高中英语 3.3 Grammar练习 新人教版必修1

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Grammar一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Jack,Mr Stone (leave).Will you please show him out?No problem.答案:is leaving2.The plane (take)off at 10:10 a.m.That is,it (leave)in ten minutes.答案:takes;is leaving3.Wait a minute;I (finish)my homework.答案:am finishing4.Did you tell Julia about the result?Oh,no,I forgot.I (call)her now.答案:will call5.Betty (leave)for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 p.m.Her brother Bob (see)her off.Its half past one now.They (wait)for a taxi outside the school gate.答案:is leaving;is seeing;are waiting6.Are you ready,Ann?Yes,I (come).答案:am coming7.Listen!She (sing)an English song in the next room.答案:is singing8.I (leave)for London this evening,for there is to be an important meeting there.答案:am leaving9.Im going to the United States.How long you (stay)in the United States?答案:are;staying10.Tom,you always (throw) books about.Look,what a mess in your study!答案:are;throwing11.Ive won a holiday for two weeks to California.I (take)my mom.答案:am taking12.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because the technology (change)so rapidly.答案:is changing13.Is this raincoat yours?No,mine (hang)there behind the door.答案:is hanging14.Monitor?Im not monitor of our class.I just (help)with the teacher until the monitor is elected.答案:am;helping15.“The moment (come)soon,” he thought to himself,waiting nervously.答案:is coming二、翻译句子1.我的朋友明天离开。答案:My friend is leaving tomorrow.2.你将在这儿待到下周吗?答案:Are you staying here till next week?3.导学号92730030他们什么时候动身?答案:When are they starting/leaving/setting off?4.课后我要和他见面。答案:Im meeting him after class.5.下星期天你要干什么?答案:What are you doing next Sunday?6.天要下雨了。答案:Its going to rain.7.导学号92730031火车七点三十分开车。答案:The train leaves at 7:30.8.我正要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。答案:I was about to go to bed when someone knocked at the door.三、完形填空My husband hasnt stopped laughing about the thing that happened to me.Its 1 now but it wasnt at that time.Last Friday,after doing all the family shopping in town,I 2 a rest before catching the train,so I bought a 3 and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap,self-service place with long 4 to sit at.I put my heavy bag down on the floor,put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to 5 a place,and went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee,there was someone in the 6 seat.It was one of those 7 young men,with dark glasses and torn clothes,and hair colored bright 8 at the front,not so unusual these days.What did 9 me was hed started to eat my chocolate!Naturally,I was a little angry.However,to avoid(避免) trouble,I just 10 down at the front page of the newspaper,tasted my coffee,and took a bit of chocolate.The boy looked at me 11.Then he took another piece of my chocolate.I could hardly 12 it.Still I didnt want to start an argument.When he took a 13 piece,I felt very 14.I thought,“Well,I shall have the last piece.” And I 15 it.The boy gave me a 16 look,and then stood up.As he left he shouted out,“This woman is 17!”Everyone stared.That really made me feel silly,but it was 18 when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave.My face went redas red as his hair when I 19Id made a mistake.It wasnt my chocolate hed been taking.There was mine,20,just under my newspaper.1.A.seriousB.wonderfulC.funnyD.exciting答案:C解析:由第一句中的“My husband hasnt stopped laughing.”可知这件事情非常有趣,故选funny(有趣的,滑稽可笑的)。2.A.enjoyedB.tookC.hadD.wanted答案:D解析:由于作者买了很多东西,所以需要(wanted)休息。