高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2

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高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第2页
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高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts-WesternChinese and Pop Arts Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第3页
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Module 4Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop ArtsSection Other Parts of the Module.语法填空1Care of the soul is a gradual process_even the small details of life should be considered.答案:in which2He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting_at a hotel for the night.答案:up3She is going to dress well in order to make a good_(impress) on all guests at the party.答案:impression4Thanks to his working hard,his ambition_(come) true.答案:has come5It will take two months to repair the ship which was_(damage) by the hurricane.答案:damaged6The three daughters took turns_(look) after their sick mother.答案:to look7All the children look forward to_(visit) Disneyland some day.答案:visiting8By improving reading skills,you can read faster and understand more of _you read.答案:what9_ do you make of his painting style?Oh,I love that style.It is a mixture of Chinese and Western Styles.答案:What10Charlie made a(n) attempt_(apologize) for what he had done,but his classmates wouldnt even talk to him.答案:to apologize11You have _(destroy) my hopes of happiness.答案:destroyed12The students were taken to the_(exhibit) of advanced technology on Sunday.答案:exhibition.完成句子1_(你认为这部电影如何)?It couldnt be better.答案:What do you think/make of the movie/film2Many women like watching_(电视连续剧)答案:a series of TV plays3Did you know_(他出了什么事)?答案:what had happened to him4His mothers unexpected visit_(破坏了他的计划)答案:destroyed his plan5_(有一场展览)in the museum today.答案:There is an exhibition6Dont_(推迟) the problems you can deal with today because others are sure to come.答案:put off7I was hoping Tom could_(留宿我) for a few days.答案:put me up8When he was four years old,he began to_(对篮球产生了兴趣)答案:develop an interest in basketball.完形填空August Heat was a city mouse,who lived in a big house.The house had all the comforts any mouse could ever_1_of.Another mouse Percy Veering lived with him._2_all the comforts,Percy still washed in cold water as if it were_3_,or chewed leeks (韭菜) as though they were cheese.He even tried to_4_August,“Come on and join me.Youll make yourself_5_!” But August would go into his blanket,wondering how there could be such a(n)_6_guy.One night,a heavy snow fell on the city and their house was completely_7_from the outside world.They_8_to get out,but they didnt think they could dig a_9_through so much snow.The days went by,and there was no food left.They had no_10_but to get digging.Percy managed it quite well and_11_digging.But as soon as August touched that cold snow,he turned away.He could not_12_such terrible conditions.He looked at Percy and understood that that mouse was a lot wiser than he_13_.With a tear of helplessness,August lay down,ready to let himself die.At last,the brave Percy_14_it and they were saved.When August_15_Percy for all his help,he found Percy had_16_several fingers and an ear,but he still looked cheerful.August felt very_17_since he hadnt lost anything.Percy told him,“Dont worry.If it hadnt been for those fingers and that ear,we wouldnt be_18_.What better use could they have had?”Of course,they continued to be great_19_,but August no longer thought of Percy as a fool.He set about_20_control over his demanding body,each day giving up the comforts of modern mouse life.语篇解读 August Heat和Percy Veering是两只住在城市里的小老鼠,不同于August,Percy经常锻炼自己,努力使自己适应艰苦的环境。在一次雪灾之后,August终于意识到居安思危的重要性,不再沉溺于优越的都市生活。1A.speakBmake Cdream Dblow解析:小老鼠August Heat住在城里的一间大房子里,那里有各种使它们舒服的东西,这当然是所有老鼠都梦寐以求的。答案:C2A.In spite of BExcept forCAs a result of DBecause of解析:根据后面as if和as though的语境可知这里前后是转折关系,故选用in spite of(尽管)。 答案:A3A.warm BcleanCpure Dclear解析:尽管有舒适的环境,但是小老鼠Percy却时刻锻炼自己,它在凉水里洗澡好像就是在温水中一样。答案:A4A.cheat Bfollow Cplease Dpersuade解析:根据下文Percy对August说:“加入我吧,你会变得更强壮的!”可知,Percy劝说August加入锻炼的行列。答案:D5A.younger BstrongerChappier Dlarger解析:根据后文Percy成功地挖成了通道,帮助August逃离危险,而August一碰到冷冰冰的雪就缩手的语境可知,这里是说锻炼能使它们更强壮。答案:B6A.brave BlazyCstupid Dhonest解析:根据上下文语境尤其是but August no longer thought of Percy as a fool可知,此时August觉得Percy放着舒适的环境不享受很傻。 答案:C7A.picked out Bmoved awayCbroken down Dcut off解析:根据后文它们没有粮食吃,必须挖通道出去,可知一场大雪将它们的屋子与外界隔绝了。答案:D8A.tried BfearedCforgot Dbegan解析:因为被大雪困在屋子里,所以这里指小老鼠们要想办法出去。答案:A9A.tunnel BcaveChouse Dgrave解析:因为大雪将它们与外界隔绝,所以它们应该是打算挖一条通道(tunnel)出去。答案:A10A.luck Bchoice Cduty Dtrick解析:一天天过去,没有吃的东西,它们别无选择,只能挖通道。have no choice but to do sth.别无选择只能干。答案:B11A.stopped BallowedCregretted Dstarted解析:因为只能挖通道逃出去,所以这里是指Percy把一切安排得很妥当,开始挖洞。答案:D12A.doubt Bstand Cadapt Dtouch解析:根据前文的But as soon as Augus touched that cold snow,he turned away可知,August平常缺乏锻炼,无法忍受这种恶劣的环境。