高中英语 话题9 文娱活动(Entertainment)学业水平测试

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话题9 文娱活动(Entertainment).重点单词1organize v组织2enjoy/appreciate v欣赏 3concert n音乐会4musician n音乐家5inspiration n灵感,鼓舞人心的人/事物6advertisement n广告7actor n男演员;参与者8fan n扇子;迷;狂热者9instrument n工具;乐器10hit n(演出等)成功;打击;打11activity n活动12reputation n名誉;名声13folk adj.民间的14wellknown adj.著名的15traditional adj.传统的16romantic adj.浪漫的17humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的18attractive adj.吸引人的19classical adj.经典的20attentively adv.聚精会神地.常考短语1be fond of喜欢2be set in the USA以美国为背景3be based on an old tale取材于一个古老的故事4be true to life忠实于生活5be gifted in music有音乐天赋6star in many films主演多部电影7dance to the music随着音乐起舞8become famous for/as因为/以而闻名9play the piano/guitar弹钢琴/弹吉他10prefer classical music to pop music喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐11stand out in a national piano competition在一次全国钢琴比赛中脱颖而出12recommend the film to your friends把这部电影推荐给你的朋友13ask sb. for advice on sth.向寻求建议14come up with想出;提出15compose a song创作歌曲16form a band组建乐队17sign up报名;跟签订合同18have an appetite for爱好19improve creativity提高创造力20source of joys and inspiration乐趣和灵感的源泉.经典句式1Music is the source of joys and inspiration in life.音乐在生活中是乐趣和灵感的源泉。2Practicing musical instruments improves your childrens handeye coordination.练习弹奏乐器发展小孩的眼手的协调能力。3He has become one of the most outstanding pianists in the world and been named as a young man who changes the world.他成了世界上最杰出的钢琴家之一,被称为改变世界的年轻人。4In his spare time, he likes listening to pop music and playing computer games.在他的空余时间里, 他喜欢听流行音乐和玩电脑游戏。5People who cannot find time for recreation have to find time for illness sooner or later.挤不出时间休息娱乐的人,迟早会被迫挤出时间来养病。6He showed his unusual talent for piano at the age of 3, when he began to play the piano.他3岁时就显示了非凡的钢琴天赋,此时他就开始弹钢琴了。7In addition to improving creativity, learning music cultivates many skills that will continue to be useful to children throughout their lives.除了提高小孩的创造力外,学习音乐能培养许多使小孩终生受益的技能。8As a matter of fact, to be a singer or musician, one should have a talent for music or have the ability of composing a song.事实上,想成为歌手或音乐家,一个人必须有音乐天赋或创作歌曲的能力。9She imagines that some day she would become a singer, standing on the stage, and performing with the fans clapping, and an unknown one hit the world overnight!她想象有一天成了一名歌手站在舞台上表演,有歌迷为她鼓掌,一个默默无闻的她居然一夜成名。10Besides,learning a musical instrument will help your children develop concentration, patience and perseverance, which will help them later in life to tackle difficult challenges.此外,学习弹奏乐器培养小孩的注意力、毅力和耐心,有助于他们在以后的生活中战胜困难。.佳作背诵21世纪英文报社准备举办英语夏令营,开设如下课程:街舞(hiphop),烹饪(cooking),武术(kung fu),护理(nursing)等。假如你是王晓华,写一封申请信给编辑,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。信的内容必须包括:1你感兴趣的课程;2你期望从这门课程中学到什么;3为什么想学这些内容。注意:1.词数120左右;2信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,I am very glad that the English Summer Camp will be held,which consists of many courses,such as hiphop,cooking,kung fu and nursing_Yours,Wang Xiaohua参考范文Dear Editor,I am very glad that the English Summer Camp will be held,which consists of many courses,such as hiphop,cooking,kung fu and nursing.I want to attend the course about nursing,because I have always dreamt of becoming a nurse since I was a little child.For one thing,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of nursing so that it can help me to major in nursing after attending college.For another,learning more about nursing can help to take good care of my parents and relatives.As is known to all,there are many senior citizens in China.Therefore,I want to devote my life to looking after them after I graduate from college.Nursing is a difficult task in fact,because it needs a lot of patience and skills.So I hope I can learn some basic knowledge of nursing by making full use of this chance.Yours,Wang Xiaohua

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