高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 Music高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修2

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 Music高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修2_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 3 Music高效演练跟踪检测 外研版必修2_第2页
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Module 3 Music 单句语法填空1(2016山东泰安模拟)Reputation is a treasure that,once _ (lose),can never be won back.答案:lost2Some of you have finished Book One.If _,you can go on with Book Two.答案:so3(2016湖南岳阳模拟)He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ (graduate) from the university next year.答案:graduates4(2016广西桂林模拟)_ (receive) their final medical check,the astronauts then boarded their spacecraft.答案:Having received5She is one of the most _ (influence) figures in local politics.答案:influential6I first met Lisa three years ago.She was working at a school at that time.She impressed me _ her sincerity.答案:with7She couldnt bear the thought of children _ (go) hungry so she hurried home to prepare lunch.答案:going8In a word,it is polite words _ will make your life become convenient.答案:that9It is unwise _ (give) the children whatever they want.答案:to give10As students,you must listen to the teacher attentively and keep a record _ what the teacher asks you to remember.答案:of 单句改错1By the time the new school year began,I finished reading his third book.finished前加had2It was not until she took off her dark glasses which I realized she was a famous film star.whichthat3While half the world go hunger,the other half are overweight.hungerhungry4Make note of how much money you spend.note前加a5He is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists of all the time.去掉第二个the 课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Haydn,who changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra,is known 1.as “the father of the symphony”After 2.studying (study) music in Vienna,he worked as 3.director (direct) of music at the court of a prince in eastern Austria.4.Having_worked (work) there for 30 years,he moved to London,5.where he was very successful.As a genius child 6.musician (music),Mozart had a talent 7.for music from a very early age.In his short lifetime of 35 years,he composed more than 600 pieces of music.In 1781,Mozart met Haydn and made a deep 8.impression (impress) on him.Beethoven moved to Vienna after Haydns encouragement.He 9.stayed (stay) there for the rest of his life and continued 10.composing/to_compose (compose)after he went deaf.【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1他是一位著名的音乐家,其音乐影响了他的听众。(musician;audience)2他具有音乐才华,录制了很多专辑。(talent;record;album)3不幸的是,由于一场车祸,他失去了双腿。(lose)4是音乐使他对生活充满信心和勇气。(强调句型)5人们对他的动人的音乐和乐观的人生态度印象深刻。(catchy;be impressed with)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:He is a famous musician,whose music has influenced his audience.He has a talent for music and has recorded many albums.Unfortunately,he lost his two legs due to an accident.It was music that made him full of confidence and courage for life.People are impressed with his catchy music and optimistic attitude to life.


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