stand此处是“忍受”的意思。答案:B13A.felt BsoundedClooked Dsmelt解析:Percy能够熟练的挖洞,此时August才知道Percy比看起来聪明多了,知道居安思危,勤加锻炼。答案:C14A.wore BtestedCmade Dtook解析:make it成功做到。此处指的是Percy挖好了通道,它们获救了。答案:C15A.blamed BthankedCexpected Dpraised解析:在Percy的努力下,它们获救了。August自然向Percy表示感谢。答案:B 16.A.saved BboughtCcooled Dlost解析:根据后文内容可知为了挖通道,Percy失去了一只耳朵和好几个手指。下文August felt very guilty since he hadnt lost anything也有暗示。答案:D17A.happy Bguilty Cgrateful Dlucky解析:Percy为了挖通道,帮它们俩逃出去,失去了耳朵和手指,而August没出多少力气,也没失去任何东西,故可推测它感到很内疚,从后文Percy安慰它“Dont worry.”也可看出来。答案:B18A.alive BenergeticCexcited Dexcellent解析:此处想表达:如果不是因为那一只耳朵和几根手指,我们也不会活着了。答案:A19A.workers BdiggersCfriends Dpets解析:灾难过后,August和Percy仍然是好朋友。 答案:C20A.losing BreceivingCpreparing Dincreasing解析:August放弃了优越的现代生活,也开始锻炼身体,控制自己的惰性。答案:D.阅读理解The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has been held every year since 1963.It had to stop for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution,but it was restarted in 1985.Harbin City is one of the sources of ice and snow culture in the world.It is located in Northeast China and receives the cold winter wind from Siberia.The average temperature in summer is 21.2 degrees Celsius and16.8 degrees Celsius in winter.It can be as cold as38.1 degrees Celsius in winter.Officially,the festival starts from January 5th and lasts one month.However,the exhibitions often open earlier and last longer,weather permitting (允许)The ice sculptures range from decorations using modern laser (激光) technology to more traditional ice lanterns.There are Ice Lantern park touring activities held in many parks in the city.Winter activities at the festival include Yabuli Alpine skiing,winterswimming in the Songhua River and the Ice Lantern Exhibition in Zhaolin Garden.The Harbin festival is one of the worlds four largest Ice and Snow Festivals,along with Japans Sapporo Snow Festival,Canadas Quebec City Winter Carnival and Norways Ski Festival.The 2007 festival had a Canadian theme (主题),in memory of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune.It also won a Guinness Record for the largest snow sculpture:250 metres long,28 feet high and using over 13,000 cubic metres of snow.The work consisted of two parts:“Niagara Falls” and “Crossing the Bering Strait”语篇解读哈尔滨的冰雪节闻名于世界,本文就哈尔滨的冰雪节作了简单的介绍。1In the text we are told that the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival_.Astarted in 1963 and ended in 2007Bis very famous around the worldCdoesnt use people as its themeDis only decorated with ice lanterns解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The Harbin festival is one of the worlds four largest Ice and Snow Festivals.”可知哈尔滨的冰雪节在世界上是四大冰雪节之一。故哈尔滨的冰雪节在全世界都是有名的。答案:B2Harbin can hold the Ice and Snow Festival,because_.ait is located in the northeast of Chinabits average temperature in summer is 21.2 cits cold winter wind is from Siberiadthe temperature in winter can be38.1 Aabd BabcCcbd Dacd解析:细节理解题。根据第二段可知哈尔滨位于中国的东北部,受西伯利亚冷风的影响,冬天的平均温度在零下16.8 ,最低温度可以达到零下38.1 。这些客观条件决定了哈尔滨能举行冰雪节。b的信息虽然在第二段中也提到了,但是这个与举行冰雪节没有任何关系。答案:D3Which of the following activities is NOT an option if you go to Harbin in winter?AGoing skiing in Yabuli Alpine.BGoing to the Ice Lantern Exhibition.CGoing swimming in the Songhua River.DGoing to see the Bering Strait Sculpture.解析:细节理解题。文章提到白令海峡是在最后一段,它是作为2007年哈尔滨冰雪节的组成部分而展出的冰雕,并不是所有时候都能看到。答案:D4The text is mainly_.Aabout the history of the Harbin ice and Snow FestivalBan introduction to the Harbin Ice and Snow FestivalCabout the origin of the Harbin Ice and Snow FestivalDabout how to celebrate the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival解析:主旨大意题。文章讲了冰雪节的历史,哈尔滨举行冰雪节的条件,冰雪节装饰材料,哈尔滨冰雪节在世界上的地位以及2007年哈尔滨的冰雪节。故全文对哈尔滨的冰雪节进行了介绍。答案:B.短文改错Jim is one of my closely friends.Two months ago,his mother bought a computer to him as a birthday present.She hoped Jim will study hard with the help of the computer.To his surprise,Jim just wasted plenty of time play computer games every day.Now she regrets buying the computer.As matter of fact,a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs for us.It is wide used in factories,hospitals,banks and so on.Many computers scientists are now trying to make the computer to “think” like a man.In my opinion,the key is what we should use it wisely.答案Jim is one of my friends.Two months ago,his mother bought a computer him as a birthday present.She hoped Jim study hard with the help of the computer.To surprise,Jim just wasted plenty of time computer games every day.Now she regrets buying the computer.As matter of fact,a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs for us.It is used in factories,hospitals,banks and so on.Many scientists are now trying to make the computer to “think” like a man.In my opinion,the key is we should use it wisely.


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