高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section Ⅳ Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section Ⅳ Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section Ⅳ Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版必修1_第3页
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Section Cultural Corner姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. I can _(communication)with foreigners easily.They say my English is quite good. 2How about the film?It was _(fantasy)3Can you tell me who it is that _(invent) the telephone?4Workers with_(create)thinking are appreciated by the boss.5Sandstorms are_(frequently)in the north of China in spring.6. We have to be _(create) and think about how to supply our products using digital platforms.7A moment ago a car _(pass) ours at a high speed. 8. This collection is made up of three parts: poems,_(essay)and short stories. 9. The clothes _(design) by his company sell very well in the international market. 10They _(average) put two to three products per year on the market.答案:1communicate2.fantastic3.invented4creative5.frequent6.creative7.passed8essays9.designed10. averagely语篇提能.完形填空My most unforgettable experience was my brothers accident when I was talking to him over the phone. It was eleven oclock at night. He _1_ me when he got out of his office, and we were talking for about fifteen minutes when I heard him shouting._2_,I started to ask him with a loud voice, “What happened?”But he kept shouting.My first _3_ was that he had a heart attack. I couldnt _4_ what happened. I kept asking him, “Please tell me what happened?”while _5_my clothes to get out of the house. For about thirty seconds, he wasnt able to _6_ me,and he was just shouting. After about forty _7_ , he started to talk and he told me whispering, “I had a(n)_8_. ” I asked him,“Are you okay? Where are you? Just tell me where you are!” He said, “Im okay; Im _9_; I dont know what happened. ” He got out of his car and said, “Where is the other car?” And suddenly, the phone _10_ was lost. By that time, I had got ready, and _11_ to my car. I was trying to call him for about ten minutes. I wanted to ask him where he was _12_. Finally, he called me back and told me his exact _13_. By the time I got there, the police and the_14_ security were there. I ran to him and saw his car _15_ in the trees facing the highway, full of dust and _16_. The left side of the car was completely _17_. He sat on the passenger seat. When I saw him _18_, I felt relieved and took a deep breath._19_ seeing me, he smiled and said, “I said I am OK.”We both _20_with tears. Only then did we realize we were fortunate to live on earth.1A.informedBcalledCreminded Ddialed2A.Gradually BFinallyCCarefully DImmediately3A.sight BanxietyCthought Dexcuse4A.make out Bmake intoCmake up Dmake for5A.choosing BwashingCcleaning Dchanging6A.hear BanswerCwatch Dremember7A.seconds BminutesChours Ddays8A.accident BawardCtask Dfever9A.well BhealthyCcool Dfine10A.order BconnectionCtrack Ddirection11A.wandered BwalkedCran Dmoved12A.exactly BcertainlyChappily Dsafely13A.number BdiseaseClocation Dreason14A.school BcompanyChospital Dhighway15A.drowned BstuckCgathered Dcontained16A.flowers BfruitsCleaves Dcarpets17A.damaged BwashedCchanged Dexplored18A.dead BhappyCdirty Dalive19A.After BUponCBefore DFor20A.shouted BscreamedClaughed Dstood答案:作者在和弟弟通电话的时候弟弟突遇意外,作者不知所以,心急如焚。作者匆忙赶到现场,看到弟弟安然无恙,两人流下了开心的眼泪。1解析:根据第一段第一句中的talking to him over the phone可知,作者和弟弟正在通电话,也就是弟弟给他打了电话,故用call。