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This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books 可以看出只有b. he is finding it difficult to get his room in order 与课文的实际情况相符,其他3个选择都不符合故事所描述的情景。2. c根据课文第9-10行 This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen, she said, 可以判断出只有c. the books make a nice carpet 是作者的妹妹的真实想法,其他3个选择都与课文的内容不符,也不是他妹妹所认为的。3. c只有c. is still working 是正确的,因为前半句用的是现在完成进行时,表示到现在为止动作还在继续进行,所以后半句应该用现在进行时,才能使句子的时态协调一致。其他3个选择都不能与前半句的时态相配。4. aa. make it tidy (把它收拾整齐);b. keep it tidy (保持整洁);c. make order 不合乎习惯用法,意思也讲不通;d. keep order (维持秩序)。只有a. 最符合题目意思,因为make it tidy 与前一句中的get his room in order 意思相同,所以选a.5. ba. a small enough 不合乎语法,不能说a small enough room,可以是 the room is small enough. b. a fairly small(相当小的),c. a terribly small(极小的),d. a much smaller(更加小的),4个选择中只有b 是正确的,因为b中的fairly 同前一句的rather(相当)意义相同,所以b是对的。6. d本句的谓语动词help后面只能跟动词不定式,动词不定式的形式可以是带to 的,也可以是不带to 的,即help sb to do sth. 或help sb.do sth. 只有d. carry 最合乎语法,所以只能选d. a. carrying, b. to carrying , c. for carrying 都不是动词不定式,因此都不合乎语法.7. ca. neednt (不必) 是情态助动词,必须同另一动词连用,而本句没有其他动词同它连用,所以a. 不对;b. needs not 不合乎语法,当need 作普通动词时,否定式应该用助动词do 加not 后面跟原形动词need; 第3人称单数应该是doesnt need; d. isnt needing 不合乎语法,因为动词need 很少用于进行时态,很少说“正在需要”或“正在不需要”;只有c. doesnt need 最合乎语法,所以选c.8. b只有b. long 最符合题目意思,因为本句为否定句,前一句是肯定句,所以需要选出一个同前一句的temporarily(暂时地)意义相对的词.只有b. long 同temporarily的含义相反,所以选b. a. for a short time(短时间), c. for a few days(几天), d. for a few hours(几小时)这3个都不与temporarily相反.9. aa. room(空余的地方),泛指空间,不可数. b. place(地点,地方)指某一特定的空间部分,可数;c. area(面积,地面); d. spaces(空间,空位,场所)可以做可数和不可数名词.只有a.最符合题目意思.因为room同前一句的space意义相同,都是不可数名词,所以选a. 而b. place 不能做不可数名词,c. area词意义不对,d. spaces不应该是复数.10. ca. else(别的,另外,其他)只能同nothing, anything, something 等词连用; b. different(不同的)是形容词不能修饰动词; d. other(其余的)代词不能修饰动词,只有c. otherwise(用不同的方法,不同地)最合乎语法和题目意思,因此只有c.与前一句的He actually has to walk on them 的含义相符合.11. ba. watched (观看);b. stared at (盯着看);c. glanced at (看一下) 和d. had a glimpse of (暼了一眼)4个选择中只有b. stared at 与前一句中的 gazed at (盯着) 意义相同,所以选b.12. c只有c. not working (不工作) 同前一句中的in your spare time (空闲时)的含义相符,因此应该选c.其他3个选择都不对。 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 53练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A What happened: began(1.2);examined(1.4);were not able to find(1.5);did not start(1.6);discovered(1.7); noticed (1.8);was wound(1.8);was able to solve(1.9);dropped (1.10); wound(1.11); it did so(1.11); sent(1.11); started(1.11)What has happened: have put out(1.1) What has been happening: have been trying to find(1.2)C Jack looked at his watch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jill arrived.Ive been waiting for over an hour,he said angrily.You never come on time.Oh, is that so?Jill answered.Were you here at 2.30?Jack went red.Well,he said,I go here five minutes late myself, but you werent here.I came here