高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3

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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period Two Integrating Skills课时作业 新人教版必修3_第3页
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Period TwoIntegrating Skills.单词1v.crash碰撞;坠落pull拉;拖float(使)浮动;(使)漂浮2n.biology生物学biologist生物学家gravity重力satellite人造卫星physicist物理学家climate气候spaceship宇宙飞船3adj.gentle温和的;文雅的.短语1挡住(光线)block out2感到高兴;感到振奋cheer up3既然now that4熟悉;掌握;理解get the hang of5突发;爆发break out6密切注意;当心;提防watch out for1But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.但是当我试着向前迈步时,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,并且摔倒在地。 2.walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.既然重力改变了,看来走路也的确需要练一练了。 3.We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.我们惊奇地看着,随着地球的引力增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。1As the rocket rose into the air,we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity.随着火箭的升空,由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力,我们被向后推在座位上。归纳拓展pull n& vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力pull apart拉开;拆卸pull down拆毁pull in(火车等)到站,进站;驶向路边(或某处)停靠pull through康复,痊愈pull up停车,停止语境助记(1)She pulled his sleeves to get his attention.她拉他的袖子以引起他的注意。(2)Some old buildings have been pulled down and a new stadium for Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games is being built right here.一些旧建筑已被拆掉,在这个地方正在建一座为2014南京青年奥运会而准备的新的体育场。题组训练(1)He gave a strong pull at the rope.他用力拉了拉绳子。 (2)She tried to pull the drawer open(把抽屉拉开)(3)Anns very ill,but with careful nursing she will pull through.安病得很厉害,但由于细心照料,她会恢复健康的。2When we get closer to the moon,we shall feel its gravity pulling us,but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths.当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们,但月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。归纳拓展as strong a pull as the earths属于“as.as.”结构。as.as.结构的具体形式有:as形容词/副词原级as.;as形容词a/an可数名词单数as.;类似句型:so/tooadj.a/an可数名词单数。语境助记(1)He is so clever a boy as everyone likes.他是一个人人都喜欢的聪明孩子。(2)It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.人们普遍认为,教学是一门科学,同时也是一门艺术。(3)Henry is as good a worker as Peter is.Henry和Peter一样都是好工人。题组训练(1)He swims as fast as I(和我游得一样快)(2)She is as good an actress as she is a singer(当演员和当歌手都一样出色)(3)It was so cold a day(那么冷的天) that we had to stay at home.3I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger.我立刻感到高兴起来,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着地球越来越小,而月球越来越大。归纳拓展cheer (sb./sth.) up(使)感到高兴;(使)感到振奋cheer v. & n欢呼,喝彩,加油cheer sb.on为某人加油Cheers!干杯!语境助记(1)I cheered up the moment I heard the news.一听到消息,我感到高兴。(2)Cheer up!We are near the finishing line.打起精神,我们临近终点线了。(3)I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.我写那首歌只是为了使自己高兴。题组训练(1)He took her to the concert to cheer her up(使她高兴起来)(2)Im thinking of tomorrows test.Im afraid I cant pass this time.Cheer up(振作起来)!Im sure youll make it.(3)They gathered round the swimming pool and cheered her on(为她加油)4But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。归纳拓展twice as far as.是一种倍数的表示方法,意为“是的两倍远”。倍数的表示法:倍数asadj./adv.(原级)as.;倍数比较级than.;倍数the size(height/length/width.)of.语境助记(1)This road is twice as wide as that road.这条路是那条路的两倍宽。(2)What I get is twice more than Mr.Wang.我所得到的比王先生多两倍。(3)The room is twice the size of my brothers room.这屋子是我哥哥屋子的两倍大。题组训练(1)When you study the local map,youll find this town is twice the size of that one.当你研究当地的地图时,你会发现这座城镇是那个的两倍大。(2)This restaurant wasnt half as good as that other restaurant we went to.这家饭店都没有我们去过的另一家饭店的一半好。5“Oh dear,”I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.”“天哪,”我大声说,“既然重力改变了,走路也确实需要练一练了。”归纳拓展now that既然,由于,引导原因状语从句,在口语中可以省略that。与now that意思相近的有seeing that,since等。语境助记(1)Now that you have mentioned it,I keep it in mind.既然你提到了,我要记在心里。(2)Since the professors lecture is very instructive,why not go and attend it?既然教授的报告很有教育意义,为什么不去听呢?(3)Seeing that you have enough money,you lend me a lot.鉴于你有足够的钱,你多借给我一些。 题组训练(1)Now that youve grown up,you can decide it yourself.既然你已经长大了,你可以自己决定了。