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2016/2017学年度春学期期初调研考试七年级英语试题(满分140分,时间120分钟)一、听力(共20分)第一部分、听对话,回答问题(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 ( )1. How does the girl feel now?A. B. C. ( )2. Which festival are they talking about? A. B. C. ( )3. Where is the girl going?A. B. C. ( )4. What does the girl want to do? A B. C. ( ) 5. How is the boys Geography? A. Very good. B. Bad. C. We dont know. ( ) 6. Where is the schoolbag?A.On the chair. B. Under the chair. C. Next to the chair.( ) 7. What color does the man like?A. Purple. B. Brown. C. Black. ( ) 8. What is Bobs car number?A. GMZ849. B. JMZ984. C. GMZ948. ( ) 9. How much are the T-shirt and the hat?A.30 dollars. B. 20 dollars. C. 50 dollars. ( ) 10. Whose are those blue pencils?A. Kates. B. Henrys. C. Annas. 第二部分、听对话和短文答题(计10分)你将听一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听一段对话,回答第1112小题。( ) 11. How many good friends does Jack have? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. ( ) 12. What dont all the boys like? A. Pears. B. Bananas. C. Ice-cream. 听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Telephone MessageTo: _13_ From: HarryPhone Number: _14_ Message: Go to the school hall at _15_ . If you wants to know more, call him back.Millie( )13. A. MillieB. Miss Black C. Henry( )14. A. 87736621B. 87766321 C. 87667321( )15. A. 9:00 a.m. tomorrowB. 9:00 p.m. tomorrow C. 9:00 a.m. today听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。( ) 16. Mike comes to China because _. A. his parents work in China B. he likes to learn Chinese C. he likes China( ) 17. Mike has _ hair. A. black B. yellow C. brown ( ) 18. Mike enjoys playing _ with Peter.A. football B. basketball C. volleyball ( ) 19. At the weekend, Mike often does his homework _.A. at his home B. in the library C. at Peters home( ) 20. Mike often helps Peter learn_ . A. English B. Chinese C. History 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21.On New Years Eve, people have _ big dinner with family and then welcome New Year.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 22. - _ beef do you want ? - One and a half _ .A. How many; kilo B. How much; kilos C. How many; kilos D. How much; kilo( ) 23. Chinese people usually enjoy the moon_ the evening_ the Mid-Autumn Festival.A. in; for B. on; at C. in; on D. on; of ( ) 24.There isnt _ juice in the bottle. Would you like _ tea? A. some; someB. any; any C. some; any D. any; some( ) 25. A: _ do you go to visit your grandparents? B: Less than three times a month. A. How longB. How often C. How much D. How many( ) 26. Wu Dong is a good boy, he _ for school.A. is often late B. often is lateC. is never lateD. never is late( ) 27.You are too fat. For your health ,you should_ and _.A. eat more, exercise more B. eat less, exercise less C. eat less, exercise more D. eat more, exercise less( ) 28. I want a pair of new shoes for the coming New Year. What about this pair? Why not _?A. try on them B. try it on C. try them onD. try on it( ) 29. This pair of trousers is too large. Could you show me _ pair?A. more B. anotherC. others D. the other( ) 30. Do you know all those _?A. woman teachersB. men workersC. women teacherD. man workers( ) 31. -_ -Id like to buy a present for my father.A. What are you doing? B. What can I do for you?C. What do you want to be? D. What do you do?( ) 32. -_woman is Toms mother? -The one in the red car A. What B. Which C. Where D. Whose( ) 33. It_ me 2 hours to buy a birthday present for Amy. The present_19 yuan. A .takes, spends B. costs, takes C. spends, costs D. takes, costs( ) 34.Ill go to the library _ some books .A. to borrow B.borrowed C. borrow D. borrowing ( ) 35. - Happy New Year, Millie! - _ .A. All rightB. Thats OK C. Thank you D. The same to you三、完形填空(每题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Do you know many students arent healthy today?Now many students know sports are good for _36_ health. But they dont like _37_. Some of them only watch them _38_ TV. Whats more, many of them _39_ like watching TV and playing computer games. They often _40_, “Play football? Oh, it sounds _41_. Play basketball? Oh it _42_ difficult.”And many boys and girls dont like _43_. They dont have carrots for _44_ and they dont have broccoli (西兰花)for dinner. But vegetables and fruit are _45_ food. _46_ need to eat lots of them every day. _47_ they like junk food(垃圾食品). They like eating French fries, hamburgers and _48_.So if you want to _49_ healthy, eat vegetables and _50_ sports every day!