高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 5 Information Age and Our Life知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5

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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 5 Information Age and Our Life知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 5 Information Age and Our Life知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 5 Information Age and Our Life知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第3页
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Unit 5 Information Age and Our Life.单句语法填空1Once you are (addict)to smoking,it is difficult to give it up.答案:addicted2. The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone present was concerned for their own interests.答案:with3In of the rain,he insisted the football game cannot be cancelled.答案:spite4 (concern) about the student,the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.答案:Concerned5Every time we stay together, I hear from him is always inspiring stories.答案:what6Lets play the music we listened to yesterday,because it calls our old good times.答案:up7Sarah pretended to be cheerful, (say)nothing about the argument.答案:saying8It is said that Mr.Guos (late) novel will come out in 2017.答案:latest9Do some stretches to (loose) your muscles.答案:loosen10The old man insisted that I (take) his wallet and that I go to the police station with him.答案:had taken.阅读理解(2016德州市高三模拟)Harry Potter and The Hunger Games havent been big hits for nothing. Lots of teens and adolescents still read quite a lot. But a study shows a clear decline over time. Nearly half of 17yearolds say they read for pleasure no more than one or two times a year,and thats way down from a decade ago.The digital revolution means there are more platforms than ever to read on. Jim Steyer has been studying the effect of technology on children, and he finds the results striking. Steyer has four kids and has seen the trend most with his 16yearold.“I start to see it in our 10yearold, because he is less and less reading, and more and more attracted to some of the digital media platforms that he has access to.”he says.Researchers want to know more about how teens are spending their time in the digital age. But Kathryn Zickuhr of the Pew Research Center says its tricky. If a kid is looking at a book,you can assume he or she is reading. But when it comes to looking at a smartphone or tablet, who knows?“Weve heard from middle and high school teachers that sometimes the Internet is wonderful for highly motivated students to do deep and expansive research,”says Zickuhr. “But on the other hand, obviously there are many distractions(干扰) on the Internet.”“Despite those distractions,parents can do a lot to promote reading. Kids with parents who read,who buy or take books out of the library for their kids,and who then set time aside in their kids daily schedule for reading, tend to read the most, whether its on a book, an ebook or some other devices.”Jim Steyer says.【文章大意】本文是一篇生活类文章。该文章主要讲述了在现在的数字时代,青少年读书越来越少了。作者呼吁父母们关注孩子和孩子一起读书,享受读书的快乐。1What does Jim Steyer see in his four kids?AThey become addicted to magic novels.BThey read for pleasure more frequently.CThey spend too much time on electronic devices.DThey get their reading ability improved on the Internet.C解析:推理判断题。通读文章的第一、二、三段,特别是根据第三段Jim Steyer所说的话“I start to see it in our 10yearold,because he is less and less reading,and more and more attracted to some of the digital media platforms that he has access to.”可知他发现孩子们在电子产品上花费的时间太多了。故选C。2According to Kathryn Zickuhr, Ait is easy to know whether a kid is reading on a tabletBkids are making the best of the Internet in their studyCthe Internet is an effective motivation to readingDthe Internet can easily get students unfocusedD解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“But on the other hand,obviously there are many distractions(干扰) on the Internet.”