at exactly 2.30,Jill said,and I waited for five minutes, but you didnt come.What have you been doing since then?Jack asked.Ive just been to the hairdressers,Jill answered brightly.2难点练习答案a Look: you threw the potato-peeler away by mistake. The shepherd threw some food to his dogs.The teacher threw some chalk at a boy who wasnt listening. b Im quite certain these are my glasses.The children are very quiet. Whats going on?c The cause of unemployment is complicated.Can you explain the reason for changing our arrangements?He reasoned that we would have to comply, even if we didnt wish to.d Please dont drop that vase!It fell from my hands and broke.3多项选择题答案1. c根据课文第二行 they have been trying to find out how the fire began 可以判断出只有c. wanted to find out what had caused the fire 最能说明消防队员仔细查看地面的原因,其他3个选择都不够全面。2. d根据课文第10-12行A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires When it I did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire 可以判断只有d. a snake which had been dropped on to the wires by a bird 与课文的实际内容相符,只有它是引起火灾的原因,其他3个选择都不符合课文的实际内容。3. a只有a. since最合乎题目意思和语法。因为本句是现在完成进行时,只有since引导的时间短语最适合于完成进行时态,表示“自从以来”,所以应该选a.其他3个选择都不能引导合适的时间短语。4. c本句表示时间的词是often, 表示经常性的动作,因此应该用一般现在时。 a. is causing 是进行时,b. has caused 是完成时,d. is caused by 是现在时被动语态,而本句需要主动语态。 只有c. causes 是一般现在时,第3人称单数形式,本句的主语Broken glass 是单数,所以c.最符合语法,所以选c.5. ca. almost certain(几乎肯定), b. fairly certain(相当肯定),c. completely certain(完全肯定), d. nearly certain(几乎肯定)4个选择中只有c. 同前一句中的quite sure(十分确信)意义最接近,所以选c.6. c只有c. succeeded in solving it (成功解决了它)同前一句中的 was able to solve the mystery (解开了这个谜)的含义相同,所以c.是正确答案。 其他3个选择都与前一句意思不符。7. d只有d. on是对的,因为它后面的词是the ground,表示在地面上,只能用介词on.其他3个选择都不符合题目意思.The snake had been on the ground.这条蛇在地面上。 注意本句说的是在蛇被抓起之前,它在哪?它在地面上。8. ca. controlled it (控制了它);b. checked it (制止了它); c. extinguished it (扑灭了它);d. turned it off (关掉,关上它),只有c. extinguished it 与前面一句中的 put out the fire (把火扑灭) 意义相同,所以选c.9. d只有d. this morning 今天早上, 是正确的表达方式.其它3个选择都不符合习惯用法,都不是正确的表达方式.所以选d.10. aa. by chance (偶然),b. chancily (没有这个词);c. fortunately (幸运地) 和d. luckily (侥幸地,幸运地)这4个选择中只有a. by chance 同前一句中的accidentally (偶然地)意义相同,所以选a.11. c前一句的短语In this way 是用这种方法,本句需要选一个同这一短语含义相符合的短语. a. Thats so 就是如此 b. like this 像这样 d. so 因此, 这3个选择都不符合题目意思. 只有c. Thats how(那就是.的方法)同In this way 的含义相符合,因为how 相当于the way in which ,所以选c.12. ca. taken(拿), b. pulled(拉,拖), c. seized(抓住)和d. carried(携带)4个选择中只有c. seized同前一句的snatched(抓住)意义相同,所以选c. 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 541. d根据课文第6-12行,只有d. at an inconvenient time (在不方便的时候)与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的事实不符。2. b根据课文第6-12行,可以判断只有b. the writer was interrupted several times while making meat pies (当作者做肉馅时几次被打断)才是Everything got into a mass (一切都被搞乱了)的真正原因,其他3个选择都与故事中的情节不符。3. d只有d. 是对的。 该句的意思是“早餐是一天中的第一顿饭”这里的breakfast 是泛指的早餐。 而不是具体指某一顿早餐,因此前面不要加冠词。 