高中英语 Unit 2 Sporting events Period Four Project课时作业 牛津译林版必修4

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Period FourProject.单项填空1.We were all attracted by this sight.A.abnormal B.commonC.unusual D.ordinary答案C解析句意为:我们都被这不同寻常的景色所吸引。unusual不寻常的,与众不同的;abnormal不正常的;common普通的;共同的;ordinary平常的。根据句意知选C项。2.To show our respect,we usually have to take our gloves off we are to shake hands with.A.whichever B.wheneverC.whoever D.wherever答案C解析句意为:为了表示尊敬,不管和谁握手,我们通常都会摘下手套。从句中缺少宾语,且指人,故选C项。3.This new discovery of oil is of great to this areas economy.A.significance B.accuracyC.satisfaction D.assumption答案A解析be of significance to sb./sth.对某人/物有深远意义。句意为:这次新发现的石油对这个地区的经济有重大的意义。4.Waiter! ?I cant eat this.It is too hot.A.Yes,sir B.WhatC.All right D.Pardon答案A解析句意为:服务员!什么事,先生?这个没法吃,太烫了。“Yes?”表示“什么事?”,是引导对方开口说话的方式。“What?”意为“什么?”,含有你需要吃什么之意,缺乏礼貌;“All right?”意为“好么?”;“Pardon?”是用来要求对方重复之前讲过的话。5.I wonder if I can use your camera.I dont have .But my roommate does.He bought last month.A.one;one B.it;oneC.it;it D.one;it答案D解析考查代词。依据上句中的your camera可知,说话者见过该部相机。而下句很明显是说答话人没有相机,但他的室友有,且那部相机是他室友上个月买的。由此可知,第一空须用one,代替单数可数名词,相当于a camera;第二空是指谈话双方都知道的那部相机,故用it,相当于the camera。6.There is still milk in the fridge so you neednt buy more.A.plenty of B.a great number ofC.a number of D.a great many答案A解析句意为:冰箱里还有很多牛奶,你不需要再买了。plenty of既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。a number of,a great number of,a great many只能修饰可数名词。7.The meeting is beginning at 8 oclock. ,lets make some preparations for it.A.When B.Meanwhile C.While D.During答案B解析句意为:会议8点开始。在此期间,咱们做些准备工作吧。meanwhile在此期间,符合句意。8.He is a little selfconceited,but he is quite suitable for the post.A.especially B.somewhatC.particularly D.otherwise答案D解析句意为:他虽有点自负,但从其他方面来看这个工作倒是挺适合他的。otherwise否则,不然,(在)其他方面,符合句意。9.Before a problem can be solved,it must be obvious the problem itself is.A.what B.that C.which D.why答案A解析句意为:在一个问题被解决之前,必须弄清问题本身所在。it must be obvious the problem itself is中,it作形式主语, the problem itself is从句是真正的主语,从句中缺少表语,再根据引导词的意义,可知选what。10.When older men retire,they younger men to take their places.A.make their wayB.make way forC.give their way toD.lead their way for答案B解析make way for sb.让位于某人。.阅读理解FishingFishing is a wonderful way to enjoy the sport and see beautiful streams,ocean,lakes and rivers all over the United States.National Parks offer both freshwater and saltwater fishing.Check with the state fishing rules for the dates and more fishing information,and you should have license.It is always important to respect the park you are fishing in to keep the clear waters that protect the natural fish populations and food sources.Cross country skiingIt is another popular way for the whole family to visit and see beautiful winter landscapes.Many parks have several excellent lines for cross country skiing.Several National Parks will offer advanced trails for skiing.Cross country skiing is a wonderful way to experience natural life of the parks during the winter season.Rock climbingThe US National Parks offer some of the rock climbing and mountaineering in the world.Rock climbing and mountaineering are usually sports kept for people with a bit of experience.Both sports need having the proper equipment and knowledge for safety reasons.Many National Parks offer established climbing routes that will have a wide range of difficulty levels.It is important to check weather conditions beforehand and whats more,never climb alone.CyclingCycling is an excellent and convenient way to travel around the National Park or area where you are staying.Bringing along bicycles allows you to just get up and go wherever you are.It is important to check beforehand as to where cycling is allowed.Most National Parks only allow biking on the paved and backcountry dirt roads throughout the parks.Look into the area you will be camping in,there may be roads specifically for cycling.1.If you go fishing in the National Parks you should .A.show respect for the workersB.fix a date and place ahead of timeC.do anything according to the ordersD.protect the number of the fish答案C解析细节理解题。