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题型组合练(二).阅读理解A(社会生活)(2016福州模拟)If you are interested in the news,it means you care about what is happening in your community and the world.But sometimes news can be upsetting.If you find out about sad news and it makes you feel worried or upset,what should you do? Dr.Harold Koplewicz,President of the Child Mind Institute,has some suggestions.Sometimes,the news you watch on TV is not completely accurate.The news on TV is fastpaced.When bad news affects our nation,all of us need time to understand and process it.Your parents and your teachers can be your first sources to get information.Even someone who is as strong and powerful as President Barack Obama weeps when hes very sad.Its part of being a human that sad events make us feel sad.That doesnt mean that we need to fall_apartIt means that we just have to admit that were sad and move forward.People respond in different ways when facing sad news.There are certain kids who are very private and dont want anyone to see how they feel.But if you feel worried,talk to your parents and teachers,which can help you feel more comfortable.If you still feel very nervous,another way to feel better is to take part in activities that are helpful to others.Go with your parents to the childrens welfare institutions,or think of ways that you or your class can help others.On the other hand,remember to go to sleep at the right time,play with your friends or go to the movies.It is okay to feel sad,but its not good to stop doing the things you usually do.新闻对孩子会产生影响。对于孩子接触到负面新闻而变得情绪低落、忧虑这一问题,本文给出了相关建议。1The passage is written for_Anews reportersBschool kidsCteachersDparentsB推理判断题。根据第一段中Dr.Harold Koplewicz的身份是 President of the Child Mind Institute以及第二段中的“Your parents and your teachers can be your first sources to get information.”可知,本文的阅读对象应该是孩子。2What does the underlined phrase “fall apart” mean in Paragraph 3?ACheer up.BAsk for help.CStop being nervous.DHave a mental breakdown.D词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“It means that we just have to admit that were sad and move forward.”并结合上下文语境可推断出,fall apart是指“精神崩溃”的意思。3What can be inferred from the passage?A. More sleep is helpful for sad people.BTo admit we are sad will leave us nervous.CDont let sadness disturb your normal life.DChildren should not watch too much news.C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It is okay to feel sad,but its not good to stop doing the things you usually do.”可知,即便是悲伤的时候,也不要打乱自己的生活规律。B(生态环保)(2016南昌三校联考)Even before there were people,there were cases of air pollution.There were dust storms.Volcanoes erupted,sending ash and poisonous gases into the atmosphere.When people appeared on the scene and began their conquest of nature,they also began to pollute the air.They cleared land,which made possible even larger dust storms.They built cities,and the soot(煤烟) from their hearths filled the air.The Roman author Seneca wrote in AD 61 of the “stink,soot and heavy air” of the imperial city.In 1257,the Queen of England was forced to move away from the city of Nottingham because the heavy smoke was unbearable.The industrial revolution brought even worse air pollution.Coal was burned to power factories and to heat homes.Soot,smoke,and sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫) fill the air.The good old days? Not in the factory towns.But there were large rural areas unaffected by air pollution.With increasing population,the entire world is becoming more urban.It is the huge cities that are most affected by air pollution.But rural areas are not unaffected.In the neighborhoods around smoky factories,there is evidence of increased rates of spontaneous abortion(自然流产) and of poor wool quality in sheep,decreased egg production and a high death rate in chickens.Traffic police in Tokyo have to wear gas masks and take “oxygen breaks” breathing occasionally from tanks of oxygen.Smog in Athens at times has forced factory closings and traffic restrictions.Acid rain in Canada is caused by air pollution in the United States,contributing to strained relationships between the two countries.Sydney,Rome,Tehran,Ankara,Mexico City,and most other major cities in the world have had frightening experiences of air pollution.One of the two major types of smogconsisting of smoke,fog,sulfur dioxide,sulfuring acid (H2SO4),ash and sootis called London smog.Indeed,the word smog is thought to have originated in England in 1905 as a contraction of the words “smoke” and “fog”Probably the worst case of smog in history started in London on Thursday,4 December,1952.A large cold air mass moved into the valley of the Thames River.A temperature inversion placed a blanket of warm air over the cold air.With nightfall,a dense fog and belowfreezing temperatures caused the people of London to put coal into their small stoves.Millions of these fires burned throughout the night,pouring sulfur dioxide and smoke into the air.The next day,Friday,the people continued to burn coal when the temperature remained below freezing.The factories added their smoke and chemical fumes to the atmosphere.Saturday was a day of