高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解精练(三)11

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山西吕梁市2017高考英语阅读理解一轮精练2016高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Researchers from France and Italy discovered that Canadian parents are less strict with their children than mothers and fathers in France and Italy. “Our most important finding was the difference between Canadians and the others,” said Professor Michel Claes,the lead author of the study.“Canadians focus on independence and negotiation. On the other hand,Italians,for example,exercise more control. We found Canadians seem to focus on negotiation in case of a conflict.” Claes said Canada,France and Italy were selected for the study because they share important cultural and social factors.“We chose FrenchCanadians because they share the same language as France,and originally came from France and share certain values. Italy was included because it was considered to have similar,strong and important family values,” he explained. The researchers examined the emotional ties between parents and their children by questioning 1,256 students aged 11 to 19 years old. Canadian students reported less control and more free actions,according to the study. Italian parents were stricter and French parents were somewhere in the middle.Claes explains that the differences lie in education in Canada,France and Italy. “North America has its own educational values,which promote individualization. Tolerance and comprehension are encouraged. Italy,on the other hand,promotes respect of authority,control,and the need for permission.” he said.Children from all three countries described their mothers as warm and communicative. Italian and Canadian children had similar feelings about their fathers,and reported high levels of emotional ties. But French fathers were generally thought by their children to be more distant and cold. “We were surprised by this,” Claes admitted.“It seems as though the relationships between French mothers and their children were becoming closer over time,while fathers maintain a form of distance and coldness,which is more of a source of conflict in France than in the other countries.”8Professor Michel Claes believes that Canada,France and Italy _. Ahave the same family spirit Bhave some similar cultural traditions Chave experienced some similar social changes Dhave experienced similar cultural developments9How did the researchers carry out the study ? ABy collecting answers of parents from Canada,France and Italy. BBy collecting answers of children from Canada,France and Italy. CBy questioning parents and their children from Italian Canadian families. DBy questioning children from FrenchCanadian families.10. According to Michel Claes,what mainly leads to the differences in parentchildren relationships among Canada,France and Italy? AEducational opportunities. BTraditional ideas. CEducational values. DHistorical events.11Which of the following is NOT a finding of the study? AFrench children have troubled relationships with their parents. BCanadian children have close relationships with their parents. CItalian children have good relationships with their parents. DKids from Canada,France and Italy have closer ties with their moms.参考答案14、BBCA 2016高考英语阅读理解-健康保健类 Do you love the holidays,but hate the pounds that follow? You are not alone. Holidays are times for feasting and celebrating. Many people are worried about their weight.With proper planning,though,it is possible to keep normal weight during the holidays. Whether it is celebrating at the office party or sitting down for the traditional family dinner,regard eating as a time for tasting a variety of the foods.The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You dont have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. Here are some tips for preventing weight gain and maintaining physical fitness: Dont skip meals.Before you leave home,have a small,low-fat meal or snack.This may help to avoid getting too excited before delicious foods. Control portions.Use a small plate (about 10 inches) and put aside the large ones that may encourage you to “load up.” You should be most comfortable eating an amount of food about the size of your fist. Once you have your “tasting” serving,move away from the buffet(自助餐). Doing so will make it less tempting to be eating constantly as your appetite is inspired by the sight of food. Begin with soup and fruit or vegetables. Fill up beforehand on water-based soup and raw fruit or vegetables. Or drink a large glass of water before you eat to help you feel full. Stick to physical activity. Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories. Avoid high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a large amount of fat. Choose lean meats. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. Use lemon juice instead of dessert or butter.【小题1】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? AYou had better turn your attention away from delicious foods.BDrinking some water or soup before eating helps you eat less.CHolidays are happy days with pleasure but they may bring weight problems.DPhysical exercise can reduce the chance of putting on weight.【小题2】Which of the following CANNOT help lose weight according to the passage? ALean meats.BDessert or butter.CRaw fruit or vegetables.DPhysical exercise.【小题3】Many people cant control their weight after the holidays mainly because they _. Acant help being tempted to eat constantlyBtake part in too many partiesCenjoy delicious foodsDcant help turning away from the foods【小题4】If the passage appears in the newspaper,you think it should belong to _ Column. AHolidays and FestivalsBHealth and FitnessCFashion and FrontierDStudent Times Club 【安徽省蚌埠市三县联谊校2014高考二模】B The Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs. To better meet your needs, we have made several changes to community facilities in 2014. This chart shows how we have tried to make your life better.Transport Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service. 20 new buses for the southern line were purchased in January. 