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题型一听力部分贵阳五年中考命题规律及趋势题型话题20162015201420132012A.听对话,选图片。饮食(3次)253日常活动(6次)3、41、45、6水果(2次)14职业(2次)21动物(3次)2、63图示标志(3次)522人体外貌(1次)3时间(1次)4天气(1次)3日常用品(3次)155电子产品(1次)6生病(1次)1乐器(2次)64建筑物(1次)6B.听句子,选答语。价钱(1次)9日常问候(5次)77777建议(5次)111011109人物(1次)9表达某种情感(4次)10、1298询问时间(4次)8101110学习生活(3次)899询问颜色(2次)128祝贺(1次)11介绍(1次)12询问地点(1次)8how 词组(2次)1212请求(4次)1111、1210C.听对话,选答案。日常活动(8次)16、1813、1513、151714计划(3次)1814、16问路指路(2次)1713谈论天气(1次)14生病就医(2次)1615点餐就餐(2次)1516建议(2次)1717购物(2次)1418情感(1次)15问职业、外貌类(8次)13、1414、16、181713、18D.听对话及问题,选答案。谈论爱好(6次)2020、21212119日常活动(7次)19、23、2421222023询问类(5次)2119、232420谈论人物(3次)19、2324建议(2次)2222学习生活(3次)231924问路指路(3次)222023购物(1次)22邀请(1次)21生病就医(1次)20E.听短文及问题,选答案。话题人物故事哲理故事日常活动人物故事日常活动解题方法与技巧首先,你需要了解听力试题,贵阳中考听力试题主要涵盖了下列五大题型:1听对话选择与对话内容相符的图片;2听句子选择恰当的答语;3听对话完成句子;4听对话及问题选择正确答案;5听短文及问题选择正确答案。其次是迅速判断听力的话题,平时就要在各种话题下进行训练。问候、邀请、看病、约会、购物、问路、打电话、谈论天气、询问时间等,测试内容大致可分为:时间和数码、地点和动向、价格和数量、人物和事件、情景和背景等。在复习阶段听力训练中,同学们应该对以上提到的试题类型做到心中有数,同时,应该在平时的训练中明白自己的软肋在哪里,并有针对性地采取补救措施。最后,也是最重要的是解题方法:首先,听力理解的语言材料有别于阅读材料,语言结构不如书面语言严谨,较接近我们日常生活中的口语表达,有犹豫、停顿、重复、思考、重音、略音、拖长音、被打断、语序颠倒等现象,句子简短,但内涵信息多。同学们回答听力试题时,除了听力涉及的内容外,要特别注意说话人的语音、语气、语调等方面包含的信息。那么,听力的技巧是什么呢?1听前预读并预测试题;2抓住关键词(根据语气或一些同义词推测说话人的意图);3做简单记录。用熟悉的符号、拼音或首字母,先记下信息,之后再补充;4复读检查,注重细节;5平心静气、 集中精力、学会放弃。同学们记住16个字:稳定情绪、集中精力、预测内容、审清题意。同学们应有一个良好的精神状态,在听的时候必须镇定自信、全神贯注,以积极向上的心理准备,尽快进入答题状态。并且,同学们应尽量利用“试卷分发”到“播放试音乐曲和试音材料”之间的时间,及时、迅速地阅读题目(题干和选项),并画出问题的关键词,根据题目中所包含的信息来比较推测对话的内容,带着问题去听,有重点地去听。(2016贵阳适应性考试)A听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(读一遍)本题旨在考查学生的词汇,要求学生在听句子的同时,找出图片所表达的词语应对策略:稳定情绪,快速读图和识图,联想关键词,预测听到的内容。()A.B.C.听力材料W:Jack, what kind of TV programme do you like?M:I like Beijing Opera. 【答案】AB听句子选择恰当的应答。(读一遍)这部分考查学生的日常交际能力。要求学生熟练掌握日常的交际用语,并能在极短的时间内做出正确的反应。应对策略:快速读答语,联想疑问方式或情景,预测所听内容。()A.Apple.BOrange.CBanana.听力材料What color do you like best?【答案】BC听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的选项完成句子。(读两遍)本题是对情景交际的进一步考查。要求学生在听对话的同时能抓住对话中的细节,听出关键词,并做出准确的判断。应对策略:Step 1: 听前,读空和选项,理解要填的对象是什么话题或范围。Step 2:带空听,看选项,对数字时间等,快速记录,帮助记忆。()The two speaker are _Aat homeBin a libraryCat school听力材料M:Linda, hurry up! Or you will be late for class.W:Oh, my god, I overslept.【答案】AD听对话及问题,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(读两遍)本题与C部分考查相似,不同的是C部分的题目要求以句子的形式呈现,本部分题目除了听清备选项以外,还要注意听清问题,因为有时会听到备选项中的两项甚至是三项,其难度较C部分稍高。应对策略:Step 1:听前, 快速浏览选项,推测对话可能涉及到的话题。Step 2:听中,听第一遍,针对问题和选项,快速记录关键信息,如时间、地点、人物、数字、原因等,并初步确定答案。Step 3: 听第二遍,核实信息,确定答案。()A.Did the dishes.BEnjoyed reading.CWent fishing.听力材料:M:What did you do on May Day, Betty?W:I went fishing with my father. How about you?M:I enjoyed reading in my room.Question:What did Betty do on May Day?【答案】CE听短文及问题,根据其内容选择正确答案。(读三遍)本部分学生将听到一篇短文以及6个问题,要求学生在听完短文后,根据文后问题选择相应答案。应对策略:Step 1: 听前, 快速浏览选项,根据问题与选项的联系,综合判断并推测文章的话题和主旨大意。Step 2:在听第一遍时尽量在备选项中勾出所听到的选项,可以多勾,并听清楚问题,在勾出多个选项的题后标出问题的重点。Step 3: 听第二遍,针对文章问题,重点捕捉相关信息(注意千万不可因为一个生词没听懂就停步不前),快速记录关键点。对于无法直接得出答案的题目,则需要通过关键信息进行联想、推断及归纳。Step 4:听第三遍录音,完善并巩固所记录的关键信息,检验已选出的答案的准确度,针对未选出的题进行解答。Step 5:迅速回顾和整合自己听到的信息,核对并确定答案。()1.A.Its a dogs name.BIts a persons name.CIts a boats name.()2.A.It was unlucky.BIt ate too much.CIt wasnt helpful.()3.A.He tied Lucky.BHe didnt give it food.CHe threw it into the river.()4.A.Lucky ran away.BThe boat went down.CSam threw the boat.