( ) 36. A. her B. their C. his D. your( ) 37 A. play sport B. playing sport C. play sports D. playing sports( ) 38. A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) 39. A. too B. to C. only D. then ( ) 40. A. says B. tell C. tells D. say( ) 41. A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. nice( ) 42. A. sound B. listen C. sounds D. listens( ) 43. A. meat B. vegetables C. fruits D. dessert( ) 44. A. meal B. dinner C. drink D. lunch( ) 45. A. healthy B. health C. healthily D. healthier( ) 46. A. He B. They C. She D. We( ) 47 A. And B. So C. Then D. But( ) 48 A. chickenes B. chickens C. chicken D. Chikens( ) 49 A. is B. are C. am D. be( ) 50 A. do B. doing C. does D. did四、阅读理解A阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(每题2分,计30分) (A)This is Freds busy week:NameDaysActivitiesTimesFredSundayBirthday party for Kay17:0020:00MondayGo to Childrens Hospital to see Joy15:0017:00TuesdayDancing class8:3010:30WednesdayPart-time(兼职的) job12:3018:30ThursdaySee Dr Brown10:3011:30Part-time job12:3017:30FridayGo to the station to meet Ann9:00SaturdayMeet Tom to study for a test14:0016:00( )51._is ill in hospital.A.Kay B. Joy C. Tom D. Ann( )52.How many hours a week does Fred do his part-time job?A.Five B. Six C. Eleven D. Ten( )53.Where does Fred meet Ann?A.At the station. B. In the hospital. C. At home. D. At Kays home. ( )54.Kays birthday is on_.A.Tuesday B. Friday C. Sunday D. Saturday( )55. What does Fred do on Saturday afternoon?A.Play football. B. Study with Tom. C. Have a class. D. See Dr Brown.( B )Steven is six years old. He gets some money from his mother every week. He buys a lot of things from the shops, but he doesnt really need them, and he puts them everywhere. One day his mother gives him a notebook and says, “Now, Steven, when you buy things, write their names down in the notebook, and also write down how much they are. Then you can look at it again when your money is all gone (花光了), and you dont waste (浪费) so much money next time.”After a week, Steven says to his mother, “Do you know, Mum, before I spend any money now, I really stop and think!” His mother is very happy and thinks, “Well, my son knows the value (价值) of money now.” But then she hears him say, “Mum, before I buy something, I always ask myself, Can I spell (拼写) that word and put it down in my notebook? ”( )56. Who gives Steven money every week?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His teacher. D. His parents.( )57. Why does Stevens mother give him a notebook?A. She wants him to play with it. B. Steven asks her to buy one for him. C. She wants him to write down the name and how much it is after he buys something. D. Steven needs one to do his homework. ( )58. Why is Stevens mother happy? A. She thinks that her son doesnt waste money now. B. She thinks that her son knows how to buy the notebook. C. Her son stops to think how to write the name of the thing before he buys it.D. She thinks that her son doesnt buy anything.( )59. What does Steven stop to think about before he spends any money?A. Which to buy. B. What he really needs. C. Which is nice. D. How to spell the name of the thing. ( )60. How does Stevens mother feel at last? A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Wonderful. D. Glad.