darkness.For twenty miles around London,no light came through the smog.The air was cold and still.And the coal fires continued to burn throughout the weekend.On Monday,8 December,more than one hundred people died of heart attacks while trying desperately to breathe.By the time a breeze cleared the air on Tuesday,9 December,more than 4,000 deaths had been caused by the smog.Soot and ash can be removed by electrostatic precipitators(静电吸尘器)Unfortunately,they use large amounts of electricity,and the electrical energy,which is hardly affordable for most of us,has to come from somewhere.Fly ash removed from the air has to be put on the land or water,although it could be used in some way.The elimination(去除) of sulfur dioxide is more difficult.Lowsulfur coal is rare and expensive.Although sulfur can be washed from finely pulverized(粉末化) coal,the process is expensive.There are also processes for changing dirty coal into clean liquid and gaseous fuels.These processes may hold promise for the future,but they are too expensive to compete economically with other fuels at present.They also waste a part of the coals energy.空气污染自古就有,但后来越发严重,但去除污染代价昂贵,在目前还做不到。4. What is the passage mainly talking about?A. The type and form of pollution. BThe cause and effect of pollution.CThe situation and elimination of pollution.DThe concept and examples of pollution.C主旨大意题。综览全文内容可知,本文主要讲述从古至今就一直存在空气污染,但自工业革命后愈发严重,而去除污染代价昂贵,现在还做不到。5. With the example of “decreased egg production” in Paragraph 3,the author intends to_A. explain why the world is becoming more urbanBindicate that heavy pollution also exists in rural areasCshow that large cities are most affected by air pollutionDprove smoky factories are more affected by air pollutionB推理判断题。根据文章第三段“But rural areas are not unaffected.In the neighborhoods around smoky factories,there is evidence of increased rates of spontaneous abortion(自然流产) and of poor wool quality in sheep,decreased egg production and a high death rate in chickens.”可知。6. What is the right order about the 1952 London Smog?a. A breeze cleared the air of London.bThousands of people died.cThere was a day of darkness in London.dA large cold air mass caused a blanket of warm air over London.eLondon people made continuous fires from coal to keep warm.AdecbaBcedabC.dcebaDcdeabA事件排序题。根据文章第六段“A large cold air mass moved into the valley of the Thames River.A temperature inversion placed a blanket of warm air over the cold air.With nightfall,a dense fog and belowfreezing temperatures caused the people of London to put coal into their small stoves.Millions of these fires burned throughout the night,pouring sulfur dioxide and smoke into the air.The next day,Friday,the people continued to burn coal when the temperature remained below freezing.”和第七段中的“Saturday was a day of darkness.”和“The air was cold and still.And the coal fires continued to burn throughout the weekend.On Monday,8 December,more than one hundred people died of heart attacks while trying desperately to breathe.By the time a breeze cleared the air on Tuesday,9 December,more than 4,000 deaths had been caused by the smog.”可知。7. What does the author mainly want to say in the last two paragraphs?A. The technology to remove air pollution is only currently in development.BSociety must be prepared to spend whatever it takes to eliminate air pollution.CAir pollution control is too costly to be achieved at the current time.DPollution can be controlled using manmade scientific techniques.C段落主旨题。根据文章第八段 “Soot and ash can be removed by electrostatic precipitators(静电吸尘器)Unfortunately,they use large amounts of electricity,and the electrical energy,which is hardly affordable for most of us,has to come from somewhere.”和第九段中的“Lowsulfur coal is rare and expensive.Although sulfur can be washed from finely pulverized(粉末化) coal,the process is expensive.There are also processes for changing dirty coal into clean liquid and gaseous fuels.These processes may hold promise for the future,but they are too expensive to compete economically with other fuels at present.”可知。 【导学号:57732071】.任务型阅读说明文(2016镇江第一学期期中考试)Social SignatureSo what did the detailed data that we collected reveal?This question is best answered in terms of a characteristic that we decided to call the“social signature”of an individual,and in particular by looking at how this“social signature”changed over time.Imagine one of our participants during the first sixmonth observation window call some people very frequently,and others only occasionally,where the people called are likely to include relatives,close friends,and more distant acquaintances.If we now put the people called by our participant,with the person most frequently called in first position,the secondmost frequently called person in second position,and so on,then we can build a profile(简况)of how the participant allocated calls between all of their different social relationships.This profile is in fact what we call the“social signature”,and it reflects what fraction(部分)of calls a given participant placed to the person they call most,the fraction of calls the participant placed to the person they call secondmost,right