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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式小学三年级英语下册教案本校别:_姓名:_任教班级:_Do you know ?Teaching content:Do you know ?Teaching objectives:Review of Students Book 1. Teaching key points:Alphabet,numbers(1-10),sports,animals,food items,abilities.Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils oral level.Teaching aids:Picture Cards from Level 1,paper,dice.Teaching periods:1 period .Teaching procedure:一、Organization1、Sing some English songs.2、Talk some points about English learning of this new term.二、Activity 1:Lets talk!1、Have a dialog with Ss using the pictures. e.g.What do you like ? I like soccer .2、When Ss are ready,have Ss work in pairs.三、Activity 2:Comprehension questions.1、Have Ss look at the illustration carefully.2、T holds up the illustration and points to various parts of the illustration to ask questions using the question patterns from levels 1-3. T asks individual Ss to answer.四、Activity 3:Whats the word?1、Point to each picture in the illustration in order and say the corresponding words.Ss repeat the words.2、Then point to a picture randomly and have Ss repeat the words.3、After enough practice,just point to a picture and ask Whats the word?Have Ss say the word.五、Activity 4:Who has the word?1、Get the class into a circle.Begin singing a song that everyone knows.2、While singing pass around two or three SBs.3、Suddently,stop the music.The Ss who are holding books open to Do you know ? pages choose one picture and say the corresponding word or expression.六、Homework:1、Do these activities outside class.2、Preview the new words of Unit One.板书设计:教学反思:Unit 1 Big or smallTeaching content:Unit One .Teaching objectives:1、Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of Unit One .2、Enable to describe people,animals and things .3、Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of Unit One .Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils oral level.Teaching aids:Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on. Teaching periods:3 periods .Period OneTeaching content:The Vocabulary,Target and Chant of Unit One .Teaching aims:Mastering the new words and describing people,animals and things.Teaching key points:Mastering the new words.Teaching difficult points:Describing people,animals and things. Teaching aids:A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、Sing some English songs.2、T talk sth.about this unit.二、Vocabulary.1、Put Picture Cards of happy,sad,heavy,light,hot,cold,big and small on the walls around the room.2、T:Look at the picture.Point to the picture I say. (With a big,happy smile)Im happy.3、Continue with other words and gestures.4、Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.5、Point to the happy picture. T:Is he happy? Are you happy?6、Hold up the book and point to other pictures and have Ss say the word.三、Target.1、Ask for several volunteers to come to the front of the room. Arrange them so that there is at least one boy standing alone,one girl standing alone and at least two Ss standing together.2、Holding out Picture Cards to the Ss and ask them to hold them up to the class.3、T:Hes (big).(Point to the boy standing alone.)4、Point to the other volunteers and ask Ss in the class to make sentences about them and the Picture Cards.5、Point to the picture and model the dialog.6、Play the tape,pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat.四、Chant.1、Play the tape and point to each word and sentence as it is chanted.2、Divide class into two groups.All Ss chant the Im happy.Hey!Hey!Im happy.part.One group chants the question while the other chants the answer.Then switch roles.3、Ss can be put into smaller groups or pairs when they are confident enough.五、Homework.1、Copy down the new words in exercise book.2、Do Activity 1 in pairs outside class.板书设计:Period TwoTeaching content:The Story and Practice 1 and 2 of Unit One .Teaching aims:Mastering the Story and describing people,animals and things .Teaching key points:Mastering the story .Teaching difficult points:Describing people,animals and things.Teaching aids:Tape and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization .1、Sing some English songs.2、Review the Vocabulary .二、Story .1、Smile and look happy. T:Im happy. Repeat.2、Look sad. T:Im sad. Repeat.3、(Point to various Ss.)T:Is (S1name) happy or sad? Is (S2name) big or small?4、As you ask the class question,continue making clear gestures.5、T:Open your books.(Point to the big Gogo in the first picture.)Is Gogo small? Is Gogo big? 6、Play the tape one time and ask Ss comprehension questions such as Who is small? Who is sad?7、Play the tape again,pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat.三、Practice 1.1、Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.2、Play the tape for Number 1,then pause.T:Which picture is it? While Ss are responding,gradually move your hand to Picture C.3、Continue,pausing after each question to allow Ss to answer on their own. 四、Practice 2.1、Play the tape and have Ss answer.2、After listening and answering questions,have Ss ask these four questions to other Ss in pairs.3、Encourage Ss to use complete sentences and express their real feelings.五、Homework:Practice reading the conversation.板书设计:Period ThreeTeaching content:Activity 2 and Sounds and words .Teaching aims:Mastering the sounds and the words.Teaching key points:Mastering the sounds and the words.Teaching difficult points:Pronoucing the sounds h t correctly.Teaching aids:A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、Sing some English songs.2、Review the story .