所以a. the, b. A, c. This 都不对。4. b只有b. at 可以同本句中的home 连用构成固定短语,at home 表示在家,而其他3个介词都不能同home 连用,所以选b.5. d本句只有用最高级才能同前一句Nothing could have been more annoying (再没有比这更烦人的了) 的含义相同。 a. the more 不是最高级;b. more 只能用于比较级;c. most 前面缺少定冠词,不能表示最高级;只有d. the most 是最高级形式,最符合题目意思,所以选d.6. bHelen Bates (海伦?贝茨)是一个女人的名字,因为是以字母s结尾的,它的所有格形式就应该是在名字后面加一小撇而无需再用-s. 只有b. Bates 是正确的所有格形式,其他3个都不对。所以选b.7. a只有a. when 可以同这一句中的hardly 连用,表示“刚刚就”,所以选a. 其他3个选择都不能同when 搭配。8. da. joining them(连接它们,加入他们的行列); b. uniting them(联合统一他们) c. unifying them(统一他们) d. putting them together(把它们放到一起). 只有d.能够解释说明前一句中的mixing butter and flour(调拌黄油和面粉),其他3个选择意思都不够贴切,所以选d.9. ca. ink (墨水);b. water (水);c. glue (胶水);d. flour (面粉)这4个词中只有c. glue 同这一句中的pastry (面糊)性质相像,它们都是粘的,所以选c.10. ba. pity (遗憾的事,可惜的事), b. sorry (难过的,惋惜的);c. ill (有病的);d. tired (疲劳的,累的)这4个词中只有b. sorry 同前一句中的dismayed (失望的,灰心的)含义最接近,所以选b.11. d前一句She hung up the receiver 意思为“她挂上了话筒”,本句需要选出同前一句意思相同的短语。a. let it hang (让它挂);b. didnt put it back (没有把它放回去);c. held it (举着它,拿着它) 和d. put it back in its place ( 把它放回原处)4个选择中只有d.同前一句意思相符,所以选d.12. d该句是现在完成时,缺少合适的过去分词。 a. hanged 是hang(吊死)的过去式和过去分词; b. hang 是原形动词,不合乎语法; c. hanging 是现在分词,不能用于完成时态; d. hung 是hang(悬挂,挂起)的过去式和过去分词,只有d.最合乎题目意思和语法,所以选d. 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 55练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A What happened: came true(1.1);was used(1.4);went (1.7);showed(1.9);dug(1.9);found(1.10); searcheddid not find(11.10-11)What was happening: was examining(1.8)What used towould happen: used to hide(1.5);would often buryand then(they would) fail(11.5-6)2难点练习答案a 1 used to 2 used to 3 uses 4 used to 5 am used to 6 am used tob 1 gold 2 golden3多项选择题答案1. a根据课文第7-8行a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure 可以推测只有a. gold 是探宝队所寻找的东西。 b. gold mine (金矿);c. pirates (海盗);d. a tin trunk (一个铁皮箱)这3个选择都与课文的实际内容不符,所以选a.2. a根据课文最后一句In spite of this, many people are confident that The revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon 可以判断只有a. works very well能够说明探宝器的性能如何,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合.3. b只有b. detecting (探测)最符合语法,因为介词for 后面只能跟名词或者动名词,其他3个选择都不能用在介词后面,所以选b.4. d前半句中的used to 表示过去常做某事,而现在已经不做了,只有d. thats what hey would do (那就是他们过去经常做的)同前半句意思想吻合。 因为would 同used to 一样也可以表示过去经常性的动作。 其他3个选择都表示现在还在做,不合乎逻辑。5. a只有a. would find 是对的,因为前一句They hoped to find.就等于They hoped they would find.。其他3个选择都与前一句的时态不符合,所以选a.6. a该句是一般过去时疑问句,因为它已经有助动词did 提问了,所以谓语动词要用原形。 只有a. dig 是动词原形,其他3个选择都不是动词原形,所以选a.7. c本句的疑问词How 是对主语the hole 的状态或性质提问的,因此它后面要跟形容词. 只有c. deep是形容词,表示深的,可以修饰名词hole. 其他3个选择 a. deeply(深深地)词性不对; b. depth(深)是名词,词性也不对; d. down(向下)词性和词意思都不对,所以只能选c.8. a该句的主语Revealer (探宝器)是一种机器。 a. machine (机器);b. engine (发动机,火车的机车);c. machinery (机器总称)是不可数名词;d. mechanic (技工,机修工),这4个选择中只有a. machine 可以是Revealer 的定义,所以只能选a.9. b前一句的examining the soil 意思是检查土壤本句需要选出一个同它含义相同的词语. a. testing it(考验它), b. looking at it carefully(仔细观察它), c. watching it(留意它), d. trying it(尝试它)4个选择中只有b.