高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia学案外研版必修3

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Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaPeriod one: Introduction Learning aims: 1. Master the words on page 31-32 2. Talk about something about sandstormsLearning procedures:Step one: word study1. 沙尘暴: 2. 吓人的;可怕的: -害怕的 3. 内陆的: 4. 大规模的: 5. 战役;活动 6. 沙漠: - 沙漠化 7. 进程;过程 8. city - 市民 9. 沙尘 - 落满灰尘的 10. 预报;预告 - 预报员 11. 骑自行车 -骑自行车的人 12. 强壮的: - 力气;力量 -加强;巩固 Step two: presentation1. Watch a short video about sandstorm and finish the part 1 on page 31 in textbook2. Finish part 2 Step three:discussion1. Where in China do sandstorms begin?2. As a senior student, what should we do to prevent sandstorm?3. What should we do to protect ourselves in a sandstorm?Step four: Exercise1. The girl was by the dog.(frighten) 2. My eyes fixed on a (dust)old book at the back of the shelf.3. I want to encourage (cycle)to take advantage of more opportunities to get out by bike.4. Theyve been sent high energy foods to boost their (strong).5. too many trees without planting will make the environment worse.6. She is a lawful (city).7. Use an umbrella to p you from the rain.8. Nothing will p me from marrying her.9. They their flower gardens to grow vegetables.10. There are of dark clouds in the sky. (mass)11. No talking. Examination is in p .Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaPeriod three: Language pointsLearning aims: 1. Master the key phrases and use them flexibly. 2. Learn to use the key sentence patterns Learning procedures:I . Phrase:1. 还是一个孩子的时候: a child 2. 突然遭遇(风暴等):be in3. 醒来时发现:wake 4. 建议某人做:advise 5. 由于: a result 6. 因为:because 7. 砍伐,消减:cut 8. 挖掘:dig 9. 一整天: day 10. 阻止某人做某事:prevent sb. 11. 继续做某事:continue 12. 一个接一个:one after 13.清除;一扫而空: sweep 14. 似乎要做某事:appear 15. 似乎,仿佛:appear II. Sentence:1. They are often thick you can not see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴常常很浓密,以至于遮住了太阳,有时风力大得足以移动沙丘。总结:so是 ,修饰形容词或副词;that引导 从句。他有如此难的我们没有人能解决的一个问题。He has difficult a problem none of us can solve.= He has a difficult problem none of us can solve. 那儿有很多人,我没能认出她来。 I wasnt able to pick her out. 他进步非常快,不久就开始用英语写文章了。 He made that before long he began to write articles in English.2. The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust .这种沙尘暴有时候会持续一整天,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度,车辆行驶得非常缓慢。总结:句中 作形式宾语, 为真正的宾语, 作宾语补足语。常用次结构的动词还有feel, think, find, consider等。我发觉同你谈话很困难。I find .我们认为告诉他那件事是没有益处的。We thought it no good 3. it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.为了阻止沙尘暴的靠近,政府正在植树。总结:句中 作 状语。想要成为赢家,你要付出所有并竭尽全力。 ,you need to five all you and try your best.III. Exercise:1. Make sentences:1) 在回家的路上,他突遇暴风雨全身淋湿。On the way back, he a storm and got all wet. 2)他所说的话让我意识到我不再年轻这个事实。 What he said the fact that I was no longer young. 3) 因为他的粗心,他没有通过考试。 He didnt pass the examination his carelessness. 4) 这个音乐大厅大的能够容纳500人。(accommodate) The concert hall is 500 people. 5) 看来姚明和家人已离开去美国了。 Yao Ming and his family .2. Correction:1) Since he doesnt want to accept your advice, it is no use to talking to him again.2) His back injury may prevent him play in tomorrows game.3) They are so little worms that we cant see them with our eyes.4) Masses of water have been polluted.5) Spaceships make it possible travel to the moon.Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaPeriod four: Cultural CornerLearning aims: 1. Understand the passage 2.Learn to use some new words and phrasesLearning procedures:Step 1: Fill in the blanks according to the passage.How to deal with garbagel Put garbage into different (1) l (2) away garbagel (3) garbage, if possible Other measuresl Not allow (4) away CFCs and chemicalsl Make laws that dont allow people burn too much (5) The Green MovementTime :in the (6) Function:(7) information about the environment pollution and then giving it to (8) Step 2: Phrases:1. do nothing but :只有做 2. have an effect : 对有影响3. do damage :对有损害 4.take :吸收5. give :放出;发出 6. a nutshell:简言之7. be better doing: 在做得更好 8. take :带走;拿走 9. if :如果可能 10. allow sb. :允许某人做某事9. all over Europe :传遍欧洲 10. think about:认真对待Step 3: Sentences:1. I agree with you .我非常同意你的意见。总结: +形容词的 (原级/比较级/最高级)结构表示最高级的含义。1)The weather .天气再糟糕不过了。2)I have seen a match.我从未看过比这更精彩的比赛了。2. The garbage is then taken away and, , recycled.然后那些垃圾被运走,如果可能的化,被回收。总结:if 此处引导的是一个省略句式,完整的话应该是 。1)I may be free this evening. , Ill come round and see you. 今晚我可能有空。要是有空我会过来看你。2) , please call me at home. 如果有必要,可以往我家里打电话。Step 4:Exercise:1. Correction :1) Theres no buses, I cant but to walk home.2) When it necessary, I will go with you.3) sleep late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.4) What a wonderful book! I have never read a most moving one.2. Make sentences:1) 孩子们从父母那学会的对他们有着重要的影响。 What children learn from their parents them.2) 我有许多话要说,但汇成一句话,这真是太棒了。I have a lot to say, but to put it it was fantastic! 3) 请允许我问你几个问题。 Please you several questions. 4) 幸运的是,他开始认真得考虑他的未来了。Luckily, he began to .


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