高中英语 Unit 17 Laughter Section Ⅲ课后演练提能 北师大版选修61

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Unit 17 Laughter Section 夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. They worked on outside _(不管) of the cold in winter.答案:regardless2. We all agree that English is a _(通用的) language.答案:universal3. _(很少) can we see the tigers in the wild nowadays.答案:Rarely4. To my great _(惊讶), my father failed again in the driving test.答案:astonishment5. As a lawyer Ill try to _(使相信) the judge of the facts.答案:convince6. I want to know what has r_ in her death.答案:resulted7. You are f_ to smoke in public places in China.答案:forbidden8. He came late to class p_ because he walked too slowly on the way.答案:partly9. We wish to o_ the firsthand information as soon as possible.答案:obtain10. Most of us appreciate the c_ films of Zhao Benshan very much.答案:comedy. 选词填空1. He_ an American accent.答案:put on2. His dirty clothes really_ me _ .答案:turned;off3. Emma was _ at me through the window.答案:pulling faces4. Many people now _the Internet for news.答案:rely on5. Did he take the key and _ with her car?答案:play around. 完成句子1. Every man in our country has the right to speak in public places,live where he wants to, _ (不管) the colour of his skin.答案:regardless of2. The children living in a mountainous village_ (渴望) knowledge,but they dont often have any chance.答案:are desperate for3. All the people present at the conference_ (震惊) the news that so many people died in the hurricane and flood.答案:were astonished by4. As the old saying goes,nothing can_ (弥补) the loss of time. So we must value time.答案:compensate for5. Does the baby look _ (有点像) its mother or father?答案:anything like. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. Mary is fond_music but I am not.答案:of句意:玛丽喜欢音乐,但我不喜欢。fond“喜欢,爱好”,常作表语,和of连用。2. The gentleman put _his hat and went out quickly.答案:on句意:那位绅士戴上帽子出去了。根据语意,put on“穿上,戴上”符合题意。3. How long have you _ trouble? For two weeks.答案:been in句意:“你处于困境多久了?”“两周。”get into“陷入”,强调动作。been in表示一种状态,符合语境。4. After he retired from office, Rogers took _ painting for a while,but soon lost interest.答案:uptake up此处意为“(尤指为消遣)学着做,开始做”符合题意。5. When I turned to the person _(seat) next to me,I recognized that he was my schoolmate.答案:seated句意:我瞥了一眼身旁的人,发现他是我的一个同学。用seated是过去分词作定语,相当于who was seated。6. In the Middle East,sometimes a small matter may cause a big war _(break) out.答案:to breakcause可跟to do作宾补,即cause.to do。7. _exciting the story you told us is!答案:How感叹句引导词有what和how,结构分别是what(a/an)形容词名词主语谓语!How形容词/副词主语谓语!exciting为形容词“令人激动的”,故应用how构成感叹句。8. The last reason_ Mary gave the teacher was unacceptable.答案:that考查定语从句,名词前有the last修饰,用that不用which,that在从句中作give的宾语。9. The young man couldnt afford a new car._, he bought a used one.答案:Instead考查副词。句意:这个年轻人买不起新车。他买了一辆二手车以代之。instead表示“代替”,符合句意。10. The poor children were made _(work) from morning till night.答案:to workmake sb.do变为被动语态时原来不带to的不定式要将to恢复,变为be made to do。提升实战能力. 阅读理解The ClownLaughtermakerWhat is a clown?A clown is a performer who pretends to be a fool and acts up, in order to amuse his audience. In short, hes a comedian.How is he funny? It depends on the clown. Clowns have many things in their bag of tricks. Some do slapstick(闹剧). Some do pantomime(哑剧); they dont speak, just act out their story, instead. Some use magic. Others tell jokes or use puppets in their performance.The FaceThe clown has many decisions to make his identity out. Identity is not only found in a clowns name. A clowns identity has a great deal to do with tradition, costume, and makeup. There are many types of clowns and each clown must create his own look and special face.Face means character or personality for the clown. A clowns face is created by the use of makeup, as well as his costume. In other words, he has a certain look and he acts out in his own special way. Once the clown chooses his face, it becomes his trademark. No other clown may dress or make up exactly like him.Types of ClownsThere are four basic types of clowns.WhitefaceThey use white makeup to cover their faces. It is the oldest type of clown. They do a lot of physical stunts, like leaping and tumbling.Auguste(马戏团小丑)They wear colorful, mismatched and oversized clothing. These clowns also have big noses and brightly colored wigs. From head to toe, color is an important part of the costume.CharacterThey have the most realistic looking. They exaggerate usual facial features like beards, hair, eyebrows, lips, or noses.New Vaudeville(新歌舞杂耍)They usually dont wear makeup and amuse audience by involving them in the performance.本文是说明文。本文介绍了一种喜剧演员“丑角”的四种类型,以及每种小丑的特征。1. What is a clown?A. An actor.B. An actress.C. A laughter. D. A comedian.答案:D细节理解题。由第一个标题“What is a clown?”及第二段的最后“In short, hes a comedian.”可知答案选D。2. The feature of New Vaudeville is that_.A. they make up their facesB. they get the audience to take part in the performanceC. they have special facial featuresD. they perform many physical movements答案:B推理判断题。由最后一段可知,新歌舞杂耍不化装,只是通过让观众参与而取悦观众。A、D为白脸小丑的特点;C项为性格小丑的特点。3. The picture of the text is_.A. New Vaudeville B. CharacterC. Auguste D. Whiteface答案:C推理判断题。从文章中讲的白脸小丑、马戏团小丑、性格小丑、新歌舞杂耍的定义中“马戏团小丑”有大鼻子、色彩鲜艳的假发等得知答案选C。4. Which sentence is NOT true?A. Face means character or personality for the clown.B. A clowns face is created by the use of makeup, as well as his costume.C. There are many types of clowns and each clown must create his own look and special face.D. Some clowns may dress or make up exactly like themselves.答案:D推理判断题。由文中The Face的部分可以判断出答案选D。

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