(2)Now that the kids have left home weve got a lot of extra space.既然孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了。(3)Now that your father have bought a new bike for you,its no use going to the shop to buy another one.既然你爸爸已为你买了一辆新的自行车,再去商店买一辆也没什么意义了。6After a while I got the hang of it and we began to enjoy ourselves.过了一会,我才掌握了它(走路的诀窍),我们这才开始玩得痛快。归纳拓展get the hang of熟悉;掌握;理解hang about(在某处附近)等待;逗留,闲荡hang on抓住;不挂断(电话)hang on to紧紧抓住不放hang up挂断电话语境助记(1)Press the button when the light goes onyoull soon get the hang of it.灯亮时按这个按钮你很快会熟悉它的用法。(2)Hang on to that rope and dont let it go.抓紧那根绳子,别松手。(3)After I hung up I remembered what Id wanted to say.挂断电话之后我才记起原本想说的话。题组训练(1)Ive been trying to get the hang of this new typewriter.我一直想掌握这部新打字机的用法。(2)Now Ive got the hang of the usage of this word.现在我已经掌握了这个词的用法了。(3)Its difficult for a foreigner to get the hang of English idioms.对一个外国人来说,掌握英语习语很难。7We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.我们惊奇地看着,随着地球的引力增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。归纳拓展break out(战争、火灾等)突发;爆发break away from脱离;逃脱break down出故障,坏掉;失败;(健康等)垮掉break in插话;破门而入break into破门而入break through冲破,突破break up粉碎;解散;分手语境助记(1)Several scuffles broke out in the crowd.人群中发生了几场混战。(2)Fighting broke out in the prison cells.牢房里发生了斗殴。(3)Once you join them,you can never break away from them.一旦你入了他们的伙,你就永远不能脱离他们。题组训练用break短语的适当形式填空(1)When the fire broke out,many people were shopping in the supermarket.(2)When do you break up with your boyfriend?(3)Mother and I had a discussion about how to visit Beijing and my elder brother would sometimes break in with a suggestion.(4)My brothers bike broke down yesterday,so he had to go to school by bus.语境填词A根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词1I was terrified that the plane would crash(碰撞)2The smell of new bread floated(飘动) up from the kitchen.3Dont pull(拉) so hard or the handle will go off.4As we all know,Qian Xuesen is a famous physicist(物理学家)5The young man knows little about Newtons law of gravity(万有引力)B根据句意或所给的单词提示填空6“Im sorry to disturb you,” Webb said gently(gentle)7Look ! There is something floating(float) on the water.8In my opinion,he is as patient(patient) as his mother.9He failed in the exam and I didnt know how to cheer him up.10Could you tell me when the terrible accident broke out?.选词填空1Now that you are grownup,you should not rely on your parents anymore.2The hunter fired and a deer fell over on its side.3It appears as if it is going to cheer up.4We walked as far as to the river bank and felt exhausted.5The heavy smoke prevented the firefighters from getting close to the building to rescue the people who were trapped in fire.6Come on,Mary.Dont stand by.Lets dance together.完成句子1He pulled up at the red light and we stopped behind him.他在红灯前把车停下,我们停在了他后面。2The deadly virus could entirely crash your computer system in a minute.这种致命的病毒可以使你的电脑系统立即崩溃。3Their new apartment is three times the size of their old one.他们的新公寓是旧公寓的三倍大。4Now that youve got such a good job,why not do it well?既然你得到了这份工作,为什么不做好呢?5All of us cheered up immediately when the spaceship Shenzhou was sent into space.当神州十号飞船往太空发射时,我们马上欢呼起来。.课文理解1The passage is mainly about .Aan introduction of the moonBthe gravity that I felt on my way to the moonCmy visit to the moonDmy friend Li Yanping,an astronomer答案C2When we were going up,we felt .Awe were pressed against our seatsBwe were heavier than we were on the earthCas if we were flyingDthe rocket was shaking strongly答案A3When or where did the author feel strongest of the gravity of the earth?AOn the moon.BOn the half way to the moon.CAt the very beginning.DOn their leaving from the moon.答案C4Why was the spaceship not falling back to the earth?ABecause it was too far from the earth to feel its pull.BBecause it was too big.CBecause it was far from the moon.DNot mentioned in the text.答案A5What causes the author to feel that he becomes weightless on the moon?ASpaceship.BGravity.CHis friend.DGood feelings of the author.答案B.