同examining the soil 含义最接近,所以选b.10. d只有d. value(价值)最符合题目意思,因为of small value (价值很小)同前一句中的almost worthless(几乎没有价值)的意义相同,所以应该选d. 其他3个选择中a. worthy(值得的)是形容词,词性不对; b. honour (荣幸,荣誉)的词意思不对; c. price(价格,物价)词意思也不够贴切。11. aa. completely (完全地);b. across (横越,在对面);c. inside (在里面);d. finally (最终)这4个词中只有a. completely 同前一句中的thoroughly (彻底地)含义相同,所以应该选a.12. ba. confide (v. 吐露);b. believe (v. 相信);c. confuse (v. 使弄错,混淆);d. confess (v. 坦白)4个选择中只有b. believe 同前一句中的are confident (确信的,自信的)含义相符,所以选b. 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 56练习答案Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A One of the most handsome cars(1.3); The most unusual car (1.4); the oldest car(1.5); more time under their cars than in them (11.7-8); much faster than any of(1.9);but no less exciting (than modern car races) (1.11)2难点练习答案a They have some very handsome antique furniture. Switzerland is a very beautiful country.She was a very pretty baby, but shes quite plain now. They make a very good-looking couple.b Can you reach the top of that cupboard?They arrived at the station just in time.c Are you taking part in the new play?The meeting took place in Paris last week.3多项选择题答案1. c根据课文第一句和最后一句Once a year, a race is held for old cars. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting 可以推测只有c. All the cars were old 是汽车比赛不寻常之处,其他3个选择虽然都是课文所提及的内容也与汽车比赛有关,但它们都不能清楚表明汽车比赛为什么不寻常。2. a根据课文第8行A few cars, however, completed the race 只有a. but only a few completed the course 与课文的实际情形相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符。3. c只有c. lots of 与前一句中的 A lot of (很多)的意思相同,所以应该选c。 a. much 不能修饰可数名词;b. lot of 不是正确的表达方式,应该是a lot of 或者lots of ; d. plenty (充足), plenty of 是一个短语,表示“足够的”,而且这个短语也不符合题目意思。4. c只有选c. It was built 这个句子意思才完整,并符合语法,这是一个用连词so 连接,表示结果的并列句,因此前半句就应该是一个有主谓结构的句子,只有c. It was built 是一个意思比较完整的并含有主谓的句子。 而其他3个选择意义都不完整,不能成为独立句子,所以选c.5. a该句需要选一个同前一句中的形容词意思相同的比较级形式,才能与前一句含义相符。b. the oldest 和 d. the eldest 都是最高级,可以排除;a. an older (较旧的)和c. an elder (较年长的)都是比较级,但只有a. an older 是前一句总的形容词的最高级the oldest 的比较级形式,所以选a.6. c只有c. went at最符合语法和习惯用法。因为表示“以什么速度运行”可以用to go at + some miles an hour. 所以went at forty miles an hour 与前一句中的reached a speed of forty miles an hour (达到了每小时40英里的速度)含义相符合。其他3个选择都不对。7. a该句需要选出与前一句中的different from (不同于)意义相反的词组。 只有a. the same as (与相同)是different from 的反义词组,符合习惯用法。 其他3个选择都不是正确的表达方式。8. b该句需要选出一个同前一句的the most handsome(最漂亮的)意义相接近的词.a. pretty(漂亮的,可爱的)常用来描写女人,小孩或景致的小东西,而不适合描写汽车;b. beautiful(美丽的,漂亮的); c. seemly(适宜的,恰当的); d. nice(好的)这4个中只有b. beautiful语气最强,与handsome的意义最接近,因此b.是对的.9. b该句需要选出同前一句中的unusual(不寻常的)意义相反的词。 a. used(用过的,旧的),b. common(常见的,寻常的);c. vulgar(庸俗的,低级的);d. accustomed(习惯于,正常的,通常的),这几个选择中,只有b. common 是 unusual 的反义词。所以选b.10. c该句需要选出一个与前一句的explosions(爆炸,轰响)含义相同的词. a. knocks(n.打,敲击声) ,b. hits(n.