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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式兴庆区第十六小镇河分校2015-2016学年第二学期五年级英语教学计划全册教材的简要分析 全册教材从内容形式方法插图及装祯设计等方面都以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机和兴趣为宗旨。教学内容紧密联系小学生的生活和学习实际,选择话题充分考虑到小学生的需求,本册书共6个单元,2个复习单元,每单元分ABC三个部分,共10页。复习单元为6页。每单元须六课时左右,约40课时。绿 色 圃 中 小 学 教 育 网 http:/www.Lspjy.com 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.Lspjy.com教材设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。课程标准对全册教育教学的要求 1、能听、说、读、写69个短语和单词以及14组句子和6个谚语句子。(包括日常活动、季节、生日、电话用语、动物和野营等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2、能听、说、认读85个单词。3、能听懂、会唱6首歌曲。4、能理解6个幽默小故事。5、能了解6项简单的语法知识。学期教学重点及难点1、学习一天中不同时间段学习和生活起居情况的表达,尤其是学会使用频度副词谈论日常生活;2、问答最喜欢哪个季节并陈述原因;3、学习12个月份的名称、每个月的主要活动和与序数词有关的日期表达法;4、学习现在进行时,能够简单描述自己或他人正在做什么,询问他人正在做什么,询问动物正在做什么并作答;5、学习形容词性和名词性物主代词的用法。6、学习祈使句的用法。绿 色 圃 中 小 学 教 育 网 http:/www.Lspjy.com 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.Lspjy.com改进教学、提高教学质量的主要措施1、认真钻研教材和课标,精心备课,认真上好每一堂课。确定每堂课的基础内容,预备内容和拓展内容,满足不同层次学生的不同需求。2、尽可能使用多种方式教学,激发学生的课堂兴趣。3、及时与学生沟通,及时改进教学中存在的问题和不足4、注重个别辅导,在面向全体学生的基础上,培优补差。5、重视语音的训练,进一步复习巩固音标。6、扎实训练四会句型,切实掌握语言材料。7、在课堂上多开展一些有趣活动、游戏。让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。 主备人: 总第 1 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Period 1 Section A Lets learn Ask and write课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写do morning exercises, eat breakfast, haveclass, play sports, eat dinner。2. 会说句型:“When do you do morning exercises/?”并能回答“Atoclock.”。教学重点1. 掌握Lets learn中的动词短语并能用于回答问询作息时间。2. 掌握单词exercises的正确发音。教学难点能用动词短语回答问询作息时间。绿 色 圃 中 小 学 教 育 网 http:/www.Lspjy.com 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.Lspjy.com教具学具单词卡、教学光盘2、准备教学录音带、录音机。教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)1. Use the cards to learn new phrases.2. T: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, Lets/I often do morning exercises.3. Read these sentences.4. 学生听录音,分角色读Lets learn 。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)Role- play1) Answers the questions.2) Ask and write.教师引导学生完成填空,并分小组运用句型进行对话练习:Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)Step 5.学生小结:这节课我学到了_教学过程Step 5.布置当堂作业绿色圃中小学教1、书写并背诵四会词组。2、读背Lets learn的对话。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My daydo morning exercises eat breakfast haveclass play sports eat dinner When do you do morning exercises/eat breakfast/? Atoclock.When do you get up/? I get up at.a.m. / p.m.教学反思 主备人: 总第 2 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Period 2 Section A lets try lets talk课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听懂Lets try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2. 听、读Lets talk部分,运用核心句子“When do you finish your class in the morning?” “We finish class at 1 oclock.”来谈论时间,并变换单词,分角色练习对话。教学重点1. 掌握句型“When do you finish your class in the morning?”并能做出正确回答。2. 能灵活运用“When do you usually eat dinner/”“Usually atoclock.”问答作息时间。教学难点能灵活运用“When do you usually eat dinner/”“Usually atoclock.”问答作息时间。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. Review “Times”(板书时间,让学生用英语说一说):10:00/6:00/9:00/ 2. Review the phrases.Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)。1. Lets talk.1) 让学生勾出生词:finish class,go back to school,classes start, too late(板书并讲解其意思,并反复教读) 2) 学生自读课文,理解意思,并回答提问:T: When do you finish class/ in the morning? Ss: We finish class/ at oclock.T: When do you go back to school/ after lunch? Ss: At .T: When do you usually eat dinner/ in Spain? Ss: Usually at oclock.替换并反复操练几个句型,让学生掌握。3) Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue again.2. lets try. When are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Listen and tick.教学过程Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)活动设计1:Act “Lets talk”.活动设计2: Role play .Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业1. 背诵Lets talk。2. 仿写Lets talk。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My dayWhen do you finish class/ in the morning? We finish class/ at oclock.When do you go back to school/ after lunch? At When do you usually eat dinner/ in Spain? Usually atoclock.