()5.A.Lucky.BA small boat.CSam himself.()6.A.How to swim well.BWhat Sam is like.CDogs are our friends.听力材料:Sam had a dog, its name was Lucky. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So he didnt like it. He wanted to kill Lucky. He tied Lucky and put it in a small boat. He boated to the middle of a big river. Just as he threw the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. Both the man and Lucky dropped into the river. Lucky was able to swim, but Sam couldnt. The dog bit the rope and broke it. It tried its best to swim to save Sam. Sam was saved, so he was very thankful to Lucky, he didnt want to kill Lucky any more. From then on, he gave Lucky as much as it wanted.【答案】1.A2.B3.C4.B5.A6.CQuestions:1What is Lucky?2Why did Sam dislike Lucky?3How did Sam want to deal with Lucky?4What happened when Sam boated to the middle of the river?5Who saved Sam?6What can you learn from the story?你们可能不知道,在做题时还有一些关键技巧:1有数字的题:在听数字时,听到的第一个数字往往不是答案,答案是在第二个或经过运算而得出的。有些题需要你用加法、减法或乘法运算之后才能得出答案。 2对话时第二个人重复第一个人的话时,有两种可能:一种表示反对,一种表示强调。 3常识推理。选项中有时会有不用听对话内容就能进行判断的错误选项,学生可以根据自身所了解的知识或生活常识进行排除。 4听时重点要放在实词上,注意力要放在与问题相关的信息词上,像well, unluckily, however, but等起导向作用的词,其后的内容必须留心。 任何能力的培养和提高都不是一蹴而就的,需要一个循序渐进、不断完善的过程。 所以虽然掌握必要的听力技巧有助于听力技能的提高,但听力应试技巧的灵活应用也是建立在平时“多读、多听、多说”的基础上,所以还是要求学生有扎实的英语基本功,有较丰富的词汇量及较多的英语单词和短语储备。所以,有了技巧还不够,还需要每天持之以恒的练习。建议同学们每天听1020分钟左右课本单词和课文录音,有助于读准单词、背诵课文。平时的听力训练要分为精听和泛听,精听要求听懂并能复述每一个单词,泛听要求听懂大意。此外,还要善于总结听力试题的易错点,把握出题规律。 如果同学们注意以上几点,并不断在实践中运用和总结,相信你的听力水平会有质的飞跃。 2017备考猜押A.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图。(读一遍)听力材料1M:What does your mother do?W:She is a nurse in an international hospital.2M:What animal do you like best in the zoo?W:I like parrots, because theyre so clever.3M:What do you usually do before going to bed?W:I often do some reading.4M:Do you like to eat bananas?W:Yes, bananas are my favorite.5M:What does that girl look like?W:She is slim and beautiful.6M:Where did you go last weekend?W:I went to visit the Tiananmen.(A)1.A.B.C.(C)2.A. B. C.(B)3.A. B. C.(B)4.A. B. C.(B)5.A. B. C.(A)6.A. B. C.B听句子,选择恰当的应答。(读一遍)听力材料7Best wishes to your mother.8What will the weather be like tomorrow?9Where will the party be held?10When did he go to your house?11Why dont you give another try?12What is your hobby?(A)7.A.Thank you.BShe is very kind.CShe is busy.(A)8.A.It will be sunny. BI like the sun.CThere is much water.(B)9.A.In the morning.BIn the school hall.COn the desk.(B)10.A.Next week. BLast night.CAbout two days.(A)11.A.OK, I will. BSorry, I didnt.CYes, I do.(C)12.A.Thats right. BIts too late.CI like singing.C听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的选项完成句子。(读两遍)听力材料13M:Where will you go during your summer holiday,Lucy?W:I want to go to Harbin.14M:How much is your new watch?W:Its 100 yuan.15M:Mary, what do you always do on weekends?W:I often hang out with my friends.16M:Excuse me. How can I go to the No.1 Middle School?W:Walk straight,and you will see it at the end of the road. 17M:Hi,Lily. How about your study recently?W:I keep trying hard all the time.18M:What do you like to do in your spare time, Meimei?W:I always help those in need as a volunteer.