高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes学案外研版必修2

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Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesIntroduction and Vocabulary (第一课时) 1. character n.特点,性格;文字;人物,角色 有个性的人_ 主角_他有个温柔但坚强的性格。He has a strong_ The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here. _。characteristic adj. 独特的 n. 特色,特征善良是他的特点之一。 Kindness is _.2. occasionally adv. 有时,偶尔 n._相关短语: 不时_ 决不_我偶尔和他去看电影。_.表示“偶尔,有时候”的词语:_3. argue v 争论,辩论,争吵,劝说 n._与某人争论某事_ 说服某人做/不做某事_无可争辩的_ 他说服了我买一件新夹克衫。_.argue说理,论证,企图说服 /debate双方各抒己见,辩论的含义quarrel争吵; 吵架;口角I _her for a long time, but she refused to listen to reasons.We have been _about the issue for weeks on end.I had a _ with my flat-mate about who should do the housework. 4. direct v. 管理,指导;指示方向;命令 n._; 指挥、导演_; adv._directly用作连词,用来引导时间状语从句,意思是“一就”相当于_/_/_ 等。5. marry 娶,嫁 n._ 嫁(娶)某人_ 把某人嫁给某人_与某人结婚_/_/_判断对错:Jack has been married to Rose for three years. ( ) Jack has married Rose for three years. ( )Reading and Language points (第二课时)1. come out 出来,出现,(花)开,出版,结果是When is her new novel _? _Who_ first in the contest? _I think the roses will_ next week. _短语扩展:1)Ive just_(碰见)an old friend.2)The song_(流传下来)us from the 10th century.3)We shall work hard to_(赶上)them.4) His dream will _(实现)sooner or later.2.be/fall in love with be(表示状态)/ fall(表示动作)他们相爱已经五年了They _with each other for five years.3in surprise 吃惊地in 可用于表示做某事时所处于的状况或状态,如:沉默地_ 惊恐地_ 痛苦中 _有序地,整齐地_成群的_ 在修理中_4. toones抽象名词to the抽象名词of sb.Eg: to ones delight(joy)/to the delight(joy) of sb.使高兴的是to ones surprise/ joy.表达加强程度的方法有两种:_ to ones surprise/ joy.或to ones great surprise/ joy.令我大为吃惊的是,他居然得了第一名。_, he came out first.5.tell of 告诉有关的信息、情况,说明,讲述The poem tells of the deeds of a famous warrior(武士). _.6. It is agreed that.人们一致同意人们相信_ 众所周知_ 据报道_大家认为_ 人们赞同 _ 大家推测_注意:Its said that也可以改为_ 或He is said_/ to be doing/ _. _(据说)Mr.Rollins would sign the contract on May 1st. 人们认为马云在2014年已是中国首富。_.7. Brave, good and strong, she is the character we care about most. 此句中,Brave, good and strong 为形容词短语作状语。用来表达主语所处的状态或特征。Jessica, the best student of our class, won the game._._(又累又困), I went to bed. 他英年早逝_.Grammar (第三课时)Grammar 1 Adverbs of frequency and place 频度副词和地点副词1频度状语多置于被修饰的动词、形容词和副词之前。常见的频度副词和词组有:often, usually, always, frequently, constantly, regularly, sometimes, from time to time, rarely, hardly, occasionally, seldom, ever, never, every two days, every now and then等。我以前从未在网上跟人聊过天。_ with anyone on the Internet before.约翰通常7点30分去上学。John_ school at 7:30.注意:表示否定含义的never, seldom, rarely, hardly等副词放于句首时,主句的语序要倒装。我从未看见过和那一样精彩的东西。_ so wonderful as that.2地点状语在句中的位置较为灵活。常见的作状语表地点的词和词组有:here, there, anywhere, everywhere, somewhere, above, in, inside, out, outside, abroad, downstairs, upstairs, downtown, home, indoors, nearby, outdoors, overhead, underground, on the top, at the foot of, in the west等。我有一个朋友被派到国外深造了。One of my friends _for further education.这种植物在南方随处可见。This kind of plant _in the south .注意:表示地点的副词或短语,如here, there, up, down, in, away等放于句首,且主语是名词,而谓语动词是come, go, follow, be, stand, lie, live等词的一般现在时形式,此句需把谓语动词置于主语之前,构成倒装语序。例:公共汽车来了!_!Grammar 2 Adverbs and adverbial phrases 副词和短语作状语1)副词作状语副词的主要作用就是作状语,特别是以ly结尾的副词,它们可修饰动词、形容词、副词等。Perhaps youre partly right._。还有相当多副词不以ly结尾,它们可以修饰动词,也可以修饰形容词或副词。她法语讲得很好。_.有些副词可以修饰整个句子,常位于句首,有时也可在句中或句末,常用逗号隔开。常见的这类副词有actually, briefly, certainly, clearly, fortunately, luckily, surprisingly等。Surprisingly, he swims every day during the winter._.Everyday English,Writing and Cultural Corner (第四课时)1. entertaining adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的 v._ n._ adv. _她总是那么幽默并且令人愉悦_.2. absolutely adv绝对地; 完全地Its absolutely impossible. _. Youre absolutely right. _.3.every now and then 有时,偶尔 我们偶尔去野餐。_.表示偶尔,有时,时而的短语_4.play the part of 扮演的角色He will _ the doctor in my latest drama.相关短语:起演重要的、积极的作用_Everyday English:good for you_ Whats on_four times a week_ twice a month _every two days _ from time to time_


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