教学反思 主备人: 总第 3 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Period 3 Section B Lets learn Do a survey课 型新授课教学目标1.能够听说读写clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。2.掌握句型:“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/ on Saturdays”。教学重点1. 掌握四会动词短语,并用于句型“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/ on Saturdays”谈论周末活动。2. 能运用often/always/sometimes进行替换练习。教学难点能灵活运用所学句型及动词短语完成Do a survey.教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)1. Sing a song “My weekend”.2. Translate.3. Read and answer the questions.(板书,学生口头回答)When do you usually get up on Mondays? When do you usually go to bed on Fridays? Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)1. Learn the new phrases:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class .T: clean my room, clean my roomLets clean my room.学生跟读用同样的方法教读词组。2. Learn the new sentence: I usually clean my room/ on Saturdays.运用新学词组反复操练此句型,再将usually换成often: 教学过程3. Listen to the tape and read it again.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)1. Substitution drills:用always /sometimes替换often进行句型练习。2. Listen and read “Lets learn”.3. Do a survey:Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本节课的单词和句型。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My dayclean my room go for a walk go shopping take a dancing classI often/always/sometimes go shopping/ with my mother/on Saturdays/on Sundays/on the weekend.教学反思 主备人: 总第 4 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Period 4 Section B Lets try Lets talk课 型新授课教学目标1、 能听懂Lets try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2、能听懂、会说“What do you do on the weekend?” “I often /I usually/Sometimes I”,在实际情境中运用。教学重点掌握Lets learn的词组,并应用。教学难点能在相似的情景中正确替换句中关键词,练习新语言。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. Read and translate2. Review the sentenceStep 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)1. Learn “lets talk”.1) Read and translate the words: why, shop, work, last, sound, also, busy, need.(反复教读)2) Dialogue Practice. 先让学生自读课文,理解课文意思。 T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss: I often /I usually/Sometimes I 反复操练,让学生掌握句型。 2. Listen to the tape and read it again.3. Talk with your partnerStep 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)教学过程1. Roal-play 熟悉会话“What do you do on the weekend? I often”2. Listen and read “Lets try”, Choose the right picture.Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业 背诵并默写本节课所学的单词和句型。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My daywhy shop work last sound also busy need What do you do on the weekend? I often /I usually/Sometimes I教学反思 主备人: 总第 5 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Section A lets spell Section B read and write课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听懂录音,并能总结Lets spell中字母组合cl和 pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl 和pl的单词。2. 能读懂Read and write,并完成相应练习。教学重点能总结字母组合cl和 pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl 和pl的单词,并能自己说一说、写一写。教学难点试着跟同桌说说“ what you often do every day?”并写出来。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. Sing a song: My weekend.2Review these words in this unit.3. Review these sentencesStep 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)1. Learn “Lets spell”.1) Lets chant.2) Read these words, find out the same point.clean clock class clever /kl/plate eggplant please play /pl/ 3) Listen, write and say. (老师示范书写。)4)Choose, write and say. 2. Read and write.教学过程1) Lets read the passage and try to translate the sentences.(老师找出重点单词或短语,反复教读并让学生理解意思。)2) Tick or cross(老师讲评并纠正).3) Write a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often do every day.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时5分钟)1. 找一找、读一读含有字母组合cl和 pl的单词。2. You can design a robot of your own. Draw and write about him/her.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本课所学句型。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My daycl : clean clock class cleverpl: plate eggplant please playI live in I often 教学反思 主备人: 总第 6 课时教学内容Unit 1 My day Period 6 Section B Lets check Lets wrap it up课 型新授课教学目标1. 通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2. 语法知识:。3. 能听懂story time的故事内容。