高中英语 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China Section 2 课时作业 外研版必修3

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高中英语 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China Section 2 课时作业 外研版必修3_第1页
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Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaSection Introduction & ReadingLanguage points.单词拼写1I wanted to _(辞职) my post,but my boss persuaded me to stay.答案:resign2Professor Smith served as special_(顾问) to the President.答案:adviser3At yesterdays meeting the doctor_(强调) the importance of a balanced diet.答案:stressed4The teacher told us to get our ideas into some kind of_(顺序) before beginning to write.答案:order5Everyone in the world should be treated with_(公正)答案:justice6My sister is a writer,and my brother is a(n) _(哲学家)答案:philosopher.短语填空be at war with,bring up,follow ones advice,as a result,be similar t 1The child behaves impolitely;I think he is very badly_.答案:brought up2The country has_its neighbour for two years.答案:been at war with3Sam didnt work hard._,he failed his exam again.答案:As a result4Their house_ours,but ours has a bigger garden.答案:is similar to5If you trust your doctor and_,your health will improve.答案:follow his advice.完成句子1I understand what hes saying,but I just dont_(同意) it.答案:agree with2I_(相信) Jack;he is my best friend.答案:believe in3Johns mother told him to_(照顾) his younger brother.答案:look after4Jenny_(讨厌别人听) when shes telephoning.答案:hates others listening5This novel_(与不同) that one in style.答案:is different from.完形填空Two young girls were proud of their beautiful hands.One put them in shining water,and the_1_looked like diamonds dripping (滴下) from them.“What beautiful hands I have!” she said,and then_2_her hands for others to admire.They were very soft and white,for she had done_3_ but wash them in clear water.The other girl crushed (揉碎) some flowers in her hands,and they_4_like perfume (香水)“What beautiful hands I have!” she said.Her hands smelled like flowers,_5_shed never done anything but wash them with_6_every morning.Another girl nearby didnt show her hands.She hid them in the_7_of her coat.An old woman came down the road and_8_before the girls.The first two_9_their hands and asked her whose hands were more beautiful.She_10_her head at them and then asked to see the hands of the_11_girl.“Oh,these hands are clean,_12_,” said the old woman,“but they are hard from_13_.These hands have been helping the girls mother and father dry the dishes,sweep the floor,water the garden,_14_for the baby,and show the little brother_15_to build blocks.These hands have been_16_making the house a happy home.”_17_the old woman brought out a ring set (镶嵌)_18_a diamond.“Here,wear this ring,my child.You deserve the_19_for the most beautiful hands that are always the most_20_.”语篇解读究竟什么样的手最美丽?是从不干任何事而柔软白皙、气味芬芳的手还是助人为乐而僵硬粗糙的手?看了本文就会得到答案。1A.ballsBgrapesCdrops Dsands解析:根据本句后面的“like diamonds dripping from them”可知手里的水在滴下时,像钻石一样,所以此处是指“水滴”。答案:C2A.raised BroseCwaved Dwarmed解析:在这里表示她“举起”手让别人赞赏,可以用动词raise。答案:A3A.anything BnothingCsomething Deverything解析:根据第二段中对第二位女孩的相关介绍“shed never done anything but wash them with_6_every morning.”可同理推断出这里表示第一位女孩“什么都不做”,除了在清水里洗双手,所以用nothing。答案:B4A.seemed BsoundedCappeared Dsmelled解析:另一个女孩把手中的花揉碎,散发出香味,双手“闻起来”像香水,所以答案是smelled。答案:D5A.unless BsinceConce Dthough解析:前后两句是因果关系,之所以手闻起来像花朵,是“因为”她总是用花朵洗手,所以用连词since。答案:B6A.towels BflowersCleaves Dvegetables解析:因为本段提到“flowers”可知,这个女孩用“花朵”洗手。