(B)13.Lucy wants to go to _AHankouBHarbinCHainan(B)14.The watch costs the girl _A120 yuan B100 yuan C10 yuan(A)15.Mary often _ with her friends on weekends.Ahangs out Bgoes for a walkCgoes shopping(A)16.The girl can _ to the No.1 Middle School.Awalk Btake a busCride a bike(B)17.Lily _with her study all the time recently.Ais busy Btries hardCis satisfied(C)18.Meimei _ in her spare time.Aplays chess Bsleeps a lotChelps othersD听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)听力材料19M:Do you like drawing?W:Yes, and I like collecting pictures, too.M:What kind of pictures do you prefer?W:Those with beautiful flowers.Question:What kind of pictures does the girl like?20M:I will help my mother do some housework.W:You are such a good boy.M:Do you help your mother do that?W:Sometimes.I am always busy with my homework.Question:How often does the girl help her mother do housework?21M:Would you like to come to my birthday party, Nancy?W:Yes, Id love to. When is it?M:Next Sunday, at 2 pm.W:OK, I will be there on time.Question:When will the boys birthday party be held?22M:Cindy, would you like to ski in Guiyang Yunding resort with me today?W:Sorry,Vince. I have to prepare for a test today.M:What a pity!W:We can go there together next time.Question:What does Cindy have to do today?23M:Hi, Emily. I want to buy a cellphone.W:Well, you should go to the cellphone hall.M:But I dont know how to get there.W:You can take bus No.8 to the opposite of the library.Question:How does the boy get to the cellphone hall?24M:I think English is very important.W:So it is. But I cant do it well.M:Dont worry. I will help you with it.W:Really? Its very kind of you.Question:What will the boy do?(A)19.A.With beautiful flowers.BWith flying birds.CWith lovely animals.(B)20.A.Never.BSometimes.CAlways.(A)21.A.Next Sunday. BNext Saturday.CLast Sunday.(C)22.A.Have lunch. BPlay tennis.CStudy for a test.(C)23.A.By car. BOn foot.CBy bus.(A)24.A.Help the girl. BStudy hard.CPlay basketball.E听短文及问题,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(读三遍)听力材料My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday. Last evening, he was invited to a restaurant. He enjoyed his dinner with his friends, drinking a lot of beer. As a result, he got drunk. He insisted on driving home after the meal. Although his friends tried to persuade him not to do that, he didnt listen to what his friends said. A few minutes later, he couldnt keep his car moving straight on the road. And then his car ran into a tall tree. Luckily,he was still alive, though seriously injured. The police came to the scene, and he was taken to the hospital. Finally, he had to stay in hospital for several days. Worse still, his driving license was taken away. How he regretted what he had done!Questions:25When was my uncle invited to a restaurant?26Whom did my uncle drink with?27What did my uncle do after the meal?28What happened to my uncles car?29How was my uncle finally?30What was taken away from my uncle?(A)25.A.Last night. BTonight.CTomorrow night.(C)26.A.My father. BMe.CHis friends.(A)27.A.Drove home by himself.BWent on drinking with others.CWalked home by himself.(B)28.A.It broke down.BIt ran into a tree.CIt ran off the road.(A)29.A.He was injured. BHe slept.CHe died.(C)30.A.His coat. BHis car.CHis driving license.10


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