高中英语 课时作业9 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship课时作业 外研版选修6

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课时作业(九)Module 3Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship.单词拼写1They_(争吵) with one another about how to solve the mathematical problem.答案:quarrelled2He_(后悔) that he had left without saying goodbye to them.答案:regretted3In countries where there are still not many schools,education is a(n)_(特权)答案:privilege4Ill never_(原谅) you for what you said to me yesterday.答案:forgive4She_(提到) that she was having problems,but she didnt give any details.答案:mentioned5Her mother _(责备) her for not cleaning up her room this morning.答案:scolded6Skill is acquired through repeated practice,and practice makes _(完美的)答案:perfect7The company stopped the production because of the continued _(损失)答案:losses8It is hard to _(预测) the effects of the project on the environment.答案:predict9The book is sound in content and _(活泼的) in style.答案:lively10It was_(体贴的,考虑周到的) of you not to watch TV while I was asleep.答案:considerate11It is not how much you read but what you read that_(重要,有价值)答案:counts12She realised that one of her friends must have_(背叛) her.答案:betrayed.完成句子1We students should not_(因小事和同学吵架) little things.(quarrel)答案:quarrel with our classmates about/over2Hearing the song,I_(想起了大学生活)(mind)答案:brought my college life to mind3We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and_ (作为回报),dogs give us their all.(return)答案:in return4Tom was absent for a week.We need one more person to_(组成) a team.(make)答案:make up5She _(面临) severe money problems,she had to turn to her parents.(confront)答案:was confronted with/confronted6Mr Smith loves sports and _(他的妻子也喜欢运动)(so)答案:so does his wife 7Actually,Australians_(享有的福气) a mild climate.(bless)答案:are blessed with 8. It is easy for people with a sense of humor to_(关系良好) with their partners or neighbours.(terms)答案: be on good terms9I could not have finished the work so soon_(没有你的帮助)答案:without your help10. He has made up his mind to continue with his studies,and_(我也是)答案:so have I.用适当的介词填空1The old pictures brought the days of my childhood _mind.答案:to2Having no children _their own,they decided to adopt the girl.答案:of3If you are interested in our position,please apply _the website.答案:through4This style of dress became popular _ the start of the 1980s.答案:at5_the help of his teacher,he made rapid progress in mathematics.答案:With6She quarrelled_her brother_their fathers will last night.答案:with;about/over.阅读理解Deaf people may have no trouble communicating English words through American Sign Language (ASL)But studies of ASL users show that,on average,educated deaf adults are likely to read at the level of a nineyearold.The explanation has always been that this is because they never learned to connect letters with sounds.But according to a recent study led by Linguist (语言学家) Jill Morford,deaf readers are just like other people learning to read in a second languagetheyre actually learning a new language.Ms Morford is a professor at the University of New Mexico and part of a research center at Gallaudet University in Washington.Most students at Gallaudet are deaf;the center studies how deaf people learn and use language.Professor Morford says signers are like English learners whose first language uses a different alphabet (字母表)“Anyone who has a first language that has a written system thats very different from English,like Arabic or Chinese or Russian,knows that learning to recognize and understand words in English is much more challenging than if you already speak a language that uses the same orthography,” he said.The orthography is the written system and spelling of a language.Of course,with signers,their first language has no written system at all,just hand gestures.Gallaudet Professor Tom Allen explains what effect this has on reading.“When people read,they kind of hear theres a silent hearing going on.However,when a deaf person reads a word,theres not.They see the word and it activates (激活) their sign representations (表达形式) of those words.”Signers can face the same problems as other bilingual people:their brains have to choose between two languages all the time.Sometimes,this can be difficult.Take the words “paper” and “movie” for example.Their spelling and meaning are not at all similar.But,as Professor Allen points out,the signs for them are.语篇解读本文是一篇关于失聪人群阅读能力的最新研究。1Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?ADeaf people see images of the words when reading.BRussian is easier to learn than Chinese for Americans.CThere is no written system for signers first language.DWords with different meanings cant be signed similarly.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段with signers,their first language has no written system at all,just hand gestures可知选C项。答案:C2According to Jill Morford,deaf readers_.Aare good at studying languagesBshould learn a second languageChavent been welleducatedDseem to learn a new language while reading解析:细节理解题。由第二段第二句可知,Jill Morford认为,失聪人群在阅读时好像学习一种新的语言,故D为正确选项。答案:D3What can we learn about Tom Allen?AHe teaches deaf people how to read.BHe studies how to connect letters with sounds.CHe works at Gallaudet University in Washington.DHe has created a new written system for deaf people.