have been found to stop pollution.3. My pictures _(not develop) until next week. What a pity!4. Ms Green bought that kind of cloth because she _ (tell ) that the cloth is of high quality.5. No decision _(make) about that matter yet.6. The children _(allow) to swim in this new swimming pool last Sunday.7. Our classroom _(clean) this time yesterday.8. It _(believe) that this kind of species is threatened with extinction.9. By the time he came, the task _(complete).10. The cloth _(wash) well.11. The house is _(let)12.Key: 1. havent been signed 2. is said 3. will not be developed 4. was told 5. has been made 6. were allowed 7. was being cleaned 8. is believed 9. had been completed 10. washes 11. to let II. Multiple choice:1. He arrived in London, where he _ his friend.A. was met byB. was metC. was meetingD. met by2. The war _ in 1937. A. was broken out B. had been broken out C. has broken out D. broke out3. In a test paper, anything wrong _ the teacher. A. will acrossB. will be crossing C. will be crossed byD. are crossed by4. The factory _ up by the end of last year. A. had been buildingB. will be built C. had been builtD. had built5. The students _ in the rain when they came back home. A. caughtB. were caughtC. was catchingD. are caught6. When I reached the box office, all the tickets _ out. A. have sold B. have been soldC. had been soldD. were sold7. -“ Have you moved into your new house?” -“ No, it _ now.” A. is paintedB. is being paintedC. is paintingD. being painted8. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year. A. treatedB. have treatedC. had been treated D. have been treated9. -What happened to the priceless works of art? -_.A. They were destroyed in the earthquake.B. The earthquake was destroyed themC. They destroyed in the earthquake.D. The earthquake destroyed them.10. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A. loseB. will be lostC. are lostD. will lose11. Mary realized that she_. A. was making fun ofC. was made fun C. was being made fun ofD. was being made funKey: 1. A 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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