可推出Kathryn Zickuhr认为因特网很容易让孩子分心。故选D。3According to the last paragraph, the key to helping kids to read more is Athe InternetBparentsCdigital devices DscientistsB解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“Despite those distractions,parents can do a lot to promote reading.”可知促进孩子读更多的书的关键在于父母。故选B。4Which of the following questions is the passage intended to explain?AHow do parents get teens out of digital media?BWhat can be done to help kids to read for fun?CWhy are teens reading less than before in digital age?DWhy is reading for pleasure beneficial to kids? C解析:主旨大意题。A:父母们如何让十多岁的孩子摆脱数字媒体;B:采取什么措施帮助孩子们快乐读书;C:在数字时代为什么孩子读书比以前少了;D:快乐读书为什么有利于青少年。通读全文,并根据文章最后一段可知该文章主要讲述的是在数字时代为什么孩子读书少了。故选C。.完形填空(2016潍坊第一中学检测) “I wouldnt buy that woman a Mothers Day card,” said the woman standing by the card shelf. I looked up and saw an 1 of total complaint and dislike.Having been 2 at a Florida orphanage at four, I never knew what it felt like to have a mother or a father. Never had I received a hug from my parents. That part of my life is a total 3 She looked up,saw me looking at her and 4 angrily,“Just what are you looking at,you fool?”“Sorry Maam. I never had a mother,and I was 5 by your words.”I picked up a nicelooking 6 , opened it and began to read,“Thank you 7 for being my mother.”“Do you think your mother would like that card? Mine would, I think,”I said.“Do you know what it is like to be 8 at for years, and never be told that you are loved?” she asked.“My mother didnt 9 me, let alone shout. She just took me to the orphanage where I stayed until I grew up,”I replied.“Dont you 10 her?” she asked.“Oh,I cant. Shes my mother. Being a mother is a position to be 11 ,even if she is not a very nice person,”I said. The woman stood there 12 her head.“I know your mother might have done a lot of things that 13 you. It appears as if you hate her. But I can tell you this from my 14 that disliking her, or even hating her, feels nowhere near as 15 as never having known a mother at allgood or bad. At least, you feel 16 . For me,its all just a large blank of loneliness inside my heart,and thats 17 Ill feel until I die.”The woman stood there for a moment. 18 , she reached out, took the card from my hand and placed it in her cart. After she left, I 19 a nice card for my mother. I took it home, 20 it,and placed it with the other Mother and Fathers Days cards bought all these years, each marked “Address Unknown”【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。作者通过自己劝解一位不给自己母亲买贺卡的女子告诉我们:身为母亲,就应该受到尊重,即使你的母亲不是一个很好相处的人。作者对父亲、母亲那份深深的爱让人感动。1A.idea Bappearance Cexpression DimpressionC解析:idea主意;appearance外表;expression表情;impression印象。根据下文的total complaint and dislike应是表情。故选C。2A.deserted Blost Creserved DrescuedA解析:desert放弃,拋弃;lose失去;reserve保存;rescue拯救。根据下文I never knew what it felt like to have a mother or a father可知作者应是4岁时被拋弃。故选A。3A.dark Bpain Cmisfortune DblankD解析:dark黑暗;pain痛;misfortune不幸;blank空白。根据前文的Never had I received a hug from my parents.说明作者的那段生活是一片空白。故选D。4A.requested Bconsidered Cscreamed DrefusedC解析:request要求;consider考虑,认为;scream尖叫;refuse拒绝。根据下文的angrily判断是“尖叫”。只有C项符合语境。5A.relieved BmovedCdisappointed DshockedD解析:relieved宽慰的;moved触动的;disappointed失望的;shocked震惊的。根据作者所说的话应该是因为对方不给自己的母亲买贺卡感到震惊。故选D。6A.cart Bcard Cbook DmagazineB解析:cart二轮运货马车;card卡片;book书本;magazine杂志。根据下文的opened it and began to read判断应是卡片。故选B。7A.simply BlargelyCoriginally DbasicallyA解析:simply仅仅,简单地;largely大面积地;originally起先地,原始地;basically基础地。“仅仅是因为您是我的妈妈而感谢您。”故选A。8A.shouted BglaredClaughed DpointedA解析:shout叫喊;glare瞪着;laugh笑;point指着。根据下文的never be told that you are loved应该是被叫喊,或根据下文的shout判断。故选A。