(C)Everyone hopes to have a healthy lifestyle. But do you know what a healthy lifestyle is like? Here are some ways to have a healthy life.Get activeThis is the most important way of a healthy lifestyle. Walking, running, playing basketball and other sports will help you keep healthy.Keep cleanKeep the places around you clean. Unclean and untidy places can not only make you angry but also (不但而且) make you ill.Eat healthilyOur health depends on (依赖于) our food, so everyone should remember to eat healthy food. The healthier food you eat, the healthier you will be.Live greenThis is the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Plant trees around your house. Try your best to use less water. Stop using things if they are bad for environment.( ) 61. How many ways does the passage tell people to have a healthy lifestyle?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( ) 62. How will unclean places make people feel? A. Sad. B. Angry and ill. C. Happy and healthy. D. Excited.( ) 63. What does the underlined word “environment” mean in Chinese?A. 空气 B. 环境 C. 矿藏 D. 垃圾( ) 64. From the passage, which of the following is the way to live green?A. Getting lots of exercise. B. Keeping clean and tidy. C. Planting trees. D. Eating more fruit and vegetables.( ) 65. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Get active is the only way to keep healthy. B. You dont need to keep your home clean.C. You should try your best to use less water. D. Our health depends on our clothes.B.任务型阅读(每题1分,共10分) Weekends are short. They are only two days out of a seven-day week. To make your weekends look longer, you need to plan it better. Here are some ideas.Get up at your usual time. The biggest mistake(错误) is to think that the weekend is a good chance(机会) for getting up late. So getting up early can make you feel the weekends are longer.Finish homework as early as possible. Nobody wants to do homework, but we have to do it. The earlier you do it at the weekend, the better you will feel. You can do homework from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a. m. on Saturday morning. After doing your homework , you can plan your weekends well.Go out to enjoy weekends. Weekends feel longer if you get out and enjoy them. Think about what you like to do. Plan a sports activity, for example, playing football in the park. You can also plan to go to a museum, a zoo, or a park. How to spend your short 66_ ?Some 67_ To make you feel weekends are 68_, you should get up at your 69_ time though(虽然) the weekend is a good chance to 70 _ up late.The earlier you do your homework at the weekend, the better you will feel. So you should finish it as 71_ as possible. You can plan your weekends well after you 72 _your homework.73_a sports activity, for example, playing 74_ in the park. You can plan to go to a museum, a zoo or a park, 75_. If so, you will feel weekends longer.C.阅读短文后回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分) Do you like shopping? Here are some shopping tips for you.First, you should write down all the things you want to buy. You should know how much money you need and take enough money with you. People can bring their own shopping bags now so you neednt buy one from the shop.Second, its very important not to buy the things you neednt. There are many nice things in the shopping mall, but what you need is only some of them.Third, when you are shopping , you need to go into different shops and compare(对比)things of the same kind. It may take you lots of time to get the best one.Fourth, you can go shopping at the weekend or during holidays. On one hand, there are lots of discounts(折扣) on many things. On the other hand, people have enough time to decide which to buy.76.Can people bring their own shopping bags now?_77.What do you need to do when you are shopping?_78.When are there lots of discounts on many things?_79.How many tips can you find from the passage?_80.Why should you go shopping at the weekend or during holidays? _五、词汇(每小题1分,共20分)A、请根据句意及所给中文写单词。(每空1分,共5分)81. This computer is too _(昂贵的).I want a cheaper one.82. He takes his _ (找零) and goes out of the shop.83.- What would you like to_(点菜)? -Id like some fish.84.All the_(餐馆) are on the first floor in Sunshine Shopping Mall.85. Everyone _(似乎) very happy at the party.