二、Sounds and words.1、Teach Ss to pronounce h t .Model putting your tongue against your front teeth and making the sound.2、Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T says each word.3、Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.Then play the tape again and have Ss repeat after the tape.4、Point to the pictures on the page and have Ss say the words.5、Have Ss look at the pictures next to the lyrics. Then play the tape.6、Play the tape again and have Ss point to the thin objects when whey hear the word thin and the thick objects when they hear the word thick.7、Play the tape and have Ss chant along.三、Activity2.1、Point to different pictures and ask various Ss what they think is being said.Accept all responses.2、T:OK.Lets match the words with their pictures.3、Point to the picture of hot. T:Whats he saying? Ss:Im hot. Good!Draw the line.4、Point to Im at the top and trace the blue line to the picture and to hot.5、Circulate around the classroom and check how Ss are doing.If some Ss are having a difficult time,pair them with more advanced Ss for help.6、Have Ss work in pairs to check each others work.四、Homework.1、Practice reading the sounds and the words.2、Review One .板书设计:教后反思:Unit 2 ColorsTeaching content:Unit Two.Teaching objectives:1、Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of Unit Two.2、Enable to identify colors.3、Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of Unit Two.Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils oral level.Teaching aids:Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on. Teaching periods arrangement:4 periods .Period OneTeaching content:The vocabulary of Unit Two.Teaching aims:Master the new words.Teaching key points:Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently.Teaching difficult points:Remember these words.Teaching aids:A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、Show the students the paints and then color the paper red,then repeat“red”. 2、Lead the Ss to listen to the colors of“red,yellow,blue,pink,green,orange,purple and brown”by the color paper .3、Teach the other words in the same way.4、Lead them to read the words about times.5、Let them practice reading and writing these words.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let the Ss to Introduce himself or herself with a color paper and say“Hi,Im Red . r-e-d, Red .”etc .2、Ask some pairs to perform in the platform.五.Homework:Copy down the new words.板书设计:Period TwoTeaching content:The Story and the Target of Unit Two .Teaching aims:Enable to understand the story and master the new language structures.Teaching key points:Understand the story.Teaching difficult points:Master the new language structures to identify colors .Teaching aids:A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the story while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story,the teacher repeat the story and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the story . 4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the story in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the story in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target .板书设计:Period ThreeTeaching content:The Practices、the Song and the Activities of Unit Two.Teaching aims:Enable to use the new words and the new language structures.Teaching key points:To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points:Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids:A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the story together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order,then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、The teacher show the pictures on the blackboard,then paint on the picture and ask:“What color is this?”Let the pupils to answer. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.2、The teacher give instructions and let them to follow the instructions to color the pictures. After that,let them ask and answer questions in pairs with the dialogues below :“Is it ? ”“ Yes,it is . / No,it isnt .”五、Song.1、Let the pupils listen to tape,then teach them to sing:“Red,yellow,blue and green”.2、Let them sing with the tape. 六、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice singing the song.板书设计:Period FourTeaching content:Sounds and Words of Unit Two .Teaching aims:Master the new words.Teaching key points:Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently.Teaching difficult points:Remember these words.Teaching aids:A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture and point to it,then repeat:“Yy,Yy,yellow”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this words meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way. Such as:Yy,Yy,yellow,Yy,Yy,you .Rr,Rr,red . Rr,Rr,read .Pp,Pp,pink . Pp,Pp,pencil .5、Help them to see the sounds of the letters “Yy,Rr,Pp”.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them chant the chant below:j,j,yellow and you .r,r,red and read .p,p,pink and pencil .Y j,R r and P p !2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework:Copy down the new words.板书设计:教后反思:Unit 3 My roomTeaching content:Unit Three.Teaching objectives:1、Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of Unit Three.2、Enable to ask about and identify household items and their colors .3、Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of Unit Three.Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils oral level.Teaching aids:Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on. Teaching periods arrangement:4 periods .Period OneTeaching content:The Vocabulary and the Chant of Unit Three.Teaching aims:Mastering the new words sound and usages.Teaching key points:Mastering the new words sounds and usages.Teaching difficult points:Identifying household items.Teaching aids:A tape recorder and magazine pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、T talk sth.about this lessen.