高中英语 Module 6 old and new学案外研版必修3

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Module 6 Old and NewPeriod one: Introduction and VocabularyLearning aims: 1.master the words on page51-53 2.learn something about the famous constructions in the world.Learning procedures:step one :introduction (part 1, p51) Step two: word study1.始于_始于某时期_ 2.大坝_3.水库_4.容纳(v.)_ _食宿(n.)_ 5.民用的_6.历史的(adj.)_有历史意义的(adj.)_历史(n)_7.迁移,去除_移动_-8.地球_全球的_8.诗歌_诗人_9.狭窄的_狭窄地;勉强_10.土木工程_工程师_引擎,发动机_11.建筑物 _建设_12.浸入水中_ 13.终点站_14.水力发电的_Step three: read , underline and translate the key phrases to describe the three architectures1 .6300 千米长_2.始于清朝_3.花费了6年时间建造并花了200亿美元 _4.(它)被设计成可容纳8千万乘客_5.超过1.5千米宽_ Step four: speaking: describe our teaching building in groups E.g. Our building dates from It hasstoreys and it can accommodate aboutstudents.Step five: Exercises1. The hotel hall can a_over 200 people.2. _ to repair the computer. 修电脑花了他5天。=He_ 5 days _the computer.3. The bridge is under c_.We have to choose another road to the town.4. They want to r_the old temple _( 始于)1000 years ago.5. The founding of the peoples Republic of China was a _event.(history)6. Was King Arthur a real_figure? (history)Module 6 Old and NewPeriod three: language pointsLearning aims: 1.master the words and phrases 2.learn to use the key sentence structuresLearning procedures:Step one: phrases1.梦想 dream_ 2.阻止hold_3.(梦想)实现 come_ 4.提供给某人provide_sb5.在历史上_ history 6.四分之三 three_ 7.全球变暖 global_ 8.等同于 equal_9.搬离家园 move_their homes 10.历史遗址,遗迹_sites/relics11.始于date_ 12.在建设中_construction13.使用以做某事use sth _doing 14.超过 more_Step two: sentences1.The Three Gorges Dam, _since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.三峡大坝是继长城和京杭大运河以来在中国最大的建设项目,它的修建是为了控制洪水泛滥并向华中地区提供电力。 总结:_引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的先行词_.非限制性定语从句还可以修饰整个主句,往往用_与主句分开。翻译时,并列翻译。2. It is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world and has cost _.这是世界上最大的大坝和水力发电站,花费超过历史上任何其他的建设项目。总结:_表示最高级含义。 句型:比较级+ than +_.3. Three quarters of Chinas energy _中国四分之三的能源来自煤的燃烧。 总结:分数或百分数+of+名词做主语时,谓语动词的单复数由_决定。4.Some of them _and some _一些(历史遗物)正被迁往别处,一些正被放进了博物馆。总结:现在进行时被动句:_Step three: Exercises1.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(which,非限制性定语从句)The house is very beautiful, _2. 他是班里最高的。(比较级) He is_in his class.3.许多节能车正在车展中展出。(be being done) Many energy-saving cars_4.地球的三分之二是被水覆盖的。(分数及主谓一致) _ of the earth_ by water.Correction:1. Last summer holiday, I took some time off to go to traveling, that was a wise decision. 2. People have planted a great many trees in order to hold down wind and sand in the desert.3. Rainforests are cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.4. Can you provide me for a room for the night?5. Three fourths of the forest have been destroyed.Fill in the blanks1. When he heard the frightening news, he couldnt_(抑制)his tears.2. We _(梦想买) a big house of our own.3. The girls dream to be a doctor finally_(实现) with the help of her teachers.4. The treasures_(始于)3800 years ago were recently unearthed出土 in Shanxi Province of China. 5.These exercises _(被设计来)develop and strengthen muscles.6.After the earthquake, the government had to_(提供食宿给) the homeless as soon as possible.Module 6, book 3, Old and NewThe fourth period: cultural cornerLearning objectives:1.get to know some information of The Empire State Building and other 9 tallest buildings2.get to master some language points.Learning procedures:Step 1: pre-reading discussionWhat is the tallest building in the world?/What is the tallest building in the US?Step 2: read and know more about the Empire State BuildingconstructionFinished in May, 1931 and the (1)_ building at the time.Facts about TheEmpire State Building(2)_bricks were used in the building.There are 6500 (3)_.Seeing from the top on a clear day, you can see(4) _ states, (5)_ strikes the building about 500 times a year. In 1945, a plane(6)_into the buildingStep 3: read the table on page 59 and answer the questions(5)( )1.How long was the Empire State Building as the tallest building in the world? A.for 75 years B.for 41 years C.for 31 years D.for 72 years2. How many of the Worlds Top 10 tallest buildings are in China?A.3 B.4 C.5 D.63. How high is the Empire State Building in New York A.509 meters B.381meters C.442meters D.391meters4.Which building has the most storeys in the world? A.CITIC Plaza B.Sears Tower C.Empire State Building D.Taipei101一.短语:1.in the 1990s _2. 事实上 _fact3.第二高楼_ 4. 被毁灭_5.在的建设中_the construction of 6.在晴朗的日子_ a clear day7.飞越 fly_ 8.(飞机) 撞进大楼_into the building9.有意义,有道理 make _ 10.结束 bring an end_二.重点句子翻译1.The Empire State Building, which was the tallest building at the time was finished in May 1931._2. In 1945, a US military plane, which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day, crashed into the building just above the 78th floor._三.exercises1.The car _ (撞上了)the truck on the way, killing its driver and two passengers2.Its dangerous to drive on the_(结冰的)road in such_(冰冷的)weather.3.Our teacher urges us to form a good learning habit,_(关系词)we think will benefit us in the long term.4._(关系词)is known to all, the earth travels around the sun once every year.5.John, for_(关系词) money is no problem, still leads a simple life.6.What you say doesnt_(有意义)his nightmare.7.Who_will win the game?(你认为)

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