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共5分)86. Its a good habit to brush our_ (tooth)twice a day. 87. You need to do more sports and watch _ (little) TV.88. Lets do exercise and keep _ (health).89. Would you like to do some _ with me this afternoon? (shop)90.-Which sport are you _(interest) in ? -Playing basketball.C首字母填空。(每空1分,共10分) Christmas is a Christian festival. It is the most i_91_ festival in Christian countries. All Christians c_92_ it around 25 December.When Christmas comes, you can find beautiful Christmas t_93_, pretty Christmas cards and presents. People all enjoy s_94_ “Merry Christmas” and exchanging Christmas presents. For c_95_, there is another exciting thing on the morning of Christmas Day. They w_96_ up early and run to find out if Father Christmas has put p_97_ into their stockings. They like to s_98_ Christmas songs too. Family members get t_99_ and enjoy nice food.Its really a s_100_day. I like it very much.六、书面表达(共20分)请以“My best friend”为题,根据下列要点提示写一篇作文:1、Daniel, 13岁,阳光中学七年级一班。2、戴着眼镜,个子不高。今天他穿了一件白色的T-恤和一条蓝色的牛仔裤,看起来很干净。3、经常做运动,很少吃汉堡和喝可乐。4、对画画很感兴趣。没有很多时间玩电脑游戏。5、他家附近有一个购物中心,他经常周末在那里购物。他认为那是一个购物的好地方。6、最喜欢春节,家人团聚,享用美餐,非常幸福。注意:1.词数100词左右。2.短文须包括所有要点内容,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。My best friend 2016/2017学年度春学期期初调研考试七年级英语答题纸B、任务型阅读(10分)66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _C、阅读短文回答问题(10分)76. _77. _78. _79. _80. _五、词汇(20分)A、81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _B、86. _ 87. _ 88. _ 89. _ 90. _C、91. _ 92. _ 93. _ 94. _ 95. _96. _ 97. _ 98. _ 99. _ 100. _六、书面表达(20分)My best friend_2016/2017学年度春学期期初调研考试七年级英语听力材料1. M: Why are you so happy?W: Its my birthday soon. Would you come to my party?2.W: Which is your favourite festival? M: Mid-Autumn Festival. Because I like to eat mooncakes.3. W: Excuse me, sir! Could you tell me the way to the library? M: Its over there, on the other side of the street.4. W: Ben, would you like to go to the zoo with us?M: Yes, I would like to, but I have to go shopping with my mother.5. W: Are you good at Geography?M: Of course, I know about the world well. 6. M: Where is my schoolbag, Mom?W: Its under the chair.7. W: Do you like brown?M: No, I like black best.8. W: Whats your car number, Bob?M: Its GMZ948.9. W: How much are they?M: The T-shirt is 30 dollars and the hat is 20 dollars.10. M: Excuse me, Anna. Are those blue pencils yours?W: No, they are Kates. These red pencils are mine.11-12M: Mom, I want to invite my good friends to have dinner with us tomorrow evening.W: That sounds good. How many good friends do you have, Jack?M: Two. They are Peter and Tom.W: OK. Whats their favorite food?M: Peter likes hamburgers for dinner and Tom always has meat and vegetables.W:Do they like ice-cream?M: No. None of us like ice-cream. We all like fruit.13-15 W: Good morning. This is Millie speaking.M: Hello, may I speak to Miss Black, please?W: Im sorry. Shes not at home. Would you like to leave a message?M: Yes, please. This is Harry.W: Is that H-E-N-R-Y?M: No, its H-A-R-R-Y.W: All right.M: Tomorrow well have an important meeting in the school hall. Please tell her to come at 9:00 a.m. If she wants to know something else, please call me. My phone number is 87667321.W: OK. Ill tell her about it when she comes back.M: Thank you. Goodbye.听下面一篇短文,完成第16-20小题。 Hi, I am Peter. Mike is my best friend. He is from Canada. He lives with his parents in Beijing now because his parents work in Beijing. He has brown hair and black eyes. He is tall and strong. We are classmates. I like football and he likes football, too. We play football after school every day. At the weekend, he usually comes to my home to do his homework. I help Mike learn Chinese and he helps me with my English.2016/2017学年度春学期期初调研考试七年级英语参考答案一、 听力:15 AABBA 6-10 BCCCA 1115 BCBCA 1620 ACACA二、 单项选择:2125 ABDDB 2630 CCCBB 3135 BBDAD三、 完形填空:3640 BDACD 4145 BCBDA 4650 BDCDA四、 阅读理解:A. 5155 BCACB 5660 BCADA 6165 CBBCCB. 任务型阅读66.weekend(s) 67.ideas 68.longer 69.usual 70.get71.early 72.do 73. Plan 74.football 75.tooC.回答问题76.Yes , they can.77.Go into different shops and compare things of the s

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