阅读理解Europe on Thursday launched the first satellite of its Copernicus Earth observation project that will supply valuable images in the event of natural disasters or even a plane crash.The Sentinel1a satellite,which was sent into the Earths orbit from Europes spaceport in French Guiana,will be used to monitor sea ice,oil spills and land use and to respond to emergencies such as floods and earthquakes.The Copernicus project,for which the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) have committed funding of around 8.4 billion euros (11.5 billion) until 2020,is described by the ESA as the most ambitious earth observation program to date.“The big step forward is that we can now cover every place on the Earth every three to six days,”Volker Liebig,director of ESAs Earth Observation program,said ahead of the launch.“If you want to use images for disaster management support or to find a plane,then you will want the images to be as fresh as possible.”But he cautioned you would first need to know roughly where a plane had crashed,which is not the case with the missing Malaysian Airlines jet.Copernicus also offers new business opportunities.Images can be downloaded free of charge,meaning companies can then use them to help deliver data to farmers on soil conditions or pest infestation,help oil companies decide where to drill new wells or make it easier for insurers to assess the risk of costly floods and fires.Sentinel1a,which will operate with a second satellite,Sentinel1b,to be launched next year,has hightech instruments that will allow it to record radar images of the Earths surface,even when the skies are cloudy or dark.As part of the Copernicus program,there will be 17 launches over the next decade.1For what purpose was the Sentinel1a satellite sent up into space?ATo improve observation of the earth.BTo search for some missing planes.CTo download free valuable images.DTo predict floods and earthquakes.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“.its Copernicus Earth observation project that will supply valuable images in the event of natural disasters or even a plane crash.”及第三段的内容可知,发射该卫星是为了提高对地球的观测能力。2What do we know about Copernicus Earth observation project?AIt can cover every place on the Earth at the same time.BIt makes a profit by offering downloaded images.CIt is financed by the European Union and ESA.DIt has put two satellites into Earths orbit successfully.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The Copernicus project,for which the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) have committed funding of around 8.4 billion euros (11.5 billion) until 2020.”可知,C项说法正确。3According to Volker Liebig,the Sentinel1a satellite .Acan locate the missing Malaysian Airlines jetBhas advanced but limited functionsCmay cause some safety problemsDdoesnt work on cloudy days or at night答案B解析推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,我们现在每三到六天就可以对地球上的每一个地方进行观测,说明该卫星已经很先进了,但该段最后指出,要找到坠毁的飞机,需要首先知道飞机坠毁的大致区域,这说明该卫星的功能仍有限。4How does the Copernicus project benefit farmers?ABy supplying data on soil conditions.BBy calculating the loss of costly floods.CBy drilling oil wells in proper places.DBy controlling the risk of potential fires.答案A解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Images can be downloaded free of charge,meaning companies can then use them to help deliver data to farmers on soil conditions or pest infestation.”可知,哥白尼项目可通过提供关于土壤状况或害虫侵扰的数据来帮助农民。.阅读填空Long ago,people believed that in the future we would work less,have more free time and get more relaxed. 1 Today we work harder,work longer hours and have more stresses than ten years ago.We walk faster,eat faster and sleep less than previous generations.And although we use machines that save us time,we have less free time than our parents and grandparents. 2 An American journalist James Gleick in a new book,says that people are suffering from “hurry sickness”were trying to do more things in less time.As a result,our lives are stressful.He says that if we dont slow down,we wont live as long as our parents. 