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课时作业(三十八)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Health is frequently thought to be associated with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise.2As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.3Mo Yan is distinguished (distinguish) for his good knowledge of literature.4The government has called on/upon the graduates to work in the west.5If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through.6We believe the time and hard work involved (involve) in completing such an important project are worthwhile.7Come over and sit beside me and I will show you the new software in my cellphone.8Id like to place things where it is convenient (convenience) to get them.9He took measures to make up his fault, which received our recognition (recognize)10It is so cold and freezing (freeze) that we have to stay at home.单句改错1It was hard to distinguish one twin about another.aboutfrom2Ralph tapped me on my shoulder.mythe3The boy told his parents that he would go to school but in the truth he didnt.去掉truth前的the4It was late in 2008 that he set out shooting the film.outabout或shootingto_shoot5Someone called me on at midnight,only to find he dialled the wrong number.onup6Hang on the strap;the bus is about to start.on后加上to7I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some for case.forin8You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of the shape.去掉the9Everyone has periods in their lives that everything seems very hard.thatwhen10Every time when I call on him,he is out.去掉when.阅读理解(2016四川成都四校联考)Whether they are hunters or the hunted, these cunning animals are all masters of disguise (伪装) who can fool even the most beadyeyed passersby into believing they are not there.Some hide under lily pads, and some dissolve into the bark of a tree while others slip into the snow, either to hide from a hungry predator or to silently stalk (追踪) an unwitting prey.With their almost perfect camouflage, these animals are some of the Earths best masters of disguise.However, while they can hide from their predators they cannot escape the sharp eyes of American photographer Art Wolfe, who has spent over 35 years roaming (漫步) the deserts of Africa, the rainforests of South America, the mountains of the United States and snow plains of Canada to capture wildlife at its most invisibility.The Seattle, WA photographer says that finding and filming these clever animals is a painstaking process, which often takes many hours.However for him, it is definitely worth the time because the thrill of capturing a creature that has managed to blend into its natural habitat so skillfully, is like none other.His search has taken him to almost every continent in the worldfrom the deserts of Africa to the rainforests of South America and even, the snow plains of Canada.Over the years he has snapped so many amazing photos that he has been able to showcase them in two booksa childrens book entitled Hiding Out that was first published in 2003 and Vanishing Act, which first came to bookstores in 2005both have been translated into several languages and been extremely popular all over the world.And, he is not done yet.The 61yearold man who also happens to be a television producer continues to unearth natures beauties under lily pads, dissolved into tree trunks or stealthily awaiting their prey in the white snow! Would you have been able to spot any of them if you had not known what they were like in the photographs?Be sure to let us know, by adding your comments below.语篇解读本文是说明文。许多动物为了躲避捕食者或者为了捕获食物,常常需要巧妙地伪装自己。美国摄影师阿尔特沃尔夫花了35年时间,在世界各地寻找并拍摄这些伪装大师。1Some animals fool predators by _.Akeeping still on the treeBpretending to be friendlyCdisguising themselvesDchanging things aroundC细节理解题。由第一段可知,有些动物通过伪装自己来躲过捕食者。2How old was Art Wolfe when he began to take photos of these animals?A61.B35.C29.D26.D简单计算题。由第二段中的“Art Wolfe, who has spent over 35 years”和最后一段中的“The 61yearold man who also happens to be a television producer”可知,阿尔特沃尔夫26岁时开始拍摄这些动物。3How did Art Wolfe feel when finding and filming these clever animals?AEasy and interested.BHard and excited.CComfortable and hard.DComplicated and boring.B细节理解题。由第三段中的“finding and filming these clever animals is a painstaking process, which often takes many hours”和“the thrill of capturing a creature.is like none other.”可知,这个工作既辛苦又令他兴奋,故B项正确。4What do you know according to Paragraph 4?AArt Wolfe was actually a writer.BVanishing Act contains many pictures.CHiding Out came to bookstores in 2005.DArt Wolfe could write in a few languages.B细节理解题。由第四段中的“Over the years.and Vanishing Act”可知,Vanishing Act这本书里包含了很多他拍摄的照片。.书面表达(2016沈阳二中上学期期中)下图是沈阳市10月平均气温图,你是中学生李华,参加了社会实践调查,请以“Temperature changes in Shenyang”为题,用英语写一篇100120个词的短文。要求如下:1简要描述图中信息;2说明原因:汽车等的使用增加,空气中二氧化碳carbon dioxide含量增加;滥砍伐树木;为了经济,过多建立高楼大厦;3谈谈你的看法。注意:文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。Temperature Changes in ShenyangAs is shown in the chart,_参考范文Temperature_Changes_in_ShenyangAs_is_shown_in_the_chart,the average temperature in October in Shenyang has been rising in the last 50 years,from 14 in 1965 to 20 in 2015.Several reasons may account for the phenomenon.Firstly,with more and more vehicles running in the street,too much carbon dioxide is given off.Whats worse,trees and grasses are cut down to make room for factories,making it impossible for us to take in fresh air every day.Meanwhile,so many skyscrapers also contribute to the temperature rise.As far as Im concerned,we should attach great importance to the problem.If possible,we can walk to school or ride bikes.And the government is supposed to take effective measures.Only in this way can we live in a healthy environment.

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