高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes Section Ⅱ Grammar课时作业 外研版必修2

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高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes Section Ⅱ Grammar课时作业 外研版必修2_第1页
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Section Grammar姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.选择适当的地点副词填空1“Is there _ else to camp ?” asked Alice.2. When we reached the top of the hill, the town appeared _ us. 3The soldiers rushed _and took over the enemys position. 4When he got to the riverside,he asked the fisherman to help row him _. 5. I cant find my pen though Ive looked _.6. The children had all gone out to play. They were _ to be seen around the house. 7Come to the party and bring some friends _ .8He found the children were playing _ on the sand. 9He ran _ with the money. 答案:1anywhere2.below 3.forward4.across5.everywhere6. nowhere7.along8.around9.off.根据句意,用适当的频度副词填空1药物有时具有令人不快的副作用。Medicines _ have unpleasant effects. 2她整天在做规划,但对规划很少坚持到底。She is always planning but _ carries through with any of them. 3这个小男孩总是要钱买一些不是真正喜欢的东西。The boy is _ asking for money to buy something he doesnt really like. 4这家商店通常在圣诞期间雇一些临时售货员来做圣诞节玩具生意。 The shop _ employs additional sales people for the Christmas season. 5周军上学从不迟到,一直都是第一个到那里。Zhou Jun is _ late for school and the first to get there all the time. 6在我心目中,你的样子总是兴高采烈的。I have this image of you as _ being cheerful.7男生从不吃巧克力,女生很少吃。 The boys _eat chocolate and the girls seldom eat it. 8. 她只是偶尔去教堂做礼拜,可是她笃信宗教。She goes to church only _,but she believes in religion. 9这个孩子太小了,不可能懂得这件事。 The boy is so young that he could_understand it. 答案:1. sometimes2. seldom/rarely3.always4. usually5.never6. always7.never8. occasionally9.hardly语篇提能.完形填空 How to manage your time It is very important to manage(管理) your time wisely. As you get older, you will have more responsibilities(责任). You will find it easier to succeed _1_ you learn to manage your time well. Plan by the semester(学期)_2_major due dates(到期日) on your calendar(日程表) for the semester. Estimate(估计) how long it will take to do each project._3_yourself more time than you think you will _4_need. Make a master schedule (计划)which should_5_ the following activities: all required school activities work schedule afterschool activities blank spaces for _6_ activities A master schedule can help you keep _7_ of all the things that you need to do. If you know what you have to do and when you need to do it, you can _8_better to finish it _9_.Plan by the week. Plan when to do all your tasks for the week. Schedule time to study for tests, read your _10_, write papers, go to work, be at meetings. Leave enough time for your household _11_.Plan each day. Make a “to do”_12_ the night before or the first thing in the morning. If you write down what you need to do, your mind will be _13_ to study. You wont _14_ and spend time thinking about what you have to do next. See how _15_ our new schedule works. Use it for a few weeks, then ask yourself some _16_. Are you getting your schoolwork done on time? Are you getting more things done? Do you feel you have control(控制) of your time? Yes? Then you should look at your schedule to see how it can be _17_. The following things may help you. Divide big tasks into small ones. _18_ the big tasks until they are _19_enough that you feel you know about how long it will take to complete them. Then _20_ them into your schedule. Follow your schedule closely. Even a wellplanned schedule cant help you if you dont follow it. 1A.untilBthoughCbefore Dif 2A.Take off BWrite downCCall at DTurn on3A.Praise BAllowCPut DHold4A.really BsafelyCstrangely Dgladly5A.draw B. makeCinclude Dsend 6A.unknown BdangerousCimpossible Dlazy 7A.glory BfinanceCtrack Dpaper8A.stand BlistenCwatch Dprepare9A.by chance Bon timeCat all Din short 10A.textbooks BpostersCnotices Dmarks11A.foods BrulesCpapers Dduties12A.lab BmatchClist Dparty13A.expensive BfreeCweak Dempty14A.train BworryC. look Drest 15A.well BbusilyCkindly Dloudly16A.advice BplansCleagues Dquestions17A.noticed BreceivedCimproved Dled 18A.Turn to BBreak downCPut down DTake off 19A.small BdeepCwide Dlong20A.copy BsinkCrepair Dfit 答案:1解析:如果你学会管理好你的时间,你将会发现成功比较容易。答案:D2解析:在你的学期日程表上写下最后期限。答案:B3解析:给予你自己认为你确实需要的时间更多一些。答案:B4解析:解析见上文。 答案:A5解析:制定一个应该包含下列活动的主计划 。答案:C6解析:给未知的活动留下空间。答案:A7解析:一个主计划能够帮助你跟踪你需要做的所有的事情。答案:C8解析:你能更好地准备以便准时完成某事情。答案:D9解析:解析见上文。 答案:B10解析:安排为准备测验的学习时间,读课本的时间。答案:A11解析:为你的家务留下足够的时间。答案:D12解析:在前一天晚上或早上第一件事列出要做的事情。答案:C13解析:你的思想就能够自由地专注于学习了。答案:B14解析:你将不会担心并花时间考虑下一步你要做什么。答案:B15解析:看一看我们新的计划效果如何。答案:A16解析:使用几个星期,然后问你自己一些问题。答案:D17解析:然后,你应该看一看你的计划表,看如何能够改善。答案:C18解析:把大的任务分解直到它们足够小,你觉得你能够知道要花多长时间完成它们。答案:B19解析:解析见上文。答案:A20解析:然后,让它们适合你的计划。答案:D.七选五阅读As we all know, sports are very common in our daily life. People who usually take part in sports can be found everywhere. Why so many people love sports? _1_ Generally speaking, it is good for our health to do sports, such as basketball, football, table tennis, swimming, badminton, and so on. _2_ I have taken the swimming course this term, since I didnt know how to swim. I find that swimming is very interesting and has many benefits for our body. On the one hand, it can make our circulatory system run regularly. On the other hand, the muscles of our body can be massaged(按摩) under the pressure of water. All these are advantageous to our health._3_ It is known to us that some sports are team sports that include several players or even more. When playing with others, people must face the situation of getting along with others. Through the sports games, strangers may get along with others and make friends with each other. _4_ If you dont know what to do, doing exercise may be a good idea because you can share the time and the fun with your friends._5_ Yes, thats right. But there are more advantages of sports than its disadvantages. We should follow the lead of sports athletes, as sports play an essential role in our life. Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep fit.AI think I love the sports deeply. BJust take swimming for example. CThere are many reasons for this. DI like the sports, which is interesting. EBesides, sports are also a way of communication. FSome people may say it is easy to be hurt while doing sports. GWhats more, they can get satisfaction from the competitive sports.答案:15CBEGF


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