3.A.cakeB.newspaperC.magazineD.bag答案:B解析:由该段最后一句中的“put the newspaper”可知,此处应选择B项。4.A.chairsB.tablesC.benchesD.beds答案:B解析:由最后一句中的“put the newspaper and chocolate on the table”可知此处应选择tables。5.A.orderB.findC.keepD.do答案:C解析:作者在桌子上放上报纸和巧克力是为了给自己占个地方。keep a place意为“占个地方;占位”。6.A.veryB.sameC.freeD.next答案:D解析:由下文作者的叙述可知,作者与那个男孩挨着坐着,故推知那个年轻人坐在旁边的座位上。故选next。7.A.wild-lookedB.wild-lookingC.good-lookedD.good-looking答案:B解析:根据空后的with dark glasses and torn clothes and.的内容可知,这是一个放荡不羁的年轻人。wild-looking“放荡不羁的”。8.A.redB.blackC.brownD.white答案:A解析:由最后一段倒数第三句中的“as red as his hair”可知,这位年轻人前面的头发染成红色。9.A.interestB.surpriseC.frightenD.hurt答案:B解析:由空后他吃作者的巧克力可知,这让作者感到惊讶(surprise)。故选B项。10.A.lookedB.layC.satD.put答案:A解析:为了避免麻烦,作者只是低头看报纸。故选looked。11.A.eagerlyB.friendlyC.closelyD.shyly答案:C解析:此处想突出那个男孩的不友好,故此处表示“那个男孩近距离看了看我”。故选closely。12.A.believeB.hearC.noticeD.stop答案:A解析:上一句提到那个男孩又拿了一块巧克力,而作者认为男孩是在吃她的巧克力,故此处表示“我几乎不能相信这件事情”。故选believe。13.A.lastB.bigC.singleD.third答案:D解析:前面提到那个男孩拿了两块巧克力了,故此处用third。14.A.angryB.contentC.happyD.pleased答案:A解析:别人拿自己的巧克力吃,作者当然非常生气。故选angry。15.A.coveredB.threwC.gotD.wrapped(包好)答案:C解析:由上一句“I shall have the last piece.”可知此处用got,表示“并且我拿到它”。16.A.strangeB.terribleC.disappointedD.worried答案:A解析:由短文最后一句可知,作者吃的是男孩的巧克力,故此处选择strange,意为“那个男孩以奇怪的眼神看了看我”。17.A.curiousB.upsetC.madD.sick答案:C解析:由下文的所有的人都盯着作者可知,这个男孩说的是“这个女人疯了”。故选mad。而sick是“生病的”,不合句意。18.A.betterB.worseC.laterD.easier答案:B解析:由下一句作者发现了自己的巧克力可知,此处表示“但是当我喝完咖啡准备离开时,情况更加糟糕”。故选worse。19.A.wonderedB.realizedC.decidedD.recognized答案:B解析:realize意为“意识到”。“我意识到自己犯了一个错误。”20.A.tastedB.splitC.tiedD.unopened答案:D解析:unopened“未打开的”,此处表示“我的巧克力还在报纸下面没有打开”。四、语篇填空导学号92730032One of our classmates met a small orphanage (孤儿院) by chance.She 1 (tell) us what she saw and we were 2 (interest),so we planned to pay it a visit.3 a fine Sunday morning,we set off for the orphanage with some cakes and childrens 4 (book).When we arrived at the orphanage,we saw many 5 (child) playing happily.6 (clear),they were too small to be sad.We tried to make friends with them by 7 (join) in their games.In a little while we became good friends 8 enjoyed a good time together.If people are ready to show a little 9 (kind),I am sure the world will be 10 much nicer place to live in.答案:1.told2.interested3.On4.books5.children6.Clearly7.joining8.and9.kindness10.a五、短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。导学号92730033Thank you for the lovely day we have with you.It was so kind for you to let us bring Annes friend Gina.Unfortunate,the only problem was the journey home.There had been a terrible accident on the highway and,for a result,there was a long line of traffic for at least six mile.In the end,we drove to a service station and waited there unless the road was clear.In the car park here Gina nearly got knocked over as car drove out far too quickly from behind a lorry.They finally dropped Gina off at her parents and made our own way to home.答案:第一句:havehad第二句:forof第三句:UnfortunateUnfortunately第四句:第一个foras;milemiles第五句:unlessuntil第六句:herethere;car前加a第七句:TheyWe;去掉to六、选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)persuade,finally,organize,make up ones mind,care about,reliable,as usual参考范文:Li Hua is a reliable young man,who is good at organizing all kinds of things.One day he returned home as usual and he said that he made up his mind to join the army.His parents,who cared about his safety,didnt want him to do so.Finally,with the help of his friends,he persuaded his parents to let him join the army.

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