高中英语 Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7_第3页
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Unit 2RobotsSection Learning about Language and Using Language.词汇运用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Your success is a great _(satisfy)答案:satisfaction2The change has seriously_(affection) his income.答案:affected3We read the_(declare) posted on the bulletin board.答案:declaration4It was_(absurdity) of you to suggest such a thing.答案:absurd5Youve got up so early that you are _(bind) to catch the train.答案:bound6She felt _when looking at the _painted figure.(awful)答案:awful;awfully7She is an _(elegance) woman.答案:elegant.功能词专练(在下列各句中填入适当的介词、冠词、副词或连词)1In 1953 he got his doctors degree _chemistry and then worked _a lifetime professor in our university.答案:in;as2He didnt show his talent_writing_he published his third novel.答案:for;until/till3People throughout the country were wild_joy_the news that their team had won the champion of the World Cup.答案:with;at4This robot will not harm you _allow you to be harmed,I promise.答案:or5I was really surprised to see that the robot was_like a human than a machine.答案:more6She screamed,pushed her boyfriend away_ ran to her room quickly.答案:and7It was a week after the party_Jane realized_he had fallen in love with Bob.答案:that;that.完成句子1随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的。_,Einsteins theory proved to be correct.答案: As time went by 2在电脑的帮助下,人们在家办公已成为一件可行的事。_the computer,it has become possible for humans to work at home.答案:With the help of 3.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 I developed very slowly and_I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.答案: it took nearly two hundred years before 4直到1997年,科学家才成功地克隆了哺乳类动物,即世界闻名的“多莉”羊。_1997 _scientists successfully cloned the first mammal,the now worldfamous sheep known as Dolly.答案:It was not until;that 5我们不再需要担心濒临灭绝的动物。 We _need to _the endangered animals.答案:no longer;worry about.根据汉语提示,完成语段训练过去,人们只是徒手劳动,但随着时间的推移,越来越多的新技术被运用。在计算机的帮助下,我们已不担心工作效率。在中国,直到1983年才研制出第一台计算机,从此,我们的生活有了很大的变化。_答案:In the past,people used to work only with their hands.But as the time went on,more and more new technology has been used.With the help of the computer,we no longer worry about working efficiency.In China,it was not until 1983 that the first computer was invented,which has changed our life a lot since then.完形填空It was a cold,wet day when 14yearold Wasana Sanjeewa arrived at St.Anthonys College.Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to_1_,Wasana looked at the_2_.Then he noticed enormous amounts of rainwater flowing down the hill behind the classroom.For a few minutes,Wasana _3_the water,wondering why it looked so_4_.Then it hit himthe scene was similar to the slides he was shown during Disaster Management classes._5_an impending (即将发生的) disaster,Wasana swung into action.“Run,run,dont_6_here!The rocks on the hill are going to fall on us!”he shouted and all the students ran to the open area.Then Wasana ran over to_7_Principal Nihal Gurauinghe what was happening.After_8_the hill Gurauinghe knew the school was in_9_.He and some teachers_10_to stop the waterflow,but they were too_11_:huge rocks fell down the hill with sand and mud,and the entire school was destroyed.When Wasana_12_home later that day,his white uniform covered in mud,he got the blame from his_13_.He tried to explain that he had_14_two hundred schoolmates_15_she didnt believe him.His mother_16_realized he was telling the truth when she saw a TV report about the_17_.Filled with pride,she hugged Wasana and said that he was indeed a_18_.No one was hurt in the incident because of Wasanas_19_action and careful observation.“Wasanas action_20_us that sometimes we cannot wait until something happens before we take action.It might be too late by then,” Gurauinghe said.语篇解读十四岁的学生Wasana利用自己所学知识及时发现险情,挽救了二百多名校友的生命。1A.playBfollowCarriveDstart解析:由上文的Wasana Sanjeewa arrived at St.Anthonys College可知,Wasana已经到了学校,在教室门口等其他同学到来(arrive)。答案:C2A.sun BrainCsnow Dfog解析:由下文的rainwater可知是在看着雨(rain)。答案:B3A.picked up Btook awayCtalked about Dstared at解析:Wasana在教室门口等同学,因此盯着(stared at)雨水看了好几分钟。答案:D4A.familiarBspecial CstrangeDterrifying解析:由下文的the scene was similar to the slides可知,Wasana觉得眼前的场景很熟悉(familiar)。答案:A5A.Making BImaginingCFearingDHearing解析:由下文Wasana让同学们快跑,警告他们山上的岩石要掉下来了可知,他害怕(Fearing)将会有灾难发生。答案:C6A.studyBstayCsingDact解析:由Run,run可知,Wasana叫同学们不要呆在(stay)原地。答案:B7A.ask BpromiseCtellDpersuade解析:Wasana跑过去告诉(tell)校长他发现的事。答案:C8A.inspecting BdescribingCdrawing Dfinding解析:校长听完Wasana的话,视察了(inspecting)Wasana所说的那座山。 答案:A9A.charge BsurpriseCcontrol Dtrouble答案:D10A.choseBtriedChelpedDagreed解析:由下文的stop the waterflow可知,校长带着老师们尽力(tried)阻止水流是因为他知道学校将会陷入困境(trouble)。