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专题限时集训(二十二)A请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Good class notes are essential to good study skills. If you study bad notes, its pretty clear what you wont perform very well on tests. But what are good notes? Good notes mainly record the most important facts and enable you to understand how every fact fits into a larger puzzle.Many students fall into the trap of attempting to write down every word the teacher speaks. This is unnecessary, but even worse, its confusing. The key to good notes is identifying the most important things to write down.You will usually find that each lecture has an overall theme or common thread. If you read back over previous class notes, you will see that each days lecture will usually address a specific chapter or topic. Your notes will make more sense to you if you identify a common thread and create a frame of reference in your head before the lecture begins.When you understand the overall theme or message for the day, you will be able to identify important facts and understand why they matter. When you start with a frame in your head, you can see where each fact, or a piece of puzzle, fits within the frame.There are a few ways to identify a theme for a framework. First of all, if the teacher has assigned a specific chapter or passage for the next class, you can be pretty certain that the next lecture will focus on that reading. Even if the information is different from the chapter you read, the theme or topic will often be the same. Teachers are different, however. Some teachers will assign readings on one topic and lecture on something completely different. When this happens, you must find the relationship between the reading and the lecture.Another good way to identify a theme for the day is to ask the teacher. Before each lecture begins, simply ask if the teacher can provide a theme, title, or framework for the days class. Your teacher will probably be very glad you asked and may even start providing a theme or framework for each day before the lecture begins.You may find that it helps to draw pictures while you take notes. No, this doesnt mean you should doodle (胡写乱画) while the teacher is talking! Instead, you may find that you can know the theme or overall picture of a class lecture when you turn words into diagrams or charts. For example, if your biology teacher talks about osmosis(透析), be sure to draw a quick and simple picture of the process.Taking Class Notes1._Good class notes record the important facts and help solve 2._Good class notes can 3._ students study.Bad behavior about class notesMany students 4._ to write down all the words teachers say.The benefit of developing a 5._ for your class notesFinding the frame of the lecture can 6._ to understand the lecture.How to 7._ the theme for class notesPay attention to the 8._ the teacher made.9._ the teacher for the theme of the lecture before the lecture begins.You can 10._ the lecture clearly when you draw the diagram or chart.【答案】1. Importance2. problems/puzzles3. improve4. attempt5. frame/theme6. help7. identify/find8. assignment9. Ask10. understand 【导学号:57732062】B请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。The history of food processing dates back to prehistoric times when food items such as meat were cleaned and preserved using salt. The other common types of food processing in the historic times were smoking, and roasting. The food processing methods used by the ancient world is found in the writings of the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.Food processing industry is one of the fastest growing industries. The main part of food processing is food preservation.Food preservation is the process of preserving food and it prevents the food from getting spoiled.Food preservation stops food bacteria and fungi(真菌) from growing and also slows the oxidation(氧化) of fat foods such as butter and cheese. Here are five different ways to preserve food for future consumption.Dry Canning: The grains such as rice and wheat and the nuts like beans are the food stuff that is preserved and stored using the technique known as dry canning.Bottling of Food: The fruits, vegetables or meat can be bottled. Here the food is cooked at a boiling temperature and cooled well before canning them. However, if the food is not canned with care at the required temperature and within a specific time period, it could lead to food poisoning.Drying Food: Some of the seasonal fruits and vegetables could be dehydrated (脱水) before preservation. This is called as drying food. You can dehydrate the fruits and vegetables by keeping them out in the sun or by using a dehydrator. Fruits such as apples, bananas, peaches and grapes could be dried and later stored in airtight (密封) containers.Smoking:Smoking is one of the methods to preserve meat. The smoked meat not only maintains the nutrients and taste but also stays unspoiled for many months.Freezing: Vegetables such as peas and fresh beans can be frozen. If you are planning to freeze vegetables at home, use heavyduty freezer bags.Food processing plays a vital role in preserving food. People who go camping purchase canned food and precooked food; there is also foods available known as camp foods. However, the studies find, the processed foods have low nutritional value. For instance, Vitamin C is destroyed by heat;thus canned fruits are low in vitamins. Also, the processed foods include food additives, which are chemicals that could cause serious health problems, and canned foods have less nutrients and are referred as high calories. In addition, the process of processing food is very expensive which leads to the increase in the prices of canned food.TitleFood ProcessingDefinitionA technique to 11._ the food for future consumption.12._ of food preservationPrevent the food from getting spoiled.Stop the 13._ of food bacteria and fungi.Slow the oxidation of fat foods.14._ of preserving foodDry CanningBe suitable to preserve and store grains and nuts.Bottling of FoodCook the food at a boiling temperature, and then cool it well before 15._ it.Drying Food16._ the seasonal fruits and vegetables before preservation and then store them in airtight containers.SmokingPreserve meat to maintain its nutrients and taste and keep it 17._ for many months.FreezingFreeze vegetables and fresh beans with heavyduty freezer bags.Disadvantages of processed foodHave low nutritional valueheat 18._Vitamin C.Include food additives which are 19._ to health.Have high calories and be more 20._ than unprocessed food.【答案】11.preserve12.Aims/Uses13.growth/growing14.Ways/Methods15.bottling/canning16.Dehydrate/Dry17.unspoiled18.destroys19.harmful20.expensive4

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