打,击); c. bangs.(n.突然的巨响); d. thumps (重击声)中只有c. bangs 与 explosions 含义最接近,所以选c.11. c该句需要选出一个与前一句中的动词词组broke down(损坏,抛锚发生故障)的含义相符合的词组。 a. were in pieces (成碎片), b. were broken up (分开,分解), c. couldnt go(不能开动), d. were spoilt(糟蹋,弄糟)中,只有c. couldnt go 和broke down 的意义相似,其他3个选择都不够恰当,所以选c.12. c该句需要选出同前一句中的rivals (对手,竞争者) 意义相同的词。a. opponents (对手,敌手,反对者)指同某人对立的敌方;b. enemies(敌人);c. competitors(竞争者,对手)指比赛中的竞争者;d. partners (伙伴,合作者,舞伴)。只有c. competitors 是rivals 的同意义词,二者都是有“比赛中的竞争者 ”的含义,所以选c.新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 57练习答案 Key to written exercises1难点练习答案1 Dont let him bully you.2 Why dont you make. him apologize for his behaviour?3 No one can make me believe hes telling the truth.4 Will your parents let you come to the theatre with us?5 Lets go for a drive in the country.2多项选择题答案1. a根据课文第3-5行The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed He told her that the dress was sold, 可以看出只有a. didnt approve of the way she was dressed 与课文的实际情形相符,这就是售货员为什么不原理为她服务的原因,其他3个选择都与课文的事实不符。2. b根据课文第11-12行 .She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for,可以推断出只有 b. putting the assistant to a lot of trouble(给售货员找很多麻烦)是课文暗示的情形,其他3个选择都与课文事实不符合。3. b前一句中的at the window 意思为“在橱窗前”,只有b. in front of (在前面)与at the window 含义相同。而a. in front, 和c. front都不合乎语法;d. ahead of (在前面)主要强调前后顺序,不强调方位。所以选b.4. b该句需要选一个合适的词做主语assistant 的定语。只有b. serving 是现在分词,同后面的her 构成分词短语可以做定语修饰assistant. a. served 是过去分词,表示被动的意思,不适合这个句子。 c. who serving 不构成定语从句。 d. was serving 不能做定语。 所以b.是正确答案。5. b该句的主句是过去时,从句是以after 引导的,应该用过去完成时,或一般过去时。 a. she was seeking 是过去进行时;c. sought 缺少主语;d. when she sought 已经有引导词when, 不能与after 连用;只有b. she had sought 符合语法,所以选b.6. d只有选d. Without realizing(没有意识到)才合乎语法,才能使句子意思完整通顺,其他3个选择都不对。 a. Not to realize 不合语法,应该是Not realizing;7. c该句中的定语从句缺少关系代词,需要选一个合适的关系代词做定语从句中的宾语。 a. who 可以做主语关系代词,指人; b. what 不能做关系代词; d. whom可以做宾语,但只能指人,而本句的先行词是dress,不是人; 只有c. that 可以做定语从句的宾语,指物,所以 选c.8. d本句需要选出同前一句中的glanced scornfully (轻蔑地看了一眼)含义相配的动词或短语。 a. mocked (嘲笑,嘲弄),b. teased(取笑,戏弄),c. laughed at (笑,嘲笑),d. despised(轻视,蔑视)4个词中只有d.与glancedscornfully 的含义相符,因此应该选d.9. c只有选c. after 同该句中的the day 构成时间短语the day after, 才与前一句中的the following day (第二天)的意思相同,其他3个选择都不能放在the day 后面构成时间短语,所以选c.10. b只有b. im 做为前缀可以放在polite前面,表示否定的意思,impolite不礼貌的. 其他的3个选择都不能用在polite前面.所以选b.11. d该句需要选出同前一句中的形容词eager(渴望的)意义相同的词。 a. prompt(迅速的,敏捷的) b. fast(快的), c. nervous(紧张的,害怕的) d. anxious(渴望的,急切的) 这4个词中,只有d. anxious 同eager 意义相同,所以选d.12. a该句需要选出同前一句中的almost(几乎)意思相同的词。 a. nearly(几乎,近乎); b. scarcely(几乎不); c. hardly(几乎不); d. already(已经); 4个选择中只有a. nearly 同almost 意义相同,所以选a. 