教学重点熟练掌握am, is, are与主语连接的语法知识。教学难点试着自己总结本单元的知识点。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)Main scene1 Turn to page2and page3.Try to read and translate these sentences.2 Guess the meaning of the story.3 T show the meaning of these sentences. 4Read after the tape twice.Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)1. Lets check. 1) Listen and tick. 2) Give answers about you.T: What do you do on the weekend?S1: I often S2: I always S3: I sometimes2. Lets wrap it up(可选上)教学过程3. Story time.1S guess what happened in the story. 2Read after the tape twice.3Talk about the main meaning of the story.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)1. Review the words of this unit.2. Review the sentences: When do you eat breakfast/ in the morning/? We eat breakfast/ at oclock.What do you do on the weekend?I often watch/ with my mother/.(反复操练。)3. Role- play“ main scene”P2P3(时间允许时进行。)Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)Step 5.布置当堂作业背诵并默写本单元四会单词及句型。板书设计或要点Unit 1 My daygo play have do 教学反思 主备人: 总第 7 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite seasonPeriod 1 Section A Lets learn Read and match课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听说读写单词season, spring, summer, autumn, winter。2. 初步掌握句型Which season do you like best?并能回答。教学重点掌握单词season, spring, summer, autumn, winter的发音。教学难点掌握Lets learn中如何询问和回答最喜欢的季节,并能试着说出理由。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟) 1. 引导学生复习形容天气的单词cold, warm, hot, cool. cold, cold Its cold.用同样方式复习余下单词。 2. 复习四年级下册询问天气的句型T: Whats the weather like in Kunming? Ss: Its cold/ Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时19分钟) 1) Learn the new words: season, spring, summer, autumn, winter. 2) T: spring, spring, I like spring. Ss: spring, spring, I like spring.3) Talk about the weather. 4) Lets learn. 教学过程T: Which season do you like best? S1: Spring. Its warm and sunny every day.S2:Summer.I can go swimming 反复操练并让学生掌握该句型。 5) 、Listen to the tape,分角色读Lets learn. 请学生翻译句子。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)1、Role- play:2、Read and match: Read and choose the right pictures.Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)学生小结Step 5.布置当堂作业绿色圃中小学教育背诵并默写四会单词及句型。板书设计或要点Unit 2 My favourite seasonspring summer autumn winter Which season do you like best?教学反思 主备人: 总第 8 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite seasonPeriod 2 Section A Lets try Lets talk 课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听懂Lets try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2. 听、读Lets talk部分,运用核心句子“Which season do you like best?” “Spring/Winter/.Its pretty/ I like snow/”来谈论最喜欢的季节,并变换单词,分角色练习对话,说出简单的理由。教学重点掌握句型“Which season do you like best?”并能在实际情境中运用。教学难点能正确回答“Which season do you like best?”并能说出喜欢的理由。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时8分钟)1. Review “the weather”.Whats the weather like?Its warm /hot/cool/cold/sunny/windy/snowy/.并让学生说出划线部分单词意思。3. 2. Review the words.season, spring, summer, autumn, winter 并将单词带入句型中去复习:T: Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. Its warm. / (用同样句式复习其他单词) 反复操练此句型。Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)。1. Lets talk.1) 学习重点单词、短语和句型:beautifulIts very beautiful. 教学过程prettyIts pretty.(教师可以自己找一找并板书)2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 3) 学生自读课文,并根据课文回答提问:T: Which season do you like best?Ss: Winter/. I like snow./Its pretty.4)请学生讲解重点句子,并对重点做好笔记。2. Lets try. What is the weather like today?Listen and write.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)灵活运用所学重点单词和句型造句。3. Teach the song “Whats your favourite season?”Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)Step 5.布置当堂作业 熟读并背诵本课对话。板书设计或要点Unit 2 My favourite seasonWhat is the weather like today? Ss: Its warm/.Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. Its warm. / .教学反思 主备人: 总第 9 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite seasonPeriod 3 Section B Lets learn Ask and answer 课 型新授课教学目标1、能掌握动词短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。2、能掌握问句“Which season do you like best?”更详细的回答方式。教学重点1、熟练掌握短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。