3 Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger.Most people dont have enough time to read the articles,they only read the headlines.On TV and the radio,newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago.In the USA,there is a book called OneMinute Bedtime Stories for children.These are shorter versions(版本) of traditional stories,specially written for “busy parents” who want to save time!Some answerphones now have “quick playback” buttons so that we can replay peoples messages fasterwe cant waste time listening to people speaking at the normal speed! 4 Ten years ago when people went to art galleries they spent ten seconds looking at each picture.Today they spend just three seconds!Nowadays,many people prefer faster and dynamic sports like basketball. 5 Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse,so we drive more slowly.We spend more time sitting in our cars,feeling stressed.Experts predict that in ten years the average speed on the road in cities will be only 17 km/h.APeople didnt feel stressed ten years ago.BBut unluckily,this has not happened yet.CEven when we relax,we do everything more quickly.DBut what is this doing to our health?EFor most people,faster doesnt mean better.FThe only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive.GNow everything is faster than before,which brings us more convenience.答案1.B2.D3.E4.C5.F.完形填空As a husband who remains Chinese,I enjoy eating Chinese food and in particular cooking Chinese food. 1 ,my wife,good at French cooking and furthermore good to 2 a high standard of hygiene(卫生) in our house,dismissed my efforts as a Chinese 3 .One day,however,the laidoff cook,could not 4 asking her to make room for him,“My darling,today,I really want to prepare some 5 food.Could you please lend me the 6 ?”“No problem,but dont make too much dirt.” My wife,used to cooking in pure water,was excited, 7 a little bit worried.I shut the door and,as a cook,began to play 8 and loudly with the cooking tools and dance around the stove.The menu was 9 one week earlier.Soon,the strong smell of Sichuan dishes spread all over the house and I 10 with the first course.“Come on,Darling!” I proudly 11 .My lovely wife came into the dining room.“Whats this?” she asked doubtfully, 12 at the black egg on the plate.“This is a Chinese dish,Songhuadan.In Europe it is 13 called the egg of one hundred years.It is really delicious. 14 it.” Seeing her hesitating,I brought a piece of Songhuadan up to her mouth.“ 15 !Why is it so smelly?” she cried,nearly throwing it up.“My darling,it is delicious! 16 do you find it horrible?” I was 17 .Seeing dark clouds cover her face,I immediately used the 18 panacea(万能药) “I love you”The clouds 19 and her face was brightened again by sunshine.However,she determinedly 20 to risk a further bite.1A.Therefore BHoweverCMoreover DStill答案B解析however表示转折,上文说丈夫热衷于做中国菜,下文说妻子却让其“下岗”。2A.live BlikeCwant Dkeep答案D解析keep在这里表示保持一个高水平的卫生条件。3A.worker BcookChusband Dperson答案B解析cook厨师,指丈夫。4A.permit BwaitChelp Dremain答案C解析could not help doing sth.是固定句型,“情不自禁做某事”。5A.French BChineseCEuropean DSichuan答案B解析由上下文可知,丈夫做的是中国菜。6A.kitchen BhouseCroom Dstove答案A解析此处指丈夫向妻子借厨房做中国菜。7A.so BandCfor Dbut答案D解析兴奋和担心是转折关系,所以用but。8A.carelessly BhappilyCsmoothly Dnervously答案B解析终于能做心爱的中国菜了,当然很高兴,由下文dance around the stove也可得出。9A.asked BstudiedCfixed Dneeded答案C解析fix确定,指菜单一周前就定好了。10A.appeared BcameCwent Dhurried答案A解析指丈夫从厨房里出来。11A.called on Bcalled upCcalled out Dcalled in答案C解析call out大声喊,丈夫自豪地喊妻子来品尝自己做的菜。12A.staring BlookingCglancing Dpointing答案D解析point at用手指着,妻子用手指着菜问丈夫。13A.too BalsoCeven Dever答案B解析also也,“松花蛋”在欧洲也被称作“万年蛋”。14A.Taste BLikeCSmell DWatch答案A解析丈夫让妻子品尝松花蛋,因为下文丈夫把松花蛋送进妻子的嘴里。15A.Wonderful BDeliciousCSurprising DHorrible答案D解析由下文可知,妻子觉得丈夫做的松花蛋极其难吃,horrible糟糕的,符合语境。16A.When BWhyCWhere DHow答案B解析丈夫对妻子的举动非常不理解。这么好的菜怎么会是“糟糕透了”。17A.defeated BhurtCpuzzled Dinspired答案C解析用puzzle一词表示丈夫对此迷惑不解。18A.special BusualCcommon Dordinary答案B解析usual表示“通常的,惯例的”,丈夫通常用的让妻子高兴的万能药是对她说“我爱你”。19A.disappeared BfrozeCflew Dgathered答案A解析妻子脸上乌云消失,妙药起了作用。20A.tried BdecidedCrefused Ddenied答案C解析refuse表示妻子拒绝再冒险吃丈夫做的松花蛋。


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