高中英语 Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Warming up & Reading-Language points课时作业 新人教版选修6

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高中英语 Unit 2 Poems Section Ⅱ Warming up & Reading-Language points课时作业 新人教版选修6_第1页
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Unit 2PoemsSection Warming up & ReadingLanguage points.单句语法填空1John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_(finish),he gladly accepted it.答案:finished2Joe is now making a_(translate) of a very important paper.答案:translation3When in Qingdao,I didnt like the_(salt) sea air.答案:salty4I was in deep_(sorry) when I heard the news that Jobs Jobs passed away.答案:sorrow5I want to convey_children that reading is important.答案:to6She was looking at me_a very strange way.答案:in.单词拼写1He climbed up the tree and hid among the_(树枝)答案:branches2The_(模式) of a family has been changing over recent years.答案:pattern3The prince was _(转变) into a frog in the fairy tale.答案:transformed4At that time,I found it hard to _(传达) my feelings in words.答案:convey5I dont understand,so please give me a_(具体的) example.答案:concrete6The government needs a more_(灵活的) approach to education.答案:flexible7Erics statement is_(矛盾的) to what he said before.答案:contradictory8Can you think of a _(押韵词) for “mouse”?答案:rhyme.选词填空in particular,while,transform.into.,sorrow,run out of,be made up of,convey,take it easy1Poems _certain emotions.答案:convey2Poems can vividly_reality_literature.答案:transform;into3Of all the poems,I like the ones written by Shakespeare,which_ fourteen lines.答案:are made up of4Some like poems in the old fashion_others like the modern ones.答案:while5If we love life we will never _our inspirations (灵感)答案:run out of6_and tell us what happened.答案:Take it easy7People were in deep _at the news that the heroic bus driver passed away.答案:sorrow8I liked one of the jackets _and so I bought it the moment I saw it yesterday.答案:in particular.完形填空Being a home hospice (临终关怀) volunteer gives me the opportunity to enjoy the tiniest moments that make the biggest memories.The way one patient _1_when she was having a foot rub (按摩)Or the_2_in anothers eye when she looked at the photos I took of her gardenshe hadnt been outside to_3_it for more than two years.And sometimes,theres a chance to do something really_4_for them.A new ice cream store had opened,and my patient and her three elderly sisters wanted to know more about it very much.I_5_that the next time I came,_6_it was a hot enough day,Id treat everyone to ice cream.The day arrived and,as we_7_,it was really hot.I took my insulated (隔热的) bag and drove to Main Street Sweets.There I_8_a list of all the flavors and got to the sisters house at the_9_time.Then I sat with each one,reading the list as they_10_each flavor until they made their_11_.Armed with my list,I_12_to the ice cream store and bought double scoops (勺) all around.Then I raced back to the_13_,hoping the ice cream wouldnt_14_.I handed out the containers and they_15_the ice cream Id bought was too much for them.But one_16_ led to the next as it often does with ice cream._17_,there wasnt any left.There was laughter and delight in the room,as if it were filled with a group of_18_schoolgirls._19_,months later,as the snow falls outside my window,the ice cream and two of the sisters are long gone.But the_20_of our ice cream party on that hot day will be a part of my memory forever.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者为一位临终的病人和她的姐妹们举办的一个冰激凌聚会。1.Asmiled Bsighed Cacted Dfelt解析:由文章第一句enjoy the tiniest moments that make the biggest memories和when she was having a foot rub可推断,当作者给一位病人进行足部按摩的时候,病人应该是在“微笑(smiled)”答案:A2Ahope BdelightCcalmness Ddisappointment答案:B3.Acheck Bfind Csee Ddesign解析:由文章第一句Being a home hospice volunteer可知,作者是在家里对病人进行临终关怀,那么这个花园应该是病人家里的花园。病人已经两年多没有出去“看看(see)”自己的花园了。作者拍了花园的照片给病人看,病人应该非常“高兴(delight)”。答案:C4Aeasy BimportantCnecessary Dfun解析:由第四段的There was laughter and delight in the room可知,作者为临终的病人买了冰激凌,给她和她的姐妹们带来了快乐。