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.课堂教学设计表备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第一课时教学目标1、 能够听说,认读本课时的主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, light, blackboard。2、能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Open the door.Turn on the light. Close the window.Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard.3、会唱歌曲We have a new classroom。教学重点1、 能够听说,认读本课时的主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, light, blackboard。2、 能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Open the door.Turn on the light. Close the window.Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard.教学难点在回答Whats in the classroom ?时,注意单词单、复数的变化。课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss Chen. (2)复习T:(指着学生的课桌)Whats this?Ss: Its a desk.T:(指着课桌上的铅笔盒)Whats in the desk?Ss: Its a pencil bos.T:(打开铅笔盒)Whats in the pencil box?Ss: A ruler/two pencils/.2、新课展示 (Presentation)(1)教学新词:classroom, window, door, picture, light, blackboard。T: Look, we have a new classroom. 书写classroom,让学生跟读单词classroom。句子操练:I like classroom 1/2/3/4/5.T:What can you see in the classroom?引出blackboard。书写blackboard,让学生跟读单词blackboard。操练 one blackboard. 4 blackboards.边说边做动作:Clean the blackboard.T:Look,there is a door near the blackboard.引出door。书写door,让学生跟读单词door。操练 Open the door.T:Its dark, lets me turn on the light.引出light。书写light,让学生跟读单词light操练Turn on the light.引入picture。书写picture,让学生跟读单词picture。操练Put up the picture. (2)对话A:Whats in the classroom?B:One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.3、趣味操练(Practice)(1)、lets do。4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。5、板书设计 A Lets learn Whats in the classroom? one blackboard six lights one picture two doors many windows 设计反思(满意及商榷之处)备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第二课时教学目标1、 能够听说,认读单词:near。2、能听懂、会说句子:We have a new classroom. Lets go and see! Its so big! Its near the window.教学重点1、学习句子Its near the .教学难点1、正确使用介词:in, on, under, near.课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss:Good afternoon, Miss Chen.(2)Lets do(3)复习单词classroom, window, door, picture, light, blackboard。(guess game)2、新课展示 (Presentation)(1)教学新词:near T: Look, we have a new classroom. There is a new TV. Where is it?T:Its near the window. 板书near,带读near。操练句子:I see a/an .Its near the .(2) 复习 in, on, under, near.(利用自己的文具,摆一摆,说一说)(3) 学习句子:Hey,Zhang Peng. We have a new . Really?教师指着学生的新课本:T:We have many new books.出示图片 classroom。T:We have a new classroom.让学生说说单词new 的意思。板书:.We have a new .让学生猜猜单词really的意思。(4) 学习句子:Hey,Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. Really? Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see!(5) 学习句子:Its so big. look! My picture! Where is it? Its near the window. (6)播放A Lets talk的录音。(要求学生边听边指图跟读)3、趣味操练(Practice)(1)角色扮演 A Lets talk(2) Lets play.S1:I see a “p”.S2:Where is it?S1:Its near the window.S2:Its a picture.4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。5、板书设计 A Lets talk We have a new classroom. Lets go and see! Its so big. Its near the window.设计反思(满意及商榷之处)备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第三课时教学目标1、复习单词classroom, window, door, picture, light, blackboard 和句子Where is it? Its in/on/under/near.2、学习元音字母a 在开音节中的发音。教学重点1、学习元音字母a 在开闭音节中的发音。教学难点1、初步感知开音节与闭音节的读音规则。课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss:Good afternoon, Miss Chen.(2) Lets chant.Door, door, open the door.Light, light, turn on the light.Window, window, close the window.Picture, picture, put up the picture.Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard.(3) 摆一摆,说一说。 Under the desk/near the pencil box/on the book/in the bag. (4)pair workS1: Whats in the classroom?S2: One blackboard, one TV,two doors, six lights.S1: Where is the ?S2: Its near the .2、 新课展示 (Presentation)(1)教师出示单词,让学生快速地说出单词:cat, bag, hand, dad, rabbit, happy.(2)教师出示单词,让学生快速地说出单词:cake, face, name, make。 (3)教师再次朗读以上的单词,要求学生静听,思考这些单词含有的相同的发音是什么。然后归纳并小结含有开音节a的单词有:cake,face,name,make, skate, grape. (4)朗读下列单词,看谁读的又快又准确。gate late cate case lake came 3、趣味操练(Practice)(1)read, listen and tick.请一些学生试读这六个单词。教师播放录音,学生勾出所听到的单词。全班讲评校对。全班齐读这六个单词,强化a在开闭音节中的开音。(2) Listen, circle and write.教师讲解这道题的做法。教师播放录音,让学生圈字母写单词。全班讲评校对。全班利用读音规则拼读,记忆四个单词。4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。