答案:B7A.clothes BbagsCpockets Dboxes解析:根据“Another girl nearby didnt show her hands.”可知她把手放在衣服的“口袋”(pockets)里。答案:C8A.stopped BwonderedCchanged Dattracted解析:结合下文,可知一位老太太沿路走来,然后“停”(stopped)在女孩们面前。答案:A9A.turned up Bturned offCshowed up Dshowed off解析:前两个女孩向老太太“炫耀”她们的手,并且问谁的手最美。show off炫耀。答案:D10A.moved BshookCtouched Dlifted解析:根据下文情节可知这里老太太朝这两个女孩“摇摇头”,然后要看看“第三个”女孩的手。答案:B11A.latter BfirstCsecond Dthird答案:D12A.anyway BindeedCeither Dtherefore解析:这两只手虽然没有那两个女孩的柔软白皙,但是“确实”(indeed)是干净的。答案:B13A.disaster BtaskCexercise Dhousework解析:根据后面的描述可知,这两只手由于做“家务”而变硬了。答案:D14A.care BapplyCfight Deducate解析:这两只手帮忙“照看”(care for)婴儿。答案:A15A.how BwhatCwhy Dwhen解析:这两只手给小弟弟示范“如何”(how)搭积木。答案:A16A.tired BordinaryCbusy Dhappy解析:根据上面的描述可知,这两只手一直“忙于”使她的家成为一个幸福快乐的家,所以答案是busy。答案:C17A.Instead BThenCStill DEarly解析:then表示按事情发生的顺序,意思是“接着”。答案:B18. Aof BforCby Dwith解析:老太太拿出一枚镶嵌着钻石的戒指,用介词with。答案:D19A.money BwealthCgold Dprize解析:老太太把戒指送给了第三个女孩,这对于她来说是一种“奖励”,“你理所应当得到这个奖励”。prize奖励。答案:D20A.helpful BbeautifulCsoft Dclean解析:根据女孩的辛勤付出,可知女孩的手是最能“帮助”人的,这里点出主题,即:帮助人做实事的手才是最值得嘉奖的。答案:A.阅读理解Saint Louis is an amazing city to visit with lots of attractions for the whole family.And you neednt spend too much money.History,sports,and one of the best zoos in the world are only a few of the places you will love in Saint Louis.The most popular place in Saint Louis is the Gateway Arch.Standing at 630 feet,it is the tallest manmade monument (纪念碑) in the country.You can take a ride to the top for an amazing view of the Mississippi River.While you are there,make sure to visit the Museum of Westward Expansion which is located under the Arch.The Saint Louis Zoo is over 100 years old.And it is widely considered to be one of the best in the world.Their collection has over 800 species in historic Forest Park.Admission (入场费) is always free to all visitors.A few other friendly places to visit include the amusement park Six Flags,Steam Boat rides on the Mississippi River,and exploring a cave that once served as Jesse James favorite hideout (藏身点)If that is not enough to keep you busy then you can visit Grants Farm.This huge piece of land is home to a wildlife reserve.Free admission is provided for the whole family,and so is a free ride among elephants and a German beer garden at the end with free Budweiser.You must see this one.An entire day of excitement for nearly no cost.Saint Louis is a great place to visit.There are many family friendly activities at great values.Think about it for your next trip.You deserve to visit Saint Louis.语篇解读本文主要介绍圣路易斯市的一些旅游景点。1Saint Louis is famous for the following things EXCEPT_.Ahistory BsportsCzoos Dpalaces解析:细节理解题。从第一段中的History,sports,and one of the best zoos in the world are only a few of the places you will love in Saint Louis以及全文内容来看,D项没被提到。答案:D2The most popular place in Saint Louis is_.Aa German beer garden BForest ParkCthe Saint Louis Zoo Dthe Gateway Arch解析:推理判断题。从第一段中的The most popular place in Saint Louis is the Gateway Arch可知,圣路易斯最受欢迎的景点是the Gateway Arch(圣路易大拱门)。圣路易大拱门被誉为通往美国西部的大门。答案:D3The writer wrote this passage to_.Atell the history of Saint LouisBshow the most popular place in Saint LouisCintroduce Saint Louis and advise readers to visit itDdescribe familyfriendly activities at great values in Saint Louis解析:写作目的题。本文主要介绍了圣路易斯市的一些旅游景点,并建议大家来旅游,故C作为写作目的最合适。答案:C4Where could we read this passage in a newspaper?ABusiness. BTravel.CNews. DCulture.解析:推理判断题。从文章内容可知,全文主要介绍圣路易斯的一些著名景点,这些都是针对游客的,故应出现在报纸中的旅游栏目。答案:B


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