9A.set aside Bleave behindCcare about Dknow aboutC解析:set aside放在一边;leave behind遗留下;care about关心;know about了解。根据前文的never be told that you are loved应该是从未被母亲喜欢或关心过。故选C。10A.miss BloveCaccuse DhateD解析:miss错过;love爱;accuse指控;hate厌恶,憎恨。根据前文作者的母亲将作者送进福利院,“难道你不憎恨你的母亲吗”?故选D。11A.depended BobeyedCrespected DobservedC解析:depend依赖;obey遵守;respect尊重;observe观察,遵守。根据下文的even if she is not a very nice person可知“作为母亲应该被尊重”。故选C。12A.shaking BdroppingCraising DturningA解析:shake晃,摇;drop落下;raise养殖;turn转向。shake ones head摇头。到现在这位妇女还有点不相信作者的话。故选A。13A.hurt BblamedCdisturbed DpunishedA解析:hurt伤害;blame责备;disturb打扰;punish惩罚。根据前文对方对自己母亲的描述,应该是她的母亲伤害了她。故选A。14A.conscience BeffortsCexperiences DnatureC解析:conscience道德心,良心;efforts努力;experiences经历;nature自然。从自己的经历中告诉你这句话。故选C。15A.fragile BlonelyChateful DanxiousB解析:fragile破碎的;lonely孤独的,寂寞的;hateful厌恶的;anxious焦急的。根据句意:“不论你的母亲是好还是坏,至少你会感觉到一些东西,而我什么都感觉不到。”故选B。16A.anything BeverythingCnothing DsomethingD解析:anything任何事情;everything一切事情;nothing没有事;something某事。“至少你会感觉到一些东西”。故选D。17A.whether BhowCwhere DwhyB解析:whether是否;how如何;where哪里;why为什么。“在我的内心深处,只感到巨大的空白和孤独。这种感觉会一直持续到我死去的那一刻。”故选B。18A.Cheerfully BEagerlyCHesitantly DSeriouslyC解析:cheerfully兴奋地;eagerly急切地;hesitantly迟疑地,踌躇地;seriously严重地,认真地。“她踌躇地伸过手来,拿走我手上的贺卡,把它放进了购物车。”故选C。19A.picked out Bpacked upCbrought out Dtook upA解析:pick out挑出;pack up打包;bring out带出;take up拿起。她离开以后,“我”又挑了一张漂亮的卡片,准备送给“我”的母亲。故选A。20A.mended BexposedCaddressed DsignedD解析:mend修补;expose暴露;address作报告;sign签字。“我”把它带回家,签上名字,然后把它与多年来“我”所买的那些母亲节和父亲节卡片放在一起。故选D。.语法填空(2016郑州质量预测) Two weeks before Christmas, two little girls were walking down the street 1. they saw old Harry, who was on his knees pulling weeds from around a tree. He wore a pair of worn gloves. His fingers were sticking out 2. the ends, blue from the cold. They stopped to talk to him.Harry told them he 3. (get) the yard in shape as a Christmas gift for his mother, who had died several years before. “My mother was all I had. She loved her yard and trees, so I do this for her every Christmas.”His words touched the girls and soon they 4. (join) him, pulling weeds. When they finished, Harry pressed a coin into each of their hands. “I wish I could pay you more, but thats all Ive got right now,” he said.The girls had often passed his house, and they remembered that it had always been 5. poor condition. No decorations to add cheeriness were anywhere in sight.As they walked on, the coin in one little girls hand seemed to burn a hole of 6. (guilty). The next day she called her friends 7. they agreed to put their coins in a jar marked “Harrys Christmas Gift”. Then they began to seek out small jobs to earn more. Every coin they earned went into the jar.Finally, they had enough 8. (buy) new gloves. Christmas Eve found them on Harrys doorstep singing carols. They presented him with the gloves. With 9. (tremble) hands, he held the gloves to his face and wept. No doubt he once again felt 10. love of others as the girls reached out to him.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了几个女孩攒钱给Harry送圣诞礼物的故事。1when解析:考查连词。be doing sth.when为固定句式,意为“正在做某事时,突然”。故填when。2of解析:考查介词。此处表示手指从手套的末端伸出来。stick out of意为“从伸出”。故填介词of。3was getting/would get解析:考查动词的时态。此处指Harry正在整理院子,以此作为给母亲的圣诞节礼物。结合上文“who was.pulling weeds”可知,Harry正在拔草,此处可用过去进行时;因为get的动作尚未完成,也可用过去将来时。4joined解析:考查动词的时态。根据上文“His words touched the girls and”可知,空格处与touched并列,故此处应用一般过去时。5in解析:考查介词。in.condition为固定短语,意为“处于状态”。故应用介词in。6guilt解析:考查名词。介词of后面应用名词形式。guilty为形容词,意为“内疚的,有罪的”,其名词形式为guilt。7and解析:考查连词。此处表示这个女孩给其他的朋友打电话,准备帮助Harry。分析句子结构可知,此处应用连词连接两个分句,且两句之间为顺承关系。故应用连词and。8to buy解析:考查非谓语动词。此处表示女孩们攒够了钱去买新手套,应用动词不定式表目的。9trembling解析:考查形容词。此处意为Harry用颤抖的双手接过手套。空格处应用形容词作定语,修饰名词“hands”。trembling为形容词,意为“发抖的”。10the解析:考查冠词。根据空格后的“love of others”可知,此处特指那几个女孩对他的关爱。故应用定冠词the。


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