And sometimes.for them这句话的意思是:有时候,总有机会为她们做一些能让她们“开心(fun)”的事情。答案:D5Adoubted Bpromised Cexplained Dargued答案:B6Aas BunlessCalthough Dif解析:由上一句wanted to know more about it very much可知,这几位老太太对新开的冰激凌商店很感兴趣,因此作者“许诺(promised)”下次再来的时候,“如果(if)”天气足够热,将请她们吃冰激凌。答案:D7Aproved BrealizedCexpected Ddemanded解析:正如作者和老人们所“期待(expected)”的,天气果真很热。答案:C8Awrote Bread Cshowed Dnoticed答案:A9Asuggested BappointedCshared Dpermitted解析:作者在冰激凌店“抄下了(wrote)”冰激凌的所有口味,然后在“约定的(appointed)”时间到达了几位老太太的家里。答案:B10Atried Benjoyed Cimagined Dadded答案:C11Awishes Battempts Cchanges Ddecisions解析:然后作者坐下来,给老太太们读冰激凌口味列表。姐妹们“想象着(imagined)”每一种冰激凌的味道,最后她们做出了买哪种口味的“决定(decisions)”。答案:D12Awent back Bwalked upCturned around Dlooked forward解析:作者之前已经去过店里,故此处指作者“返回(went back)”冰激凌店。答案:A13Agarden Bhouse Cstore Dhospital答案:B14Abreak Bshake Cmelt Dmove解析:联系第三段的I took my insulated bag可知,买好了冰激凌之后,作者快速地回到了病人的“家里(house)”,希望冰激凌没有“融化(melt)”。答案:C15Aagreed BadmittedCpraised Dcomplained解析:由the ice cream Id bought was too much for them可知,老太太们在“抱怨(complained)”冰激凌买得太多了。答案:D16Ataste BstoryCway Dsurprise解析:正如人们通常吃冰激凌一样,“尝了(taste)”一口还想吃下一口。答案:A17ASo far BBefore longCAt first DIn addition解析:“很快(Before long)”,冰激凌就被吃光了。答案:B18Acareless Bkind Clively Dshy解析:由There was laughter and delight可知,屋子里充满了欢笑和快乐,屋里坐的仿佛是一群“活泼的(lively)”女学生。答案:C19. AThus BStill CSuddenly DNow解析:由as the snow falls outside my window,the ice cream and two of the sisters are long gone的时态可以判断,作者把镜头从过去切换到了“现在(Now)”。如今,几个月之后,当雪花飘落在“我”的窗前,冰激凌和其中的两个姐妹已经远去了。答案:D20Aimage BbackgroundCpreparation Ddiscussion解析:但是那个大热天冰激凌聚会的“景象(image)”却会永远留在作者的记忆中。答案:A.阅读理解Emily Bear,from Rockford,Illinois,is one of the youngest concert pianists in the United States.When she was 2,her grandmother noticed her unusual talent.She started piano lessons at the Music Institute of Chicago when she was 5.Emily comes from a musical family.Her brother plays the guitar,and her sister plays the harp (竖琴)Emily plays jazz and classical music,but composes (创作) all styles.She began her career in July of 2007 at the 100yearold Ravinia Music Festival.Emily was just 5 at the time.At age 6,Emily played a concert at the White House.And that same year she performed at the McDonalds Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago.When she was 7,Emily performed Mozarts Piano Concerto No.23 with two major symphony orchestras (交响乐管弦乐队)She has also performed original pieces,jazz and classical music on televisions Good Morning America show.Last summer Emily became an international star when she played in Italy and China.At present she studies classical piano with the Chicago Symphony Orchestras pianist.Emily may be a very famous person,but she isnt treated like one.She and her family dont use words like “prodigy” in their house.They stay modest.Emily also gives a large part of the money she earns to charities like UNICEF.Many people dont understand how a girl so young can play so well.She has a gift,but she says,“Im just a normal kid that plays the piano.I like inspiring kids.”语篇解读本文介绍了美国年纪最小的钢琴家之一Emily Bear。1From the text we can know that Emily started her career at the age of_.A2 B5C6 D7解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句She began her career in July of 2007.Emily was just 5 at the time可知,她是5岁开始自己的演奏事业的。答案:B2What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?AEmilys learning experience.BEmilys progress in playing.CEmilys road to success.DEmilys busy concert career.解析:段落大意题。第二段主要介绍了Emily在不同地方、不同场合演出的情况,由此可知本段主要是介绍她繁忙的钢琴演奏事业。答案:D3When we describe someone as “prodigy”,he or she is_.Ahandsome BtalentedCenergetic Dfriendly解析:词义猜测题。通读全文及prodigy一词出现的前后语境可知,Emily小小年纪就很成功,可谓天才,但她和家人都保持谦虚的态度,由此可判断他们不称呼Emily为“神童或天才”。答案:B4What is the best title of the passage?AA music talentBEmily and her familyCThe most famous pianistDEmily and her symphony orchestras解析:标题归纳题。B、C、D项只描述了其中的部分内容,只有A项涵盖的范围比较广,故选A项。答案:A

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