二、Presentation .1、Turn to P23 . Ask the Ss to read Chant . Point to the picture.Ask Ss what they are.2、Play the tape and point to each word and sentence,and lead the Ss to chant the Chant .3、Divide class into groups.One group chants the questions and the other goups chants the statements.4、Pass out magazine pictures of bedrooms to small groups of Ss and say “This is Tonys home .”5、Introduce vocabulary with Picture Cards and have groups point out the items in their pictures. Theyre bed,pillow,window,door,clock,lamp .6、Ask questions about the various colors,e.g.Point to the bed.What color is it? Revise old colors and introduce the new colors:black and white. 7、Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.三、Drill1、Point to the picture of the lamp.T:Whats that? Ss:Its a lamp.2、Point to the other pictures and have Ss say the word.T:How about this? Ss:Its awindow.What color is it? Ss:Its white.3、Ask the Ss to make dialogues such as the language structures below:Whats that ? Its a lamp .What color is it ? Its pink .4、Ask the Ss to make dialogues in pairs .四、Homework.1、Copy down the new words in exercise book.2、Make dialogues out of class .板书设计:Period TwoTeaching content:The Target and the Chant of Unit Three .Teaching aims:Mastering the new words sound and usages.Teaching key points:Mastering the new words sounds and usages.Teaching difficult points:Identifying household items and their colors .Teaching aids:A tape recorder and magazine pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、T talk sth.about this lessen.二、Presentation .1、Pass out magazine pictures of bedrooms to small groups of Ss.2、Ask the Ss to read the vocabulary theyve learned in Period One,just like:Bed,pillow,window,door,clock,lamp .3、Ask questions about the various colors,then ask them to read the colors theyve learned . 4、Ask the Ss to talk about household items and their colors such as“a pink lamp ”.5、Point to the picture of the lamp.T:Whats that? Ss:Its a lamp.6、Point to the other pictures and have Ss say the word.T:How about this? Ss:Its a window.What color is it? Ss:Its white. Its a white window .三、Drill .1、Lead the Ss to learn Target. Pass out some of the Picture Cards. Have Ss hold up their cards and ask them questions about their cards.2、Point to the first picture of Gogo and Tony and model the dialogue .3、Point to the second picture of Gogo and Tony and model the dialogue .Do the same for the third picture.4、Play the tape and pause after each sentence so Ss can repeat.四、Consolidation .1、Point to the picture.Ask Ss what they are.2、Ask the Ss to chant the Chant .3、Ask the Ss to change the chant .五、Homework.1、Copy down the new words in exercise book.2、Do Activity 1 in pairs outside class.板书设计:Period ThreeTeaching content:The Story and Practices of Unit Three .Teaching aims:Mastering the story .Teaching key points:Mastering the story .Teaching difficult points:Asking about and identifying household items and their colors.Teaching aids:Tape and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、Sing some English songs.2、Review the Target of Unit Three .二、Presentation .1、Point to various items in the classroom and ask Ss:Do you know what this is?2、Continue with other items and review the vocabulary of Unit Three .3、Look at Story .T:Which picture has a red chair?Ss:Number 2. Wheres the green pencil?Ss:Number 4.4、Play the tape one time and have Ss repeat after the tape.5、Ask a volunteer to play Gogo and the others play Tony.Then read the story .6、Play the tape,pausing after each line so Ss can repeat.三、Drill .1、Point to the Pictures A and ask Ss questions about it.T:What is Gogo pointing to?Is it a bed?What color is it?2、Generate responses and do the same for the other pictures.3、Play the tape for Number 1,then pause.T:Which picture is it? While Ss are responding,gradually move your hand to Picture A.4、Continue with the other three,pausing after each one so Ss can repeat the dialog and write the numbers.四、Consolidation .1、Play the tape and have Ss answer questions of Practice 2 .2、Model complete sentences.3、After listening and answering questions,encourage Ss to ask these four questions to other Ss in pairs.4、Write down the dialogues .五、Homework.1、Practice playing the story . 2、Write down the dialogues of Practice 2 .板书设计:Period FourTeaching content:Activities and Sounds and words of Unit Three .Teaching aims:Mastering the sounds and the words.Teaching key points:Mastering the sounds and the words.Teaching difficult points:Pronoucing the sounds correctly.Teaching aids:A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、Sing some English songs.2、Review the Story and Target of Unit Three .二、Presentation .1、Teach Ss to pronounce l d w.2、Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.3、Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.Then play the tape again and have Ss repeat after the tape.4、After enough practice,point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the word below:lamp,lion,door,desk,window,watch.5、Have Ss look at the pictures next to the lyrics.Then play the tape once.6、Lead the Ss to read and chant the chant below:l,l,lamp . l,l,lion .d,d,door . d,d,desk .w,w,window . w,w,watch .L l,D d,W w .三、Drill .1、Make sure Ss have markers or crayons of the colors.2、Have Ss hold up different colors as you call them out.3、Tell Ss not to let anyone see what colors they are coloring the various items.4、Circulate around the classroom and check how Ss are doing.5、Put Ss in pairs and have them ask each other questions to find out what colors their partners used. Model the activity with one pair first. Then do the Activities of Unit Three in pairs .四、Homework.1、Practice reading the sounds and the words.2、Review Unit 3.板书设计:教后反思:Unit 4 FruitTeaching content:Unit Four .Teaching objectives:1、Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of Unit Four .2、Enable to ask about and identify fruits .3、Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of Unit Four .Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils oral level.Teaching aids:Some pi


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