高中英语 Unit 2 Sporting events Period Three Task课时作业 牛津译林版必修4

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高中英语 Unit 2 Sporting events Period Three Task课时作业 牛津译林版必修4_第3页
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Period ThreeTask.单项填空1.Money plays important role in the material world.But expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.A.a;the B.an;/C.a;/ D.the;the答案B解析句意为:金钱在物质世界中起重要作用,但是期望钱带来幸福可能会失去人生的意义。依据important判断,第一空要用an。第二空后的money为泛指,故不用冠词。2.The ship which us from Qingdao to Dalian is called “Princess ”.A.transmitted B.transportedC.transformed D.translated答案B解析分析句式结构可知,which引导的是一个定语从句。transmit传达,传送;transport运输,运送;transform改变,转换;translate翻译。根据语境应选B项。3.The doctor told me to take the medicine .A.every four hour B.four hours eachC.four each hour D.every fourth hour答案D解析every表示“每隔”,后接“基数词复数名词”或“序数词单数名词”,故D项正确。4. his useful advice,he was many people a wise lawyer.A.Wellknown as;popular with;asB.Wellknown for;known to;asC.Wellknown by;known as;forD.Wellknown to;popular to;as答案B解析be wellknown for因而出名;be known to sb.为所知;be popular with受欢迎;as a wise lawyer作为一名机智的律师。5.I think impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.(2014天津,14)A.what B.thatC.which D.who答案A解析考查名词性从句。句意为:我认为关于他的绘画给我印象最深的是他使用的颜色。I think引导的宾语从句中包含一个缺少主语的主语从句,故用what引导。6.America is an country and the children are encouraged to improve their .A.Englishspoken;speakingEnglishB.Englishspeaking;spokenEnglishC.Englishspeaking;EnglishspokenD.speakingEnglish;Englishspeaking答案B解析“讲英语的国家”表达为Englishspeaking country;“口语”表达为spokenEnglish。7.The meeting room requires ,but itll have to wait until Sunday.A.cleaning B.be cleanedC.clean D.being cleaned答案A解析当句子的主语与require后的动作之间为被动关系时,可用require doing/to be done。8. the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.(2014大纲全国,26)A.Not do only B.Do not onlyC.Only not do D.Not only do答案D解析考查倒装句。句意为:护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。not only相当于in addition to being or doing something,意为“不仅,不但”,在句首引导句子时,该句用部分倒装,其结构为not only do/will/can etc.,因此D项正确。9.If you win the competition,you will be given to Europe for two.A.a free 7day tripB.a free trip for 7dayC.a 7day free tripD.a trip for 7day free答案C解析“数词连字符名词”构成的合成词只能作定语,放在被修饰的名词前,如:an eighthour flight,a seventeenyearold boy等,由于free与被修饰的对象联系更紧密一些,因此,只能选C项。10.Shall we go to her party at 7:00? ,its not a convenient time.A.By my opinion B.For my opinionC.Personally D.In person答案C解析本题为情境理解题,前者的问句是向对方征求意见,后者回答的内容表达了他的看法,从所给选项来看,A、B两项介词用错,应用介词in;D项表示“亲自”,不符合语境,故选C项。.完形填空Most children with healthy appetites(食欲) are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them.A child seldom dislikes food 1 it is badly cooked.The 2 a meal is cooked and served is most important and an 3 served meal will often improve a childs appetite.Never ask a child 4 he likes or dislikes a food and never 5 likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 6 else to do so.If the father says that he hates fat meat or the mother 7 some vegetables in the childs hearing,he is 8 to copy this action.Parents should accept the fact that he likes everything and he probably 9 .Nothing healthful should be omitted(删除) from the meal because of a 10 dislike.At meal times it is a good 11 to give a child a small part and let him 12 back for a second helping rather than give him as 13 as he is likely to eat 14 .Do not talk too much to the child 15 meal times,but let him get on with his food;and do not 16 him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will 17 learn to swallow his food 18 he can hurry back to the toys in his room.On 19 condition must a child be coaxed(哄骗) 20 forced to eat.1.A.if B.until C.that D.unless答案D解析根据题意“除非做得很糟糕,否则孩子们很少不喜欢食物”。应选unless。until强调时间“直到才”。2.A.production B.processC.way D.method答案C解析此处意为“煮饭和上饭的方式”。C项和D项的区别在于后者指做某事复杂而整套的具体方法。