高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period Ⅰ Vocabulary学案 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period Ⅰ Vocabulary学案 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period Ⅰ Vocabulary学案 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Unit 2The Olympic GamesPeriod Vocabulary以旧识新1home n_ n祖国;本国_ n家乡2sports n_ n运动员;运动选手_ adj.健壮的;体育运动的_ n体育运动3quick adj._ adv.快地_ adj.快的4physics n_ adj.物理的;身体的_ adv.身体上,肉体上;根本上;按自然法则5post v_ n海报;招贴6hope n_ adj.有希望的_ adj.没有希望的;绝望的7fool n_ adj.愚蠢的;傻的8prize n_ n奖章;勋章;纪念章_ n奖;奖金9headache n_ n疼痛;痛苦_ adj.痛苦的10base n,v.& adj._ n基础;根据_(复数)1compete vi.竞争;比赛归纳competition n比赛;竞争competitive adj.有竞争力的competitor n比赛者;对手,竞争者compete in 参加比赛compete against/with 与比赛/竞争compete for 为争取/得到而比赛运用(1)Many students in our school _ the English contest.我们学校里的许多学生参加了英语竞赛。(2)They _ each other _ the first place.为了争第一,他们相互竞争。2stand for 代表;象征;支持,主张;容忍,忍受;表示归纳stand by 袖手旁观stand out 突出,显眼;出色stand up 站立stand up for维护运用(1)In this list two names _ particularly.在这个名单中有两个名字引人注目。(2)Can you please _ while you read?你能站起来朗读吗?(3)We cannot _ and watch while our allies are attacked.我们不能袖手旁观,眼睁睁看着盟军遭到进攻。(4)You must _ your rights.你一定要维护自己的权利。3admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳归纳admission n承认;供认admit sb. to/into.允许某人进入;吸收某人为的成员admit sth. /doing sth.承认某事/做过某事admitthatclause 承认admit sb./sth. to beadj./n.承认为运用(1)You may not like the new comer,but you have to_that she is good at her job.AadmitBdeclareCannounce Dreport(2)Children under six are not_to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.Apermitted BadmittedCaccepted Dreceived(3)The police have caught the murderer.Yes,and he admitted _his boss on a rainy night seven years ago.Ato kill Bto have killedChaving killed Dhave been killed4host vt.主持;做东;主办;招待n.主人,东道主归纳hostess n女主人运用(1)Moscow and Los Angeles _ the Olympic Games.莫斯科和洛杉矶都主办过奥林匹克运动会。(2)Birmingham _ this years trade fair. 伯明翰将主办今年的交易会。(3)He _ for new members.他为新会员举行了一次招待会。(4)_ on tonights show is Max Astor.今晚的节目主持人是马克斯阿斯特。5responsibility n责任;负责;职责;义务,任务归纳take/have responsibility for 对负责it is sb.s responsibility to do sth.做是某人的职责sense of responsibility责任感运用(1)My husband _ organizing the trip.我丈夫全权负责组织这次旅行。(2)_ to check that all doors and windows are locked.查看所有的门窗是否锁好是你的职责。(3)Parents need to encourage _ in their children.家长必须培养孩子们的责任感。6replace vt.代替;取代;把放回原处;替换归纳replace sth./sb.with/by 以代替/替换replace sb./sth.take sb.s/sth.s placetake the place of sb./sth.取代/代替in ones/sth.s place in place of sb./sth.替代take ones place take ones seat就座,就位运用(1)They _ the old windows _ double glazing.他们正在用双层玻璃窗替换旧窗户。(2)These PCs _ the old system network.这些个人电脑替代了陈旧的系统网络。(3)Jane was ill,so I went to the conference _.简生病了,所以我代替她出席了这次会议。7charge vt.&vi.收费;控诉;n.费用;主管归纳in charge of 主管;负责;掌管in the charge of 在掌管之下;由经管free of charge 免费地take charge 负责;掌管;接办charge.with控告(某人)犯(某罪)charge.for.就向(某人)索取费用运用(1)The chief engineer was _(负责) directing the building of the subway.(2)He _ me 50 yuan _(就向索取费用) repairing the mobile phone.(3)He _ (被指控) stealing a car last week.(4)The company is _(在掌管之下) Miss Green.Unit 2The Olympic GamesPeriod Vocabulary课前准备区1homeland/motherland;hometown2player/athlete;athletic;athletics3fast/quickly;swift4.physical;physically5poster6.hopeful;hopeless7foolish/silly/stupid8.medal;award9pain;painful10.basis;bases课堂活动区1(1)competed in(2)competed with/against;for2(1)stand out(2)stand up(3)stand by(4)stand up for3(1)A(2)B(3)C4(1)have hosted(2)is hosting(3)hosted a reception(4)The host5(1)took full responsibility for(2)It is your responsibility(3)a sense of responsibility6(1)are replacing;with(2)replace(3)in her place7(1)in charge of(2)charged;for(3)was charged with(4)in the charge of


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