高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 3 Grammar课时作业 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 3 Grammar课时作业 外研版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 3 Grammar课时作业 外研版必修1_第3页
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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 3 Grammar.用所给动词的适当时态填空1Every evening,after supper,he_(sit) down with a cup of coffee before the television.答案:sits2The telephone_(ring),would you answer it,please?答案:is ringing3“The moment _(come)”,he thought to himself,waiting nervously.答案:is coming4We_(not do) our homework after ten oclock.答案:dont do5_she_(do) the housework every day?答案:Does,do6I will take Tom there when he_(come) next.答案:comes7Listen!Who_(knock) at the front door?答案:is knocking8They_(have) an important meeting now.答案:are having9What is your father doing now?He_(clean) the room.答案:is cleaning10Dont speak loud.Mother_(sleep) in her bedroom.答案:is sleeping11My parents_(live) in Hong Kong.They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.答案:live12When you are in the forest,please be careful.Wood_(catch) fire easily.答案:catches13The shop_at 8:00 am and it_ for ten hours every day (open)答案:opens;is open14You_(always watch) television at home.Why not do something more active?答案:are always watching15Can I join the club,Dad?You can when you_(get) a bit older.答案:get16Mr Black_(leave) Shanghai in a few days.Do you know when the earliest plane_(take) off on Sunday?答案:is leaving;takes17My father is enthusiastic about operas and_(go) to the theatre once a week.答案:goes18Our teacher told us that Yellow River_(wind) its way from west to east until it_(join) the sea.答案:winds;joins19Ill buy some stamps for you if I_(go) to the post office.答案:go20The train_(leave) at 8 oclock and arrives in Shanghai at 12 oclock.答案:leaves.用所给词的适当形式填空1The father was_at the_news that his son failed the exam.(disappoint)答案:disappointed;disappointing2Hearing the_news,he jumped and shouted in an_voice.(excite)答案:exciting;excited3It is said the film is_,but Im not_in it at all.(interest)答案:interesting;interested4Small children always feel_(interest) in things around them.答案:interested5The naughty child is_(disappoint) for his parents as he often fails the exams.答案:disappointing6The listeners got_at the_speech by the famous scientist.(excite)答案:excited;exciting7Tom sounds very much_(interest) in the job,but Im not sure whether he can manage it.答案:interesting8At the news,the man looked somewhat_(surprise)答案:surprised9Travelling is_(interest),but we often feel_(tire) when we are back home.答案:interesting;tired10The situation is more_than ever.Im_about what to do next.(puzzle)答案:puzzling;puzzled11The_news made us very_.(surprise)答案:surprising;surprised.语法与写作(运用本单元所学语法完成小片段)我十六岁了,我总是每天早起锻炼,因为住得离学校不太远,我经常步行去学校。今天是我进入高中的第一天。现在我正坐在教室里听我的新老师作自我介绍。我得说我非常喜欢她,她一直在微笑着。关于新学校的一切都是这么令人激动。我正在写下今天的感受并且期待着明天的到来。Im sixteen years old.I always 1._very earlyand 2._every day.I often 3._because I 4._not far from the school.Today is my first day at Senior High.Now I 5._and 6._my new teachers selfintroduction.I must say I like her very much.She 7._all the time.Everything about the new school is so 8._.I 9._down all my feelings now and I 10._forward to the next day at my Senior High school.答案:1.get up2.do exercise3.walk to school4.live5am sitting in the classroom6.listening to7.smiles8exciting9.am writing10.look/am looking.阅读理解Sitting in the play area of the doctors office,my children,Paul,four,and Bailey,three,built a Lego tower while we waited to be called for Pauls examination.“Good job,you guys,”I said,trying not to sound too tired.My husband was away on business,and it was difficult being alone with the kids.At times I felt like I was living in the jungle (丛林) rather than the suburbs.“Dont put the Lego in your mouth,Bailey,” I said.Paul grabbed (抓取) it from him.“Thats not nice,Paul,” I said.He gave back the Lego.I looked around the waiting room.A woman was eating something,a couple were talking,and an old gentleman in a blue jacket was reading a magazine.I wished I could sit quietly for a while.I wanted to be able to take a rest,or go shopping alone.At once,I was ashamed of myself.What kind of mother was I?