根据Fishing一节中的“Check with the state fishing rules for the dates and more fishing information,and you should have license.”可知答案。2.All the following are important to rock climbing EXCEPT .A.knowledge for safetyB.weather conditionsC.climbing experienceD.modern equipment答案D解析细节理解题。根据Rock climbing一节分析,该部分提到了攀岩需要具备的若干条件,其中提到设备,但没有说明是指现代设备。3.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A.You can go fishing any time as you like.B.It is good to have some experience for climbing.C.You can go anywhere by bike in the parks.D.It is interesting to climb rocks by yourself.答案B解析推理判断题。根据Rock climbing一节中的“Rock climbing and mountaineering are usually sports kept for people with a bit of experience.”可知,这种运动需要有一定的经验。4.What would be the best title for this passage?A.Which Is More Wonderful?B.Activities in the National ParksC.A Good Plan for TravelingD.Where to Go for Your Vacation?答案B解析标题归纳题。综合全文内容看,本文主要介绍了在国家公园的几个有益的活动。.任务型阅读Observational Learning: To See Is to KnowA group of psychologists,led by Albert Bandura,developed social learning theory,which emphasizes the fact that much learning occurs in a social context.This kind of learning,which results simply from observing and imitating the behaviors of others,is called observational learning.Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures: By watching others,we learn how to greet people,eat,laugh and tell jokes.Do you still remember your first few days in senior grade one?By watching others,you learned how people talked to each other,what clothes were “fashionable,” and how to interact with instructors.The people from whom you learn new behaviors through observing function as models,presenting a behavior to be imitated.With modeling,you observe others behaviors,and then none,some,or all of these behaviors may be learned and repeated,or modified.In one of Banduras classic studies,children were divided into three groups: One group watched an adult beating up a Bobo doll,one group watched an adult ignoring the Bobo doll,and the third didnt see an adult at all.After being mildly frustrated by being placed in a room with toys,but not being allowed to play with some of them,all of the children were then placed in another room with a variety of toys,including a Bobo doll.Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen,mistreating the doll (and inventing new ways to abuse it) and being aggressive with the other toys in the room.Researchers have discovered that several characteristics of models can make learning through observation more effective.Not surprisingly,the more you pay attention to the model,the more you learn.You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert,is good looking,has high status,or is socially powerful.Second,by watching others,we learn about what behaviors are appropriate for people like ourselves,so models who are seen as similar are more readily imitated.All students need to see successful,capable models who look and sound like them.Then,as teachers,how can you apply observational learning? Here are a few guidelines.Above all,model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn.For example,show enthusiasm for the subject you teach.Be willing to demonstrate both the mental and the physical tasks you expect the students to perform.Second,use peers,especially class leaders,as models.For example,in group work,pair students who do well with those who are having difficulties.Third,you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors.Examples include letting highstatus students lead an activity when you need class cooperation or when students are likely to be reluctant at first. .微写作写作素材1.作为一名世界冠军,他喜欢和他的队友分享快乐与悲伤。2.与此同时,他喜欢上网去了解他的对手(rival)。3.他认为这对他的未来发展很重要。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)As a world champion,he likes sharing his joys and sorrows with his teammates.Meanwhile,he likes surfing the net to know more about his rivals.He knows it is of great significance to his future development.

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