答案:B11A.late BsleepyChungry Dshocked解析:由but的转折语气及下文的huge rocks fell down the hill with sand and mud, and the entire school was destroyed可知,校长他们想做的一切都已经来不及了(late)。答案:A12A.missed BleftCmoved Dreturned解析:由语境可知他那天晚些时候才回到了(returned)家。答案:D13A.fatherBmotherCsisterDbrother解析:下文的His mother提示了本题答案。答案:B14A.cheeredBvisitedCsaved Dcalmed解析:由上文可知,由于Wasana及时发现了险情,才让校友们幸免遇难,因此Wasana是挽救了(saved)二百名校友的生命。答案:C15A.whenBor Csince Dbut解析:“Wasana说他救了校友”和“妈妈不相信他说的话”之间构成转折关系,故选but。答案:D16A.naturallyBnecessarilyCcompletely Dfinally解析:妈妈看了新闻报道后,最后(finally)才意识到Wasana说的都是真的。答案:D17A.adventure BdisasterCfailureDexperience解析:全文讲的是雨水冲刷山上的岩石,致使岩崩发生,吞没了整个学校,因此是一场灾难(disaster)。答案:B18A.loser BfoolChero Dstar解析:Wasana的所作所为让妈妈为他骄傲,觉得儿子是个真正的英雄(hero)。答案:C19A.quiet BtoughCquick Dsafe解析:由上文的Wasana swung into action和shouted等可知,Wasana一发现险情就采取了行动,故quick符合语境。答案:C20A.taughtBinterestedCwarnedDconfused解析:不要等到事情发生了才采取行动,这是Wasana的事迹教给(taught)我们的。答案:A.阅读理解I log onto a computer at the doctors office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room.There,a robotic nurse directs me onto the scales and then takes my blood pressure.Some time later,in steps the doctor,who is also a robot.He notes down my symptoms and gives me a prescription.I pay for my visit using a credit card machine and return home without having encountered another human being.This scenario (场景) is my nightmarish (噩梦般的) vision of the future,which hasnt come to passat least not yet.I should say I really do like many aspects of technology.I am a big fan of air conditioning in the summer and heaters in winter.But I am writing this because I dont want machines to take over.When I call my dentists office and actually get a human being on the line,I am thrilled.And when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store,I feel like shouting:“When it comes to cashiers (收银员),make mine human,please!” After all,human cashiers sometimes give you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are buying but you didnt realize were on sale.Even more than that,real life cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children,which can brighten a young mothers day.A cashier may also show compassion for an elderly person struggling to get that last penny out of her purse.What technological device would do any of this?I dont want to go back to the Store Age,but Im also worried about a world run by machines.Sometimes when youre chatting with someone,you discover things you need to know.Maybe a receptionist needs prayers said for a sick child.Maybe a sales person can offer a bit of encouragement for a customer who is feeling tired. Machines can be efficient and costeffective and they often get the job done just fine.But they lack an element so crucial to everyday life.It is being human that prompts (促使) us to smile at others,which may be what they need at that moment.Call it the spirit,the soul or the heart.It is something no machine will ever have.语篇解读这是一篇议论文。作者通过前两段的事实,提出自己的观点:非常喜欢科技带来的生活便利和舒适,但是她不希望机器占据她太多的生活,人性化的人工服务,更令人感到舒服。1Whats the authors purpose in writing the first two paragraphs?ATo indicate high technology can make our future life very efficient.BTo warn readers of the possible dangers of robotic nurses and doctors.CTo describe a possible future scene where robots take control of our life.DTo predict how technology can affect the way we see a doctor in the future.解析:推理判断题。从第三段“This scenario is my nightmarish vision of the future,which hasnt come to passat least not yet.”可知,前两段是作者以看病为例表达对将来的担忧,她担心机器人将掌控人类的生活。答案:C2What is the main reason that the author prefers being served by humans rather than by robots?ARobots dont offer to give store coupons.BRobots are indifferent and emotionless.CServices from robots cost less time and more money.DRobots cant do a job as well as humans do.解析:细节理解题。从第六段与人相比较,可以得此答案。机器服务是“indifferent”冷淡的和“emotionless”没有感情的。答案:B3What does the underlined word “element” mean in the eighth paragraph?AHumor.BThe ability to speak.CMethods.DEffective communication.解析:词义猜测题。从第七段所举的例子“Sometimes when youre chatting with someone,you discover things you need to know.Maybe a sales person can offer a bit of encouragement for a customer who is feeling tired.”以及最后一段的“Call it the spirit,the soul or the heart.It is something no machine will ever have.”可知,机器人没有灵魂,无法和人进行有效的交流,故选D。答案:D4Whats the main idea of the text?AThe opinion about using man or machine.BMachines give people a lot of convenience.CBeing human service is better than service from machines.DBeing human service cost little money.解析:主旨大意题。文章中作者通过前两段的事实,提出自己的观点:非常喜欢科技带来的生活便利和舒适,但是她不希望机器占据她太多的生活。说出作者对机器和人工服务的看法。答案:A


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