2、能将本课重点短语运用到句型“I often go on a picnic/.with my family.”中去。教学难点能熟练回答“Which season do you like best?”并能说明理由。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. 开火车的形式拼读单词:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter。2. 复习对话:T: Which season do you like best?Ss: Winter/. I like snow. / Its pretty.反复操练巩固句型。Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟)http:/1. Learn the phrases: go on a picnic, go on a picnicI often go on a picnic.用以上方式反复教其余词组:go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman.2. Learn the sentence:T: Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. I often go on 教学过程a picnic.替换单词或词组反复操练此句型,让学生掌握此句型。 3. Listen to the tape and read it again.分角色读。4. 师生互译短语和重点句子。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Ask and answer: 两人一小组进行对话练习。2. 学生灵活运用短语和句型去造句Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)学生小结Step 5.布置当堂作业背诵并默写四会词组及句型板书设计或要点Unit 2 My favourite seasonWhich season do you like best? I like spring best. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. go on a picnic I often go swimming . pick apples make a snowman教学反思 主备人: 总第 10 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite seasonPeriod 4 Section B Lets try Lets talk 课 型新授课教学目标1. 能听懂Lets try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。2. 能正确回答为什么最喜欢这个季节,并能在情景中熟练运用这个句子。教学重点掌握学习目标中的句型,要求学生能在真实的情景中运用。教学难点正确运用答句“Because I can”。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1、Sing a song “Whats your favourite season?”.2、Review the phrase: go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman.(板书:go on a picnicI often go on a picnic with my family.让学生替换词组反复复习。)3. Answer the question. T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like spring. Its pretty.反复进行替换练习,要求学生说出理由。Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)1) 学习重点单词、短语和句型,good job, because,。(教师可以自己找一找,并板书)2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.教学过程3) 学生自读课文,并根据课文回答提问:T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like spring best.T: Why? Ss: Because the weather is pretty.反复操练几个句型,让学生掌握。4) 请学生讲解重点句子,并对重点做好笔记。5) Listen “lets try”,Choose the right picture.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Act “lets talk”.2. Try to write a dialogue.Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)Step 5.布置当堂作业1. 背诵lets talk。 2. 试着编写新对话。板书设计或要点Unit 2 My favourite seasongood job becauseWhich season do you like best? I like spring best.Why? Because there are pretty flowers.教学反思 主备人: 总第 11 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite seasonSection A lets spell Section B read and write课 型新授课教学目标1、能听读chant,并总结Lets spell中字母组合gr和br在单词中的发音规律。2. 能掌握句型“I like spring best because. ”。教学重点总结gr和br在单词中的发音规律,能找出含有字母gr和br的单词。教学难点加强听力练习。能听懂短文内容,并完成提出的问题。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. Sing a song “Whats your favourite season?”.2. Review the words in this unit.(Page72)师生互译。3. Review the sentences: T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like spring best.T: Why? Ss: Because there are pretty flowers.Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时10分钟)1. Learn “Lets spell”.1)Lets chant.2)Read these words:brown library brother umbrella /br/ green grapes grandpa grow /gr/ Can you find out the same and the difference?3)Look at page 16,read and group the words.教学过程Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时15分钟)1. Read and write.2. Listen to the tape and read it. 师生互译。Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业1. 听写本单元的单词和词组。2. 抄写read and write并背诵。ww绿w色.l圃s中p小j学y教.c育o网m板书设计或要点Unit 2 My favourite seasonbrown library brother umbrella /br/ green grapes grandpa grow /gr/ I like _best because_.教学反思 主备人: 总第 12 课时教学内容Unit 2 My favourite season Section B Lets check/ Lets wrap it up C story time课 型新授课教学目标1.通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2.能熟练运用疑问词。3.能听懂story time的故事内容。教学重点熟练掌握疑问词的运用。教学难点试着自己总结本单元的知识点。教具学具教学光盘教 学 内 容个人修改设计教学过程Step1 : 预习温故(用时7分钟)Main scene1 Turn to page12 and page13.Try to read and translate these sentences.2 Guess the meaning of “play sports”.3 T show the meaning of these sentences. 4. Read after

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