down to the least frequently called person.So what was the“social signature”able to tell us?First,let me describe a general property that applied to the“social signatures”of all participants.The number of people that participants called frequently,with whom they had a strong relationship,was comparatively small.We may have five close friends and 20 acquaintances,but we are very unlikely to have 20 close friends and five acquaintances.If we look at the“social signature”in greater detail,we find that there were differences between different participants,so that one individual may have had three close friends and another seven.That is in fact why we chose the term “signature”Perhaps most interestingly,if we looked at the“social signature”of a given participant over the three consecutive sixmonth observation windows,we found that it remained quite stable.It is worth taking a moment to reflect why this should be surprising. The social world of our participants was undergoing a significant transition,with changes in both close and less close friendships.By the end of our study,the identity of some of the close friends of the participants had changed,and so these relationships were now with entirely different individuals,but the fraction of the calls participants placed to a counterpart almost didnt change.How can we understand the persistence of an individuals “social signature”?The key is that the pattern of our social relationships is shaped by a number of critical constraints(限制)Time:The first very general and quite inescapable constraint is that we only have a limited amount of time to maintain social relationships.Emotional Capital:The second constraint reflects the fact that a strong social relationship requires considerable emotional investment,and our stock of emotional capital is limited.Cognitive Limitations:The third constraint is biological in nature,and reflects the fact that they also limit the social relationships.Can the new social technologies that are accessible significantly change the three factors that we believe shape the patterns of our social interactions?Based on the behavior that we observed for our participants,at this point I would tend to answer no.Title:Social SignatureThe concept of the“social signature”The“social signature”is a profile which is built according to how 1._participants call people with different social relationships and it reflects the fraction of calls a given participant places to the person they call.Features of the“social signature”There are variations between different participants.*Participants call a comparatively 2._number of people with whom they have a strong relationship.*A large number of people are called less frequently,where the relationship is weak.*We are likely to have more 3_than close friends.It remains quite stable.*It is 4._to spend time reflecting why this should be surprising.*5._the fact that the relationships change,the fraction of the calls participants place to a counterpart remains largely 6_.The persistence of an individuals“social signature”The key to 7._the persistence of an individuals“social signature”is that the pattern of our social relationships is shaped by some critical constraints.*Time:We only have a limited amount of time to maintain social relationships.*Emotional Capital:Considerable 8._investment is required,and our stock is limited.*Cognitive 9._:They also limit the social relationships.ConclusionThe new social technologies that we have 10._to are unlikely to change the three factors that may shape the patterns of our social interactions.本文介绍了社交特征的概念、特点以及个人社交特征的持续性。1often/frequently根据文章第一段第四句“If we now put the people called by.”可知,社交特征是根据参与者给不同社会关系的人打电话的频率而建立的简况。由most frequently和the secondmost frequently可知often/frequently正确。2small根据文章第二段第二句可知,与参与者关系稳固的、经常打电话的人的数量相对较少。根据comparatively small可知small正确。3acquaintances根据文章第二段第三句可知,我们认识的熟人要比密友多。由“.and 20 acquaintances.”可知acquaintances符合题意。4worthwhile根据文章第三段的“It is worth taking a moment to reflect why this should be surprising.”可知,花一点时间来反思这为什么会令人惊讶是值得的。由It is worth taking可知worthwhile符合题意。It is worthwhile to do sth.为固定句型,意为“做某事是值得的”。5Despite根据文章第三段最后一句可知,虽然与不同的人之间的关系变了,但是参与者打电话的相应的那一小部分几乎没有变化。由but可知Despite正确。6unchanged根据文章第三段的“but the fraction of the calls participants placed to a counterpart almost didnt change”可知,但是参与者打电话的相应的那一小部分几乎没有变化。根据didnt change可知unchanged符合题意。7understanding根据文章第四段第一、二句可知,理解一个人的社会特征的持续性的关键在于由一些重要的限制所决定的社会关系的模式。由understand the persistence可知understanding符合题意。the key to doing sth.为固定句型,意为“的关键”。8emotional根据文章Emotional Capital后面的“The second constraint reflects the fact that a strong social relationship requires considerable emotional investment,and our stock of emotional capital is limited.”可知,稳固的社会关系需要情感投资。由emotional investment可知emotional正确。9Limitations根据文章Cognitive Limitations可知Limitations符合题意。10access根据文章最后一段的“Can the new social technologies that are accessible significantly change the three factors.I would tend to answer no.”可知,我们能够使用的社交技术不可能改变决定我们社交模式的三个因素。根据that are accessible可知access正确。have access to为固定短语,意为“可以使用,有接触的机会或权利。” 【导学号:57732072】9


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