高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 5 Ethnic Culture》5-1Introduction

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 5 第1课时.单词拼写1There is an e_ shop over there.2Only a m_ of British households do/does not have a car.3Her interests are very d_.4Her n_ language is German.5You dont need braces(背带)if youre wearing a b_.答案:1.ethnic2.minority3.diverse4.native5.belt.单项填空1(2010潍坊市高二模块考试)Spacecraft “Discovery” has failed in the course of launch._? They have been preparing for the test.A. How come B. WhenC. How D. Why not答案:A解析:How come?在这里的意思是“怎么回事?”,表示不解,惊讶。2In our_life English is_used.Aeveryday; wide Beveryday; widelyCevery day; wide Devery day; widely答案:B解析:everyday为形容词“日常的”;作定语,widely为副词,意为“广泛地”;修饰谓语动词。3Since everyone is here, lets_to business.Aget on Bget awayCget up Dget down答案:D解析:get down to表示“开始认真做”;其中to为介词。4All the information must be_before handing it to the editor.Aput together Bput outCput up Dput on答案:A解析:put together表示“整理”;“合在一起”;put out表示“熄灭”;“生产”;“出版”;put up表示“举起”;“搭起”;“张贴”;put on表示“穿上”;“上演”。5(2010泰安市期中考试)_he told us is the news_China has got 32 gold medals in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens,_, of course, made the nations feels very excited.A. What; which; which B. That; that; whichC. What; that; which D. That; that; what答案:C解析:第一空用what作told的宾语构成主语从句; 第二个空用that引导同位语从句,说明the news的具体内容;第三个空用which引导一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面整个句子所表达的内容。6In Arab countries, people eat_ the fingers of their right hand.Ausing BuseCto use Dused答案:A解析:using为现在分词短语作伴随状语。7After a traffic accident, measures must be made to stop cars_.Acatching fire Bsetting fireCgetting fire Dcausing fire答案:A解析:catch fire意为“引起、导致火灾”。8The child is so young that he can not help_the family.Asupported BsupportingCbeing supported Dsupport答案:D解析:help后的动词前可省去to;support“供养;支持”。9The book_ yesterday contains a lot of useful_.Abuying; informations Bbought; informationsCbuying; information Dbought; information答案:D解析:bought yesterday为过去分词作定语;information为不可数名词。10(2010山东省实验中学内部材料)Childrens brains cant develop properly_they lack protein(蛋白质)A. when B. sinceC. because D. unless答案:A解析:本题考查when的一个特殊用法。在本题中的when引导的是一个条件状语从句,相当于if。整个句子的意思是:如果孩子缺少蛋白质,大脑就不能正常发育。11This type of music is_ with the young people than that one.Amany more popular Bmuch more popularCpopular Dmuch popular答案:B解析:形容词比较级前加much, even, a lot等表程度。12Five_ three makes eight.Aadding to Badd toCadded to Dadd up to答案:C解析:makes是谓语,之前是主语,数学计算都是被动的(人计算数字),故用过去分词。13We made him _ of our football team.Aa head BheadCthe head Dheads答案:B解析:表示身份,职位等名词,在句中作宾补,同位语时,且该身份地位独一无二时,名词前不加冠词。14Who have you had _ the work?Ado Bto doCdoing Ddone答案:A解析:此题应为have sb. do的固定短语结构。15Was it this room _ they had a meeting yesterday?Awhere BthatCwhen Dwhich答案:A解析:where在句中引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。.完形填空Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour. The thinking is that they can then go to the places that_1_them. Nonsense! What you see from the_2_of a moving bus is_3_and completely removed(脱离)from the real sights, sounds, and_4_outside. Be adventurous! The best_5_to experience any place is on foot and with absolutely no travel plan. _6_go wherever your feet and your interests_7_you. You finally will get to the_8_sites(地点)that are on the bus tourthe museums, the monuments, city hallbut you will have seen much more. You will have_9_the present life of the city.“But what if I get lost?”people might ask. No one ever gets_10_lost in a major city. At first you can find your way back to a(an)_11_location(地方). If it_12_you to be“lost”, just find a taxi and go back to where you started, however, the_13_things can happen if you get lost. You_14_at a sidewalk cafe to sit and relax. You ask instructions of the local people at the next table. And_15_they dont speak your language, your trip becomes more memorable because of the_16_. Here are a few more ways to get the most out of your travel.Know before you go. _17_a few hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination(目的地). This will help you understand what youre seeing.Move around like a local. Use the subways and buses of the city youre_18_. Youll not only save money, but youll also learn how people really live.Check the bulletin boards. Sometimes you can find advertisements for free concert, and_19_fun activities on bulletin boards around universities.So the next time you see a poster advertising an introductory bus tour, save your money. Instead, wander_20_. I promise you a time youll remember with great pleasure.1A.encourage BdisappointCinterest Dplease答案:C解析:旅行的对象当然是自己“感兴趣”的地方,interest用作及物动词,意为“使感兴趣”。