50 per cent of city bus-stops have been upgraded.Buses to the eastern suburbs will run every 15 minutes.CommunicationBroadband cable is now available to all parts of the city.All of the new Government buildings are smart-wired for better computer service!Medical FacilitiesThe new state-of-the-art Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital, 10 docto have been employed from overseas.Some facilities at Station Street Hospital have been upgraded.EducationTextbooks will be free to all primary students in 2014 ! Rental for private schools has been reduced.Teachers report that the no hat - no play rule has been successful.Protection and Security Extra police now patrol (巡逻) the tourist areas.50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city area.Entertainment / RecreationThe John Street basketball courts have been re-surfaced !The new Central Community Building opened in May.5,000 new fiction books were bought for the Silver City Library.60. The public notice is from _. A . the local government B. the community C. the citizens D. a travel agency61. The notice is mainly about _. A. the work carried out by the people of Silver City B. the facilities available in Silver City C. some improvements in Silver City D. information for interested tourists62. All the following are true EXCEPT that _. A. both residents and tourists can enjoy more security now B. Dover Hospital is still short of trained medical staff C. primary students had to pay for their textbooks in 2013 D. Station Street Hospital had out-dated facilities before 201463. Which of the following changes would tourists to Silver City be most happy with? A. Travel books are provided in the new library. B. Traveling by train is more convenient in Silver City. C. Free medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital. D. There are more police officers on duty now.【参考答案】6063、ACBD 【安徽省蚌埠市三县联谊校2014高考二模】CLast weekend, a girlfriend that Ive known since college was visiting. As we left the airport, we had to stop at the grocery for a case of diet soda. On our way to lunch she asked me “Do you think that drinking diet soda makes you fat?”“Depends on whom you ask,” I said. Last year, researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio reported that adults who drink diet soda did not lose weight. They were actually more likely to become overweight than those adults who did not drink soda at all or those that drink regular soda. In fact, the more diet soda consumed, the more likely someone would become overweight. To be specific, there was a 41% increase in the risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soda consumed daily.In this study, researcher Sharon Fowler followed over 600 normal weight adults ages 25-64 over a seven to eight year period of time. She has a number of theories as to why weight gain may be a result of drinking a zero-calorie beverage:1.Artificial sweeteners may affect your bodys ability to judge how many calories you consume. When no calories are consumed, the body may continue to crave(渴望) what it expected and could lead to overeating.2. Some people give up regular sodas to justify their favorite dessert and still take in too many calories. A regular soda contains about 150 calories while your dessert may be double that in calories easily.3. For others who were gaining weight already, switching to diet soda wasnt enough to stop the gain.Since her first piece of research, Fowler has tracked another 2000 people with similar results. Do the faux sweet products induce people to want more sweets? Fowler suggests that perhaps its not the soft drinks themselves that cause weight gain but that there is some link between diet soda drinking and overweight.64.Why do people give up regular soda and take diet one according to Fowlers research?A. Some want to gain weight. B. Some want excuses to have dessert.C. Some mistake diet soda as no-calorie drink.D. Diet soda can help people lose weight. 【参考答案】6467、BBDA 2016高考英语阅读理解-健康保健类Parties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did. This is not due to a lack of desire to socialize, but the smartphone.At parties, more people are on their smartphones than on their drinks. According to a recent International Data Corporation study, well over half of all Americans have a smartphone and reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. In addition, too much of society is using smartphones while driving and as a result getting into car crashes. 34 percent of teens admit to text while driving, and they confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. Peoples attachment to their smartphones is unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others. Just as drivers dismiss the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction. When with their friends, some people pointlessly check or send text messages in the presence of a friend, which sends a message to that friend the person I am texting is more important than you. In addition, relying on our smartphone to make friends does not give us the same advantage as being able to make new friendships in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us much stronger communication skills in the long run. As many people risk their lives and the lives of people around them just to send a text or mindlessly check their massages, smartphones are in many ways more dangerous to people. The quality of this technology is de-advancing societal achievements and weakening the value of communication. Not only is the smartphone affecting our desire to interact (交流) face-to-face but it is also lowering societys ability to communicate.【小题1】The purpose of this text is to _. Acall for an end to use the smartphone while drivingBappeal to us to pay attention to communication skillsCexpress concern about the overuse of the smartphoneDadvise us to be cautious about the addiction to the smartphone【小题2】The second paragraph is developed by _. Agiving examplesBlisting figuresCcomparing factsDanalyzing the effects【小题3】The author advocates us to make new friends _. Aby using smartphonesBin a face-to-face wayCin different waysDunder a free circumstance【小题4】Over dependence on the smartphone leads to the fact that _. Aparties and gatherings limit their social circleBpeople are more and more narrow-mindedCpeoples communication skills are weakenedDface-to-face communication becomes less important

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