答案:B2解析:根据上一句中的heard him shouting可知,作者在听到弟弟的叫喊声之后,顿觉不妙,所以应该是“立刻”大声问他到底发生了什么。答案:D3解析:作者并不在弟弟面前,听到弟弟在电话里的叫喊声,首先浮现在作者脑海里的“想法”是弟弟心脏病突发。答案:C4解析:作者只是听到了弟弟的叫声,弟弟并没有给出任何解释,所以这时候的作者还是不明白到底发生了什么。make out“明白”。答案:A5解析:根据空后的get out of the house可知,作者此时正在家里,所以他应该是出门之前“换”衣服。答案:D6解析:根据上文中的I kept asking him和空后的he was just shouting可知,三十秒钟过去了,弟弟还是无法“回答”作者的问题,只是大喊着。答案:B7解析:这时候作者和弟弟还在连线中,只是弟弟还不能立刻回答作者的问题,所以这个过程也就是几十“秒”而已。上文中的For about thirty seconds是提示。答案:A8解析:根据最后一段前两句对事故现场的描述可知,弟弟应该是在回家的路上发生了交通“事故”。答案:A9解析:根据空前的Im okay可知,作者的弟弟回应说自己很好,虽然遭遇车祸,但是没有受伤,故用fine。答案:D10解析:根据下文中的“I was trying to call him for about ten minutes.”可知,两人正在通话中,忽然电话断线了。phone connection在此处指“电话连线”。答案:B11解析:在弟弟遭遇车祸并且电话联系不上的情况下,作者当然是匆忙地换好衣服,“跑”向自己的汽车。答案:C12解析:根据下一句中的told me his exact可知,作者想要知道弟弟的确切位置,故用exactly。答案:A13解析:根据上一句中的where可知,电话一接通,弟弟告诉了作者自己的精确“位置”。答案:C14解析:根据空前的police和下一句中的facing the highway可知,弟弟在路上发生了车祸,警察和道路安全部门都到了事故现场。答案:D15解析:此处指发生了事故的车冲撞到了路边的树上卡住了,故用stick。答案:B16解析:根据该句中的in the trees可知,车子冲撞到了路边的树上,自然会有很多灰尘和“树叶”落在车上。答案:C17解析:事故现场,车的左边已经完全被毁,所以用damage。答案:A18解析:根据该句中的felt relieved and took a deep breath可知,作者看到了弟弟还“活着”,终于松了口气。答案:D19解析:弟弟一看见作者,就对着作者笑了。此处用upon表示“一就”。答案:B20解析:在意外过后所幸弟弟毫发无伤,所以这时候两个人应该是喜极而泣,故用laugh。答案:C.语法填空The computer plays an important part in our everyday life. It is one of the _1_(great) inventions in the world in the twentieth century. It works for us not only at home, in offices, in big shops, but also at schools. Today it is used _2_many ways. It really brings the world large wealth _3_happiness._4_ first computer in the world _5_(call) Enid was built in America in 1946. It was large and heavy._6_ it was born, it has been developing very fast. Until now it has gone through four periods and changed a lot. There are many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster. So _7_ are becoming more and more helpful.The computer can do most of the things for people. It can help us _8_(know) about the real world quickly, to learn _9_ we want to learn and to think for _10_. As a student in the twentyfirst century, you must work hard at it.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_答案:1解析:one of后的形容词用最高级形式,意为“最的之一”。答案:greatest2解析:此处表示“在方面”,故用介词in。答案:in3解析:此处连接两个名词wealth和happiness,故用连词and。答案:and4解析:特指第一台电脑,用定冠词the。答案:The5解析:computer与call是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。答案:called6解析:由句子的时态可知,引导时间状语从句的连词用since。答案:Since7解析:此处指代computers,且在句中作主语,故用they。答案:they8解析:help sb.(to)do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,是固定短语。答案:(to)know9解析:所填词引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,故用what。答案:what10解析:for的宾语与主语we是同一些人,故用反身代词。答案:ourselves.短文改错Dear Tony,Thank you for your letter. To tell you the truth, Ive thought a lot about if you should buy a laptop computer help you with your study. In my opinion, youd better not. For one reason, its very easy for you to develop some bad habit once you have it, such as playing computer games, see movies and so on, which will be a waste of time. For other reason, buying a laptop computer dont mean you can study well. If you want to make a progress, you need to put your heart into your study but work hard. Whether you had a computer or not is not the most important. Do you agree to me?Looking forward to your reply!Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Tony,Thank you for your letter. To tell you the truth, Ive thought a lot about you should buy a laptop computer help you with your study. In my opinion, youd better not. For one reason, its very easy for you to develop some bad once you have it, such as playing computer games, movies and so on, which will be a waste of time. For reason, buying a laptop computer mean you can study well. If you want to make a progress, you need to put your heart into your study work hard. Whether you a computer or not is not the most important. Do you agree me?Looking forward to your reply!Yours,Li Hua习题课(3)AMy father recently had his second knee operation in a year. The first time, things went _1_. His recovery was difficult and months later, he still could not walk well or even more important to himplay tennis.He had the _2_ a few weeks ago, and hes already doing much better. Different doctor, different _3_! And perhaps, most importantly, different _4_!“The first doctor just _5_ my expectations(预期) unrealistically,” my father said. “He told me that in a few weeks I would be out on the tennis playground. But I have to _6_ him. Above all,I must believe in myself.”To help my father _7_ cost a lot of time and money, and he said,“I keep _8_ and keep fit. I think thats the best way to fight it. The _9_ thing for me has been the worry my family and friends have gone through in all of this.” Dad had two other _10_to keep him strugglingHe was _11_ another tennis game in October and he would retire in June next year and so he could _12_ his travel plans.I admire my fathers positive _13_ but I have to say knowing what to expect colors so much of our lifes _14_,often more than the experience itself.I started thinking about how doctors _15_ expectations after my fathers operation.All doctors want the best possible results for their _16_.They want them to walk out of their office _17_.But that wont happen if they over promise results.Its great to be confident about their skills, but they have to be _18_ with themselves and their patients about possible results. Its better for a patient to be pleasantly _19_ than completely unhappy when they look in the mirror, or still in _20_ after treatment.1A. successfullyB. poorly C. easily D. slowly 2. A. difficulty B. accident C. difference D. operation3. A. result B. chance C. hospital D. competition4. A. intentions B. instructionsC. expectations D. explanations 5. A. killed B. raised C. threw D. refused6. A. beat B. find C. catch D. thank7. A. continue B. recover C. balance D. benefit8. A. reminding B. telling C. guessing D. battling9. A. worst B. best C. funniest D. cleverest10. A. friends B. reasons C. ways D. wishes11. Alosing B. winning C. expecting D. forgetting12A. carry out B. take out C. put out D. give out13. A. tour B. plan C. hope Dattitude14. A. directions B. experiences C. opinions D. expressions15. A. adjust B. calculate C. solve D. manage16. Apatients B. coaches C. hosts D. reporters17. A. quick B. happyC. useful D. careful18. A. strict B. satisfied C. busy Dhonest19. A. ashamed B. confused C. surprised D. shocked20. A. pain B. joy C. interest D. normal答案:作者的父亲在患病后对恢复健康抱有很高的期望,这是因为医生给出了很高的期望值。然而,治疗结果却不尽如人意。作者因此有感而发。1解析:根据下一句可知,几个月后,父亲仍不能正常走路,也不能打网球。即父亲的第一次治疗并不成功,故用poorly。答案:B2解析:几个星期之前,作者的父亲接受了“手术”,病情有了好转。答案:D3解析:与第一段中描述的父亲术后的恢复状况不理想相对比,第二次治疗有了不一样的结果,故用result。答案:A4解析:根据下一段第一句中的my expectations可知,作者意识到了医生不同,结果就不同,最重要的是,“期望值”也不相同。答案:C5解析:根据该句中的unrealistically可知,作者的父亲认为第一次治疗的时候医生的话让他提高了对手术结果的期望,故用raise。答案:B6解析:虽然作者父亲的期望值没有达到,但是积极乐观的父亲还是要对给他进行治疗的医生表示感谢,故用thank。答案:D7解析:根据第一段第三句中的recovery可知,作者的父亲进行的所有治疗都是为了恢复健康。答案:B8解析:根据该句中的fight it和第10空后的keep him struggling可知,作者的父亲即使在没有达到期望值的情况下依旧继续与病痛抗争,故用battle。答案:D9解析:根据该句中的the worry my family and friends have gone through可知,作者的父亲认为最让他担心的就是亲人们对他的担忧,所以他认为这是最糟糕的事情,故选worst。