2A.inside BfrontCback Dcenter答案:A解析:从前文判断,如果乘坐公共汽车,你只能从公共汽车里边看外边的景象。3A.real BtrueCunreal Dcommon答案:C解析:从后面“完全脱离了真实的景象”判断,此处从公共汽车内部所看到的景象应是“不真实的”。4A.views BcitiesCtowns Dsmells答案:D解析:与前面的名词并列的只能是“气味”。这里and表示名词之间的并列关系,因为前面已经出现了sights, sounds,如果再选views,与前面的sights在语意上重复,因此只能选smells,强调旅行时的“所见所闻”;游客的一种全方位的感受。5A.idea BwayCthought Dthinking答案:B解析:作者在前面分析了乘公共汽车的弊端,这儿提出自己的建议:最好的旅行方式是步行。因为作者是在给读者提建议,因此此处不能用idea“主意”;thought“思想”;thinking“思维”;下文第三段最后一句也有提示。6A.Simply BParticularCGenerally DEspecially答案:A解析:副词simply“仅仅”;用在祈使句的前面来加强语气。7A.lead BmoveCtell Dsame答案:A解析:从前面作者建议不要按旅行计划看,作者认为旅行时最好是“随心所欲”,跟着感觉走,信马由缰,兴致所至,故用lead sb.(to a place)“引领某人到某处”。8A.different BwrongCright Dsame答案:D解析:作者强调步行跟乘坐公共汽车旅行是殊途同归,去的地方是一样的。9A.left BfeltClived Dled答案:B解析:作者还是在强调步行的好处:充分“感受”了城市的现实生活。10A.terribly BpossiblyChopelessly Dfinally答案:C解析:作者认为在大城市里一个人不可能完全迷路,因此此处用hopelessly,意为“毫无希望地;无望地”,相当于completely。其他几个副词terribly用作程度副词“极其”;possibly“可能的”;finally“最终”;均不能准确表达题意。11A.unknown BwellknownCstrange Dfamiliar答案:B解析:作者建议首先回到一个“有名的”地方,这样便于找到路。游客第一次来一个城市,不可能对城市很熟悉,故不选D。12A.frightens BsupposesCdelights Dsurprises答案:A解析:此处说明迷路对游客造成的恐惧感,故用frighten“使害怕”。13A.worst BhardestCnicest Dhappiest答案:C解析:从下文看,此处作者认为迷路也有意想不到的好处,故用nicest。happiest“最幸福的”语意太强,用在此处不合适。14A.reach BgetCarrive Dstop答案:D解析:此处stop at表示“临时歇脚;暂时停留”;C项有很强的干扰性,但arrive at当“到达”讲时,往往表示有计划性、有目的性,因此与此处的语境不符。15A.in case Bas a resultCin fact Deven if答案:D解析:本句考查复合句的引导词,从句意及逻辑关系判断,只能用even if“即使”;说明语言不通也没有关系。其他几个选项in case“以免”;as a result“结果”;in fact“事实上”;均不符合本句的逻辑关系。16A.experience BconversationCtalk Dtrip答案:A解析:作者说明因为有了这样的“经历”而使你的旅行更加令人难忘。17A.Take BSpendCPay DUse答案:B解析:考查spend some time(in)doing sth.句型,作者建议旅行之前要先了解旅行目的地的历史和文化。18A.seeing BvisitingCgoing Dwalking答案:B解析:前面作者建议游客像一个当地人一样到处转转,此处当然是指“去旅行、参观”的城市。see“看见”,不合题意,其他两个都是不及物动词,不能跟宾语。19A.the other BanotherCothers Dother答案:D解析:此处指免费音乐会以外有趣的活动,指三者以上“另外的”,只能用other。another表示三者以上“另外的一个”,而此处后面用的是复数名词activities; others“另外的人或物”,用来替代名词,而不能修饰名词;the other“其余的”;不合逻辑。20A.of your own Bof yourselfCon your own Dby yourself答案:C解析:on ones own意为“依靠自己”;by oneself意为“独自一人”;从前面看,作者建议不要依靠公共汽车,但不一定非得是“独自”旅行,故C为最佳答案。.阅读理解The city of Venice, in Italy, is very famous. It is built on more than 120 islands, just off the coast. The islands are small and close together. The waterways between them are used as streets. They are called canals.In this watery world, people use boats to travel from place to place. Gondolas, small boats that are moved with one oar(桨), were once the only boats used in the canals. But today, motorboats make getting around faster; there are still lots of gondolas, though. Many visitors go to Venice all the year round. And they like to ride in the oldstyle boats.If you arent going far in this city, its easier to go on foot. There are hundreds of narrow footpaths. About 100 low bridges connect the footpaths and the islands. But these bridges cause problems for the boaters. When the sea tide(潮)is high, the canal water rises. People in the boats must duck to fit under bridges.1After reading the first paragraph, we can come to the conclusion that_.Aall the buildings in Venice are held up(抬高)on seawaterBtheres no land in the city of VeniceCthe streets in Venice are all lined with boatsDfew people can be seen walking in the streets of Venice答案:D解析:第一段提到威尼斯是建立在许多岛屿基础上的,水路被当作大街,所以不会看到人在街上走。2It is clear that_.Aall the people in Venice ride in boats with one oar to get from place to placeBgondolas are the only boats used in the canalsCthe ways of getting round in Venice are different from those in any other cityDmotorboats have taken the place of gondolas in Venice now答案:C解析:第二段第一句“In this watery world, people use boats to travel from place to place.”表明与其他地方明显不同。3Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?AMany people like to ride in the oldstyle boats.BNeither cars nor buses are used in Venice.CCitizens in Venice dont walk much.DGondolas rides are common in Venice.答案:B解析:文中没有提到公共汽车或小汽车。4Which of the following statements leads us to the conclusion that travelling around Venice by gondolas can be slow?AGondolas, small boats that are moved with one oar, were once the only boats used in the canals.BBut today, motorboats make getting around faster.CBut these bridge cause problems for the boaters.DPeople in the boats must duck to fit under bridges.答案:B解析:通过B选项可见motorboats比传统的gondolas要快得多。5The word“duck”in the last sentence means“_”Abend ones head in order not to be hitBgo quickly under water for a short timeCswim as a duck doesDdive suddenly like a duck答案:A解析:文章最后,海水涨潮,运河里的水升高,船必然也会随着升高,所以船在过桥时,人必须要低头弯腰过去。to fit under bridges,指适合从桥下过。故选A项。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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