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段Gallaudet Professor Tom Allen可知选C项。其余选项文中均没有依据。答案:C4The underlined word “bilingual” in the last paragraph refers to people who can_.Aspeak two languagesBunderstand different sign languagesCspeak and hear as well as use sign languagesDunderstand a language using different orthography解析:词义猜测题。根据本句后半部分choose between two languages可以推测出,bilingual指的是“可以说两种语言的人”,故选A项。答案:APictures of polar bears struggling to stay on the ice are often used by groups that want to protect these lovely animals and their natural habitats.However,part of the solution lies with the polar bears themselves.Polar bears are highly specialized.This means that they have got used to living in a specific area and eating specific food.Polar bears live above the Arctic Circle (北极圈) and eat fish and arctic mammals such as seals.Their bodies are different from those of other types of bears.Polar bears have webbed (有蹼的) feet for swimming,thicker fur and more body fat for living and swimming in cold conditions,and lightcolored fur to help them mix with the environment.As a result,polar bears do not do well when they are in a nonarctic area.They cannot run as fast as other bears,they can become hot and tired easily,and they have a hard time hunting animals that are not in the snow.Unfortunately for polar bears,climate change is reducing the size of the areas where they can live.This means that they will eventually have to leave the Arctic and travel farther south.However,as they are so specialized,it is unlikely that polar bears will be able to live as they once did.Other creatures,such as crocodiles or cockroaches,are not nearly as specialized.They live on almost every continent and in a wide variety of climates.In fact,crocodiles are one of the most adaptable (适应性强的) animals on the earth and have survived for millions of years.When animals specialize,they often do better than less specialized species in the same place,but if the climate or other conditions change,the specialized animals are usually the first to die off.If polar bears are going to survive the next 100 years,they will have to adapt.Most scientists believe that polar bears may eventually cross paths with brown bears and black bears.Whether these animals fight it out or fall in love to create new generations of hybrid bears remains to be seen.No matter how it happens,they believe that polar bears will live far into the future.语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章主要谈论了北极熊对特定环境的过度依赖给其带来的危害。5The text mainly talks about how_.Ahumans protect polar bearsBpolar bears hunt in the ArcticCspecialization hurts polar bearsDanimals adapt to climate change解析:主旨大意题。总览全文可知,北极熊对北极这一环境已经相当依赖,正因为此,它们无法很快适应环境的变化而对自身产生了危害,故C项正确。答案:C6Compared with other types of bears,polar bears_.Aswim faster but run slowerBare better at hunting animalsCeat less but are much heavierDhave bigger ears and thicker fur解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的Polar bears have webbed feet for swimming和They cannot run as fast as other bears可知,A项说法正确。答案:A7Due to climate change,polar beats may_.Achoose to live in the water foreverBgo to find a much colder place to liveCmove to the south of the Arctic CircleDdisappear from the earth in the near future解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的This means that they will eventually have to leave the Arctic and travel farther south可知,北极熊最终将会向北极以南迁徙。答案:C8According to Paragraph 4,crocodiles_.Aare highly specialized animalsBare the most adaptable speciesCwill soon be the first to die offDcan be found almost everywhere解析:推理判断题。由第四段中的Other creatures,such as crocodiles or cockroaches,are not nearly as specialized.They live on almost every continent and in a wide variety of climates.可以推知,在哪儿几乎都可以看到鳄鱼。答案:D.短文改错There is an English saying “It never rains but it pours”I now believe it was probably true.Last Saturday,I had a terrible time.It was rather cold,or quite sunny,so after lunch I went downtown,plan to buy a sweater.I was looking at the window of clothes shop when someone stole my wallet.While I was going to home,it started to rain and I arrived home coldly and miserable.I decided to have a hot bath.I was getting ready to have my bath while the doorbell rang.It was a salesman and it took me several minute to get rid of him.Unfortunate,all the time he was talking to us,the water was running.You can imagine the state of the bathroom!There is an English saying “It never rains but it pours”I now believe it probably true.Last Saturday,I had a terrible time.It was rather cold, quite sunny,so after lunch I went downtown, to buy a sweater.I was looking at the window of clothes shop when someone stole my wallet.While I was going to home,it started to rain and I arrived home and miserable.I decided to have a hot bath.I was getting ready to have my bath the doorbell rang.It was a salesman and it took me several to get rid of him.,all the time he was talking to ,the water was running.You can imagine the state of the bathroom!

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