5、板书设计 A Lets spell cap map cake face name make设计反思(满意及商榷之处)备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第四课时教学目标1、能够听说,认读本课时的主要单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor。2、能听懂,会说句子:Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange.3、能根据文字描述为图片上色。教学重点1、能够听说,认读本课时的主要单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor。教学难点1、后接单数名词时be动词要用is,后接复数名词时be动词要用are。课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss Chen. (2)复习火眼金睛(出示四张图片,让学生观察后用英语表达图中的学习用品和动物分别在什么位置,然后同桌进行对话)A :Where is the book/ruler/ picture/ cat?B:Its near/in/on/under the . 复习颜色词出示图片,T:What colour is it? Ss: red, green, yellow, blue/.出示教室图片T:What can you see in the classroom?Ss: One blackboard, one door,six lights/.2、 新课展示 (Presentation)(1)教学新词:floor,wallT: Look, this is the floor. 书写floor,让学生跟读单词floor。句子操练:Floor,floor, the floor is yellow.T: Look, this is the wall. 书写wall,让学生跟读单词wall。句子操练:Wall,wall, the wall is white and green.(2) 教学新词:fan,computerT: This is a fan. Its a white fan.书写fan,让学生跟读单词fan。操练 Fan,fan. The fan is white.T: This is a computer. Its a nice computer.Do you like computers?书写computer,让学生跟读单词computer。操练Computer,computer, I like a computer.(3) 教学词组:teachers desk T: This is a desk. Its for teachers.So we call it “teachers desk”书写computer,让学生跟读单词computer。操练(小组开火车)(4) 教学句子 The door is green.T:Whats this?(教师指着门)Ss: Its a door.T:What colour is it?Ss: Its green.T: The door is green. The fan is white. The wall is green and white.教师指着教室里的讲台 ,电脑,窗户,灯等物品让学生模仿句子说一说。3、 趣味操练(Practice)(1)、lets chant。Wall, wall, the wall is white.Fan, fan, the fan is blue.Door, door, the door is orange.Window, window, the window is green.Computer, computer , the computer is black.4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。5、板书设计 B Lets learn computer teachers desk The fan is orange/green/. wall floor 设计反思(满意及商榷之处)备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第五课时教学目标1、 能听说单词:clean, help。2、能听懂,会说句子:Lets.Let me.教学重点1、能听懂,会说句子:Lets.Let me.。教学难点1、能理解Lets.Let me.的区别,并能正确使用。课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss Chen. (2)Lets chantDoor, door, open the door.Light, light, turn on the light.Window, window, close the window.Picture, picture, put up the picture.Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard.(3)guess(猜单词)compute,fan ,wall ,floor,teachers desk2、 新课展示 (Presentation)(1)教学与clean 有关的词组。教师边擦黑板边说:clean the blackboard.边擦讲台边说:clean the teachers desk.边擦窗户边说:clean the window.引导学生说说clean的意思,板书clean,带读clean。(2) say a chantDesk, desk, clean the desk.Chair, chair, clean the chair.Window, window, clean the window.(3)教学句子Let me help you.教师先让一个学生去擦桌子,然后对他说,Let me help you. 然后一起帮他擦桌子。板书Let me help you.(4)教学句子Lets clean the classroom.教师边做动作边说:Lets clean the classroom.告诉学生教师比较大,东西比较多,通常一个人无法打扫,因此要发动大家一起来打扫,这时可以说:Lets clean the classroom.板书Lets clean the classroom.(5)教学B lets talk4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。5、板书设计 Lets clean the. Let me设计反思(满意及商榷之处)备课教师主备教师陈洁肖教学内容Unit 1 My classroom课时第六课时教学目标1、复习三会单词:classroom,blackboard,light,picture,window,door,teachers desk,computer,fan,wall,floor和四会单词:cake,face,name,make。复习句子:Where is the .? Its in/on/under/near/.the .教学重点1、复习三会单词:classroom,blackboard,light,picture,window,door,teachers desk,computer,fan,wall,floor和四会单词:cake,face,name,make。复习句子:Where is the .? Its in/on/under/near/.the .教学难点1、能借助图片读懂story time。课前准备课件教学过程设计二次调整1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生对话:T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss Chen. (2)Lets chantDoor, door, open the door.Light, light, turn on the light.Window, window, close the window.Picture, picture, put up the picture.Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard.(3)say a chantDesk, desk, clean the desk.Chair, chair, clean the chair.Window, window, clean the window.(4) our classroomWhats in your classroom?.Where is the .?Its .3、 新课展示 (Presentation)(1)story time教师指着插图,先做背景介绍。Zoom and Zip are in the classroom. A small animal is in their classroom. Sometimes its on the light. Sometimes its on the fan. Whats it? Lets see.(2) 学生看图,猜故事内容。(3) 播放视频,了解故事内容。(4) 让学生模仿故事中的人物说说。(5) 教学B lets check.(6) Look and circle.(7) 教学B read and write.(8) Look,chose and write.4、课堂评价(Assessment)做课堂作业本练习。设计反思(满意及商榷之处)致力于打造全网一站式需求,为大家助力来源网络仅供参考欢迎您下载我们的文档15.


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