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 58练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A Frinley is said to possess(1.1); It is said that if(1.5)2难点练习答案1 picked 2 gain 3 earns 4 grown3多项选择题答案1. b根据课文第8-9行but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income 可以判断只有c. it earns money 与课文的实际内容相符,是牧师拒绝把树砍掉的原因,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符,所以选b.2. d根据课文最后两句the tourists have been picking leaves and So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death, 可以看出只有d. Tourists who have picked leaves havent died (摘树叶的游客们没有死)是真实的,与课文的内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的事实不符。3. a该句缺少主语和谓语,只有一个that引导的从句。只有a. They say (他们说,人们说),最适合这个句子,也合乎语法和习惯用法。其他3个选择b. it said (它说)意思不对,应该是it is said 才正确;c. Said 缺少主语;d. It is saving 不合乎习惯用法,应该是It is said 才对。所以选a.4. a该句中的if 从句是过去时,那么主句就应该是过去将来时,即用would 加动词原形,表示与现在事实相反,所以只有选a. would 才能使主句He would die 与If 从句相配,构成虚拟语气。其他3个选择都不合乎语法。5. c该句是现在完成时否定式,句尾需要添一个合适的副词.a. still, b. even, d. more 都不能用在句尾,只有c. yet常用于完成时态否定句的句尾,表示还没,所以只能选c.6. b该句中的all that has been said 为名词性短语,前面只能有介词引导。a. In spite 后面缺少介词of ,不是正确的表达方式;c. Even (甚至) 和d. Even so (虽然如此)这两个都不是介词,后面不能跟名词性短语;只有b. Despite (尽管)是介词,与in spite of 意义相同,最合乎语法,所以选b.7. d只有d. none 能与本句中的 of them 构成短语none of them 意思为“没有一个”。其他3个选择与of them 构成的短语都不合乎习惯用法,所以都不是正确的表达方式,所以选d.8. c该句需要选出与前一句中的形容词tiny(极小的)意思相近的词。 a. big (大的);b. great(伟大的);c. small (小的) 和d. famous (著名的,有名的)4个选择中只有c. small 与tiny 意义相同,所以选c.9. a该句需要选出同前一句的过去分词increased(增加,增长)含义相同的词或词组。 a. grown(长大,增长), b. grown up(成长,长大), c. overgrown(长满)和d. grown old(变老)4个选择中只有a. grown 与increased 的含义相同,所以选a.10. d只有d. earned (得到)最合乎题目意思,其他3个选择中,a. won (赢得)指好的事情,如赢得胜利、球赛等;b. beaten (打败,击败)词意思不当;c. profited (有利于,得益于)词含义不对,所以选d.11. b前一句中的evil reputation 意思是“坏名声”,本句需要选一个同reputation意义相同的词。 a. fame(声誉,名望)指因为好事而获得的; b. name(名字,名声)可以指好的也可以指坏的名声; c. rumour (谣言,传说); d. report(报告); 这4个词中只有 b. name 与reputation 的意义相同,所以选b.12. d前一句的谓语动词has pointed out that.意思是指出, 有解释陈述某一件事情的含义,该句需要选出合适的动词,使其同前一句的含义相配。a. shown(把给某人看), b. pointed(把指给某人), c. noted(请注意,记下), d. explained(解释,说明)这4个选择中只有d. explained 与pointed out 的含义比较相配,所以选d. 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 59练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A b opens (1.9); comes (1.9); waitsshuts (11.9-10);sitsbarksletslets (1.10); begins (1.10)c wanted (1.2); opened (1.3); complained (1.3); spent (1.4); became (1. 5); noticed (1.6); removed (1.11);got (1.11)d has developed (1.8); have not seen (1.11)e was going out (1.6); was barking (1.7)C 1 He is said to be/It is said that he is very rich.2 There is said to be/It is said that there is a hold-up on the roads.3 I was given a pen./A pen was given to me.4 She was given a prize./A prize was given to her.5 We were promised a new office./A new office was promised to us.(Note: In numbers 3-5, the second alternative is grammatically correct but rarely used.)2难点练习答案1 He left early so as not to see me.2 The secretary asked me into the office so that the manager might speak to me.3 I ran to the station so as not to be late.4


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