“God,” I thought,“help me to be the very best mom I can be.”The nurse came into the waiting room to get us.Just at that moment,the old gentleman in the waiting room put down his magazine and came up to me.With a smile on his face,he said,“Your children are most certainly lucky to have such a wonderful mother.”“Thank you,”I replied in a low voice and watched him walk back to his seat.We followed the nurse into the examination room.While she weighed Paul,I told her how that man had made my day.Motherhood is still a jungle sometimes,but now when I feel tired I remember the encouraging words of the old gentleman.语篇解读作者带着孩子很辛苦,一位陌生老者的话鼓舞了她。1The writer went to the doctors office because_.Aone of her children liked to play thereBher son Paul needed an examinationCshe was tired and needed to see her doctorDshe wanted to have all her children examined解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的we waited to be called for Pauls examination可知作者是带着儿子Paul去医院做检查。答案:B2From Paragraph 2,we know the writer felt that looking after her children alone was_.Aunfair BhappyChard Dinteresting解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的My husband was away on business,and it was difficult being alone with the kids.可知作者认为独自带孩子很辛苦,故选C。答案:C3In the old gentlemans opinion,the writer_.Alived a very hard lifeBwas a very good motherCdidnt love her children enoughDwas lucky to have so lovely children解析:推理判断题。根据第四段老者所说的Your children are most certainly lucky to have such a wonderful mother.可推断老者认为作者是个好妈妈。答案:B4What can we learn from the passage?AThe writer often went shopping alone.BThe writers husband was always on business.CThe writer doesnt know how to be a good mother.DThe writer was greatly encouraged by the old gentlemans words.解析:推理判断题。根据末段的but now when I fell tired I remember the encouraging words of the old gentleman.可推断老者的话鼓舞了作者。答案:DOne of the school days that I remember is my first day of school.Being a first grader seemed exciting to me then,and I really was happy.I was to study in an allgirls school.My mother took me to the front door of the classroom and left.I didnt mind because I didnt want to appear too childish.The classroom fitted about forty students with still some room to spare.We sat in groups,six tables per group.I chose a seat and sat there while waiting for other girls to arrive.It didnt take that long and the other tables were soon full.There wasnt much chatting going on,and it seemed my classmates were very shy.After all,it was a truly new environment for us.The girls in my group were also shy and most of them were looking down.Finally,a girl sitting in front of me broke the silenceshe introduced herself as Amanda.She then burst_out speaking about her family.The four other girls paid attention to what she said with an occasional (偶尔的) nod sometimes.I lost what she said a few minutes after that.The next thing I knew was that she was already talking about her cat.“Do you know its name?” she asked me.I was a little surprised at the sudden question.I thought about it for a while,and then finally answered,“I dont know.It could be anything.” The question was repeated to the other girls but with the same result.Amanda smiled proudly,happy that nobody could guess her cats name.“Its name is Coco,a female (雌性的) cat.Oh,I almost forgetwhat are your names?”语篇解读开学的第一天,大家都羞怯地不说话,只有一个开朗的女孩滔滔不绝地讲着她的故事。5How did the writer feel on the first day of school?ABored. BExcited.CSurprised. DDisappointed.解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段中Being a first grader seemed exciting to me then,and I really was happy可知,作者在开学的第一天是很“激动的”。答案:B6The students didnt talk much to each other at first because_.Athey were asked to keep silentBthey didnt know what to begin withCthey seemed to be too shy to speakDthey didnt like their new school解析:细节理解题。由第二段中it seemed like my classmates were very shy可知,学生们相互之间交谈不多是因为她们很害羞。答案:C7The underlined phrase “burst out” in Paragraph 2 means “_”Asuddenly began Bangrily stoppedCimagined Davoided解析:词义猜测题。根据下句The four other girls paid attention to what she said with an occasional nod sometimes可知,此句应意为:Amanda开始谈论起她的家庭。故burst out的意思为“突然开始”。答案:A

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