高中英语 Unit 5 Music Period Ⅳ Using Language学案 新人教版必修2

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Period Using Language.单词巩固1n._增加,加;_兴奋;_投入,热爱;_邀请;_胡须2v. _再统一,再联合;_浸,蘸3adj. _吸引人的;_自信的;_简短的;_敏感的;_痛苦的4adv._在晚上,一夜之间;_然后,后来.短语回顾1_另外;也2_分类3_最重要;首先4_除外;还.课文理解()根据课文内容,判断正(T)、误(F)1They visited Britain on a brief tour before Freddy and the band became famous.()2Freddy was excited to be invited to perform on a TV programme called “Top of the Pops”()3After they became famous, things went wrong.()4Freddy and his band were followed by their fans everywhere they went.()5Their personal life was regularly discussed by their close friends.()6They had to leave Britain and went back to the lake.()()根据课文内容,选择正确的答案1Freddys most exciting experience was _.Afans waited for hours to get tickets for their concertsBto perform on a TV programmeCthe telephones to the same room started ringingDfans followed wherever they went2People could find them anywhere EXCEPT when _.Athey wore glasses or beardsBthey were in the toiletCthey were in the reading rooms of librariesDthey were in their homes3Before they left Britain, they felt _.Aupset BsensitiveCpainful Dall the three.考点精析1Fans showed their devotion by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts.歌迷们对他们十分狂热,等几个小时来买他们音乐会的门票。归纳devotion nU挚爱,关爱,关照;奉献;忠诚;专心;热心devote v付出,献身devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的devote ones time/effort/money etc. to.为付出时间/努力/金钱等devote oneself to.献身于;专心致力于be devoted to sth./sb.致力于;献身于;忠诚、热爱运用(1)I know what _ means.我知道母亲对子女深深的疼爱意味着什么。(2)The man was praised for _.那个人因为对工作的忠心得到了表扬。(3)Mother Teresa has _ for the poor.特雷萨修女把自己的全部身心都倾注在照顾穷苦人上。(4)Kiko _ her music.基科热爱她的音乐。2Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队走到哪里都会有人跟随。归纳该句用了“not”和“without动名词”结构。这种结构被称为“双重否定”,一般作状语或表语,意思是“没有就不”。否定词也可以是no, never,或用not跟but连用。运用(1)What he has said is _.他说的话并非没有道理。(2)The two can _ talk _ smiling.他俩说话没有不笑的时候。3At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到他们必须在自己感到太痛苦之前离开这个国家。归纳1sensitive adj.体贴的;感觉敏锐的;易生气的;神经过敏的;灵敏的sense v感觉到;n.感觉;理解力;意义,含义sensible adj.明智的;合理的sensibility n感受能力;感情be sensitive about.对神经过敏的be sensitive to sth.对敏感运用1(1)She _ the cold.她对冷非常敏感。(2)She _ her appearance.她对自己的相貌非常在乎。(3)Some plants are very _ to light; they prefer the shade.Asensible BsensitiveCsuitable Dacceptable归纳2painful adj.疼痛的;令人痛苦(或难过、难堪)的;不愉快的;困难的,艰难的pain n痛苦,疼痛;v.使疼痛,作痛be painful for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事很痛苦be painful to watch/hear.看到/听到令人痛心painful memories/experience痛苦的记忆/经历运用2(4)_ for her to talk about the divorce.她谈到离婚仍然觉得心里不好受。(5)_ hear those words.听到那样的话真令人痛心。(6)Hearing about the war again brings back _ for many people.再次听到有关那场战争的事勾起许多人痛苦的回忆。4Next you will need to come up with a name for your bandsomething that is different.接下来你要为你的乐队取个名字一个与众不同的名字。归纳come up with想出,提出;赶上(主语是人)come up被提到(主语是物)catch up with赶上keep up with跟上,不落后make up with和解,和好put up with忍受,忍耐运用(1)A lot of new questions _ at the meeting.在此次会议上,许多新问题被提了出来。(2)He _ a new suggestion.他提出了一项新建议。(3)Its hard to _ the changes in computer technology.要跟上电脑技术的变化是很难的。5Above all, just have fun!最重要的是开心!归纳above all最重要的是,尤其是,该短语常用于句首或句中作状语,表示意义的增补。in all总共,总计after all毕竟,终究all in all总的来说at all根本,全然first of all首先,第一运用(1)The local government faces many tough problems, _, pollution problem.当地政府面临许多棘手的问题,尤其是污染问题。(2)There were about 800 people _.那儿总共有800人左右。(3)I dont know why youre so concerned, it isnt your problem _.我不明白你为什么这样担心,这毕竟不是你的问题。(4)_, its been a pretty bad year for John Major.总的来说,对约翰梅杰来讲这是糟糕的一年。Period Using Language课前准备区.1.addition;excitement;devotion;invitation;beard2reunite;dip3attractive;confident;brief;sensitive;painful4overnight;afterwards.1.in addition2.sort out3above all4.in addition to课堂活动区.()1.F2.T3.T4.T5.F6.T()1.B2.D3.D.1.(1)a mothers devotion to her children(2)his devotion to his task(3)devoted herself to caring(4)is devoted to2(1)not without reason(2)never;without3(1)is very sensitive to(2)is very sensitive about(3)B(4)Its still painful(5)It was painful to(6)painful memories4(1)came up(2)came up with(3)keep up with5(1)and above all(2)in all(3)after all(4)All in all

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