3.A.immediately B.attractivelyC.eagerly D.anxiously答案B解析根据下文“often improve a childs appetite(经常能提高孩子的食欲)”暗示B项“attractively(富于花样地,有吸引力地)”符合题意。4.A.whether B.whatC.that D.which答案A解析空格后的宾语从句主、谓、宾齐全,可排除B、C、D三项。句意为:永远不要问孩子是否喜欢或不喜欢某种食物。5.A.agree B.tellC.discuss D.argue答案C解析从句意及下文举例判断,此处应为“谈论、讨论”。6.A.everybody B.anybodyC.somebody D.nobody答案B解析由上文的never可知该处应用anybody与之搭配。7.A.combines B.refusesC.admits D.digests答案B解析refuse“拒绝”和上文中的“hate”语意一致。combine(使)联合,结合;admit承认;digest消化。8.A.willing B.possibleC.forced D.likely答案D解析根据句意分析,此处应为“可能”。B项和D项的差别在于用法不同,用possible时,其结构为:It is possible for sb.to do sth.;而likely则可用于sb.is likely to do sth.,故D项正确。9.A.should B.mayC.will D.must答案C解析句意为:父母应该接受这个事实,孩子喜欢吃一切食物,那么他就会这样(吃任何东西)。10.A.supposed B.provedC.considered D.related答案A解析a supposed dislike一种想象或假定的不喜欢。句意为:不能因为一种想象的不喜欢而从饮食中删除健康的东西。11.A.point B.customC.idea D.plan答案C解析“先给小孩子小部分,然后让他”这种做法应该是个“好主意”。12.A.ask B.comeC.return D.take答案B解析A、C两项不与back搭配,take不符合逻辑。13.A.much B.littleC.few D.many答案A解析此处涉及内容与上文做法相反,即“给他一下子就可能吃的量”。14.A.all the best B.over and overC.not at all D.all at once答案D解析all at once一下子,见上题解析。15.A.on B.inC.by D.during答案D解析during meal times在吃饭的过程中。句意为:在吃饭的过程中,不要过多跟孩子交谈。16.A.agree B.allowC.force D.persuade答案B解析由下文“否则他很快就会学会”可猜知此处表示“不要允许孩子一吃完饭就离开饭桌”。17.A.hurriedly B.soonC.fast D.slowly答案B解析soon很快,不久,形容时间短。18.A.so B.untilC.while D.although答案A解析so引导目的状语从句。句意为:他很快就会学会狼吞虎咽,那么他就很快能回他屋玩玩具了。19.A.some B.anyC.such D.no答案D解析主句中使用了倒装语序,此处应选择否定词no,on no condition在任何条件下都不。20.A.or B.norC.but D.neither答案A解析句意为:在任何条件下,孩子都不应该被哄骗或强迫吃饭。在否定句中,and需换用or。.阅读理解Five years ago,when I founded the Garden of Friendship,I had no idea it would play such an important role in the lives of so many of our members.To many of us,the Garden of Friendship has become a home in our lives.Many of our members are disabled,confined to our homes and the Garden gives us what may not be possible in everyday life.The Garden has touched our lives and hearts in many ways,yet the biggest reward of membership is our friendship.As the Garden celebrates five years of friendship,I would like to say “Thank you” to each of our members for the role you play in our success.Id also like to express my deepest thanks to my Garden keepers.Together,the ten Garden keepers handle all the Garden of Friendship administration(管理) and website maintenance(维护),discuss new ideas,and keep in touch with all our group leaders.Congratulations to all our Garden family!I look forward to celebrating many more years of friendship together in the future.Special thanks to everyone for the love and care you give to the Garden.Happy Fifth Birthday to the Garden of Friendship!1.What is the Garden of Friendship according to the passage?A.It is a place where people can make friends in their everyday life.B.It is an organization which helps people with disability.C.It is a website where people can develop friendship with each other.D.It is a garden which is managed by a lot of people.答案C解析推理判断题。由第二段第二句以及第三段最后一句中的“website maintenance”可知,the Garden of Friendship是为方便残疾人交友而设立的一个网站。2.What do you think the author of the passage is?A.She is a new member of the Garden of Friendship.B.She is a disabled woman who has never left her home.C.She is one of the women who found friends there.D.She is the founder of the Garden of Friendship.答案D解析细节理解题。由文章第一句可知,作者是网站的创建者。3.What is the main purpose of the author in writing the passage?A.To express thanks to those who have contributed(贡献) to the Garden.B.To tell us to join the Garden of Friendship.C.To give us a description of the Garden of Friendship.D.To let us know the origin of the Garden of Friendship.答案A解析主旨大意题。从文章的后三段可知,值此网站成立五周年之际,作者向对网站作出贡献的人表示感谢。4.In this passage the underlined word “confined” probably means “ ”.A.limited B.excitedC.tired D.reached答案A解析词义猜测题。根据前面的disabled判断,此处的意思是指由于他们活动不便,而被“限制”在家。故limited与之意义相近。

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