答案:A10解析:根据该句破折号之后的内容可知,作者认为父亲能坚持不懈地积极配合治疗有另外两个“原因”。答案:B11解析:其中一个原因就是作者的父亲非常“期盼”十月份的一场网球赛。答案:C12解析:根据句中的he would retire in June可知,第二个原因是作者的父亲快要退休了,这样他就能“进行”自己的旅行计划了。答案:A13解析:根据第二段描述的父亲的态度和计划可知,作者的父亲有积极的人生态度,故用attitude。答案:D14解析:根据该句中的more than the experience itself可知,此处指知道自己应该期盼什么会让我们的生活“经历”多姿多彩。答案:B15解析:通过父亲的手术,作者开始思考医生应该如何 把控预期效果,故用manage。答案:D16解析:根据该句中的doctors可知,这里指的是和医生相对应的人群,那就是他们所医治的“病人”。答案:A17解析:医生给病人很高的期望值,是为了让病人高高兴兴地出院,故用happy。该段最后一句中的pleasantly和unhappy是提示。答案:B18解析:通过父亲第一次治疗之后没有达到预期效果可知,作者认为医生应该坦诚地告诉患者治疗后的预期效果,故用honest。答案:D19解析:对于病人来说,病人觉得“惊喜”总比一点也不高兴强得多。答案:C20解析:根据空前的still和空后的treatment可知,此处指治疗之后依旧“痛苦”的情况。答案:ABYouve been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know not long ago.On this special day for teachers across the country, I can_1_keep myself from telling your white lie to those who would lend me an ear.Do you still remember the happy _2_about six years ago? We fixed our eyes upon you at your _3_.You, a beautiful young lady, _4_ us that you would live in our village.Soon after, we began to find you were part of your students and their simple honest parents. The villagers found their children _5_more time on their books_6_ after doing their homework and housework. Yet they still_7_that one day you might leave. You_8_a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their_9_of your leaving. You went all out in the_10_of your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in their tuition(学费)You often emphasized to us the_11_of ones life, so that must have been what you were _12_in those five years!One cold morning when class began, you entered the room_13_ you had been crying _14_.In your class, we_15_but looked away from your eyes. You_16_for some time as if you were_17_to find this right word.you said you would go away and would never be back to teach because your boyfriend wanted you more.On the following morning, we _18_ you the very best and the villagers gave you their_19_.The train took you away and your broken_20_.The other day I happened to hear my parents chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world soon after you waved goodbye.1A.forever BseldomChardly Dsoon2A.scene BconditionCsign Dsight3A.report BarrivalCexplanation Dspeech4A.promised BansweredCpermitted Dagreed5A.shared BspentCpaid Ddevoted6A.even BeverCsoon Dstill7A.considered BfearedCsupposed Ddoubted8A.wore BpretendedCgained Dpresented9A.pule BtroubleCquestion Dfear10A.teaching BmiddleCcourse Dfield11A.way BwealthCvalue Dcost12A.after BforCwith Dagainst13A.as if BbecauseCeven though Dbefore14A.happily BbitterlyCanxiously Dangrily15A.listened BtalkedCdiscussed Dstudied16A.explained BstoppedCtalked Dspoke17A.thinking BworryingCcrying Dtrying18A.hoped BexpectedCwished Dbrought19A.thanks BsatisfactionsCexpressions Drewards20A.boy BclassCheart Dmemory答案:1解析:hardlyalmost not,这里指作者情难自抑,要告诉人们一个白色的谎言。答案:C2解析:scene指情景、场面。答案:A3解析:显然,这是指六年前她刚刚到来。答案:B4解析:根据语意:指她一来就向我们许诺,要和我们一起居住在这个村庄。答案:A5解析:此为固定结构。答案:B6解析:根据句意:村民的孩子们甚至做完了家庭作业和家务活以后,还要花更多的时间读书。这里从侧面反映了她是个好老师。答案:A7解析:这里指担心、害怕老师有一天会走。此题应与第9题语义一致。答案:B8解析:面带微笑要用wear。wear还可用于表示戴首饰,穿鞋、袜等。答案:A9解析:根据上文,应指“担心她离开”。答案:D10解析:go all out in sth.指在某一个方面全力以赴。显然这里指在教育孩子们方面。答案:A11解析:value of ones life意思为“人生的价值”。答案:C12解析:be after意思为“追求”。这句话的意思是:因此那(人生的价值)一定就是你在那五年中所追求的东西。答案:A13解析:根据上下文,这里暗指她的病情开始恶化。答案:A14解析:这里指疾病和情感折磨着她,使她很痛苦。答案:B15解析:在课堂上,我们听她讲课。答案:A16解析:根据下文她要离开,但又有点犹豫。答案:B17解析:这里指或许她在设法寻求合适的理由。答案:D18解析:习惯用语wish sb. the very best意思为“祝愿某人万事如意”。答案:C19解析:指村民们表达了对她的感谢之情。答案:A20解析:这里指火车带走了她和她那颗悲伤的心。答案:C

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