高中英语 Unit2 English around the world 2.2课时训练 新人教版必修1

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Unit 2 English around the world 2.2课时训练基础夯实.将下列直接引语变为间接引语1.“Please attend the meeting tomorrow,”the monitor said.The monitor attend the meeting the next day.答案:asked me to2.“Dont touch this chemistry equipment,”the teacher told us.The teacher warned us chemistry equipment.答案:not to touch that3.“Go to the park with me,”Bob asked me.Bob asked me the park with him.答案:to go to4.The teacher said,“Youd better have a try again.”The teacher asked .答案:me to have a try again5.She said to the boys,“Be quiet;the baby is sleeping!”She told the boys because the baby .答案:to be quiet;was sleeping6.“You invite Lily to the party,Tim,”he said.He Lily to the party.答案:advised Tim to invite7.“Lets get the tickets ahead of time,”he asked.He the tickets ahead of time.答案:suggested getting/suggested that they (should) get8.The officer said,“Go away.”The officer us .答案:ordered;to go away9.One of the doctors said,“Let me go on with the operation,Dr.Smith.”One of the doctors Dr.Smith with the operation.答案:asked;to let him go on10.“Go over your test papers carefully before handing them in.”the teacher said.The teacherover our test papers carefully before handing them in.答案:asked us to go.单句改错1.The teacher told us dont to leave until class was over.答案:dontnot2.She said to me to go for a walk with her.答案:said toasked3.He suggested to go on a holiday.答案:to gogoing4.The visitors all said how a lovely place it was.答案:howwhat5.The commander asked his men to fight.答案:askedordered.句型转换1.Joe said,“Please come to my house.”Joe me to his house.答案:invited;to go2.“Be careful with the dog,” he said.He me careful with the dog.答案:warned;to be3.“Get everything ready tomorrow,”he said to us.He us everything ready the next day.答案:ordered;to get4.“Let the dog out of the court,”Cindy said.Cindy me the dog out of the court.答案:asked;to let5.“Dont play football in the teaching building,”said the headmaster.The headmaster told us not football in the teaching building.答案:to play6.My mother asked me to show my homework to her.My mother said to me,“Show homework.”答案:me your.下面是几组微型对话,用括号内所给动词加不定式转述第一个说话者的话1.Joe:Go to a movie with me,please.Mary:Yes.(invite)答案:Joe invited Mary to go to a movie with him.2.Dr.Miller:You should get more exercise.Steve:Ill try.(advise)答案:Dr.Miller advised Steve to get more exercise.3.Mr Ward:You may have an apple and a glass of milk.The children:Thanks,Dad.(permit)答案:Mr Ward permitted the children to have an apple and a glass of milk.4.Prof.White:You should study English hard.Tom:Yes,I will.(encourage)答案:Prof.White encouraged Tom to study English hard.5.The police officer:Put your hands above your head!The thief:Who?Me?I didnt do anything.(order)答案:The police officer ordered the thief to put his hands above his head.6.Sue:Dont forget to call me.Lucy:I wont.(remind)答案:Sue reminded Lucy not to forget to call her.能力提升.完形填空(导学号51920015)People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries.And in the 1 300 years,there were so many 2 in both places that now people can easily 3 an English person from an American in the 4 he or she talks.Many old words 5 in England but were kept in America.For example,300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they 6 either a “faucet”,“spigot”,or a “tap”.All these words are 7 heard in different parts of America,but only “tap” is still 8 in England.Americans often make 9 new words or change old ones.“Corn” is one kind of plant in America and 10 in England.Also,over the last three centuries the English language has 11 thousands of new words for things that werent 12 before.And often,American and English people used two 13 names for them.A tin can is called “tin” for short in English,but a “can” in American.The word “radio” is 14 all over the world,including America.But many English people call it a “wireless”.And almost anything 15 something to do with cars,railroads,etc.has different 16 in Britain and American English.But now American and British English may be 17 closer together.One thing is that 18 people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in 19,on television,or from travelers.Because of this,Americans 20 to be influencing(影响) the British more and more.So some day,English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.1.A.pastB.oldestC.recentD.modern答案:A提示:“in the past/last+时间”意思为 “在过去的里”。2.A.citizensB.inventionsC.changesD.differences答案:C提示:从上下文可知,英国和北美两个地方的英语在过去的三百年里发生了很多变化,以至于现在人们很容易区分开英国人和美国人。3.A.pickB.tellC.takeD.judge答案:B提示:tell.from.“把和区分开”。4.A.voiceB.placeC.languageD.way答案:D提示:in the way (that) he or she talks“以他或她讲话的方式”。5.A.disappearedB.stayedC.returnedD.formed答案:A提示:此句意思是“很多旧单词在英国已消失不见了,而在美国却被保留了下来”。6.A.saidB.talkedC.spokeD.called答案:D提示:something实际上作后面定语从句中谓语动词的宾语,而“a faucetspigot,or a tap”亦作该动词的宾语。选项中只有called 后可接双宾语。7.A.thenB.hardlyC.clearlyD.still答案:D提示:从上下文看,有些词在美国的不同地方还能听到,因此用still。8.A.politeB.nativeC.commonD.lively答案:C提示:上述三个单词现在只有“tap”一词在英国还能经常听人说起。common意为“often heard or seen”。9.A.ofB.intoC.upD.out答案:C提示:make up意为“invent”。10.A.anotherB.the otherC.noneD.something答案:A提示:one.another.“是一回事/一种,是另外一回事/一种”,两个词经常在一起使用。11.A.discoveredB.addedC.improvedD.learned答案:B提示:add“增加,添加”。12.A.acceptedB.knownC.introducedD.understood答案:B提示:以前不为人所知的东西。13.A.newB.shortC.differentD.standard答案:C提示:英美两国使用不同的单词。14.A.ruledB.madeC.developedD.used答案:D提示:be used “被使用”。15.A.havingB.bringingC.gettingD.making答案:A提示:have sth.to do with.“与有关系”。16.A.typesB.namesC.degreesD.parts答案:B提示:同样的东西在英式英语和美式英语中有了两个不同的名字。17.A.puttingB.stayingC.livingD.growing答案:D提示:grow closer“变得越来越接近”。growing 相当于becoming。18.A.BritishB.AmericanC.educatedD.ordinary答案:A提示:从下文看现在的英国受美国的影响更大,因此是British people。19.A.familiesB.busesC.moviesD.newspapers答案:C提示:由后文的“on television,or from travelers”可推知此处movies为最合适的选项。20.A.needB.expectC.seemD.happen答案:C提示:现在在人们看来,美国英语对英国英语的影响是越来越大了。.语法填空(导学号51920016)Some people learn a second language 1.(easy).Other people have trouble 2.(learn) a new language.How can you help 3.(you) learn a new language,such 4. English?There are several 5.(way) to make English learning a little easier and more interesting.The 6.(one) step is to feel sure about learning English.If you believe that you can learn,you will learn.The second step is to practise your English.7. example,write a diary 8. English.After several weeks,you will see your 9.(write) is improving.The third step is to keep 10. record of your language learning.答案:1.easily2.learning3.yourself4.as5.ways6.first7.For8.in9.writing10.a

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