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第十三天美文晨读Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices. But you are a strong person.生活中困难在所难免。最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。It takes courage. But you possess the inner courage to see you through. It takes being an active participant in your life. But you are in the drivers seat, and you can determine the direction you want tomorrow to go in. Hang in there, and take care to see that you dont lose sight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful, and true: Everything will be fine, and it will turn out that way because of the special kind of person you are.要有勇气。你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气。 你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动,而且你正在驾驭这场游戏,并决定着自己明天前进的方向。坚持再坚持,别让你的视野迷失了那不变的美好真理:一切都会好转的,因为你是如此的与众不同。So. beginning today and lasting a lifetime throughHang in there, and dont be afraid to feel like the morning sun is shining just for you.因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。I. 补全下面的句子。1. What the professor said was quite _(深奥的) to the students.2. Without good _(想像力), we cant learn drawing well.3. Our teacher often _(强调) the importance of time management.4. He made a lot of money by dealing with _(珠宝).5. Every day it takes her a long time to travel to _(市区).II. 短文改错Generally speaking, Im a person who have the ability to control myself. Whether at school and at home, I can be aware of the dos and donts and always focus on my study, so I am the one of the top students in my class. Besides, whenever I meet with anything or somebody unpleasant, I can calm down and only in this way can I get along good with others.I think it is determination what is of great importance if you want to improve your self-control. In order control yourself easily and effectively, you are supposed to make some rule to follow. Also youd better ask others to keep an eye on yourself, which makes the difference in helping you be responsible to what you do.6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _ 11. _ 12. _ 13. _14. _ 15. _ III. 完形填空Do you believe that some numbers are lucky or unlucky? If you answer “yes” 16this question, you are certainly not17For example, many people in certain countries believe that1813 is especially bad. They believe 13 people should 19 sit at a table together,and that20 things will happen21Friday the 13th. Some buildings do not even designate a 13th floorOn the other hand,7 is often considered a22number23everyone goes along with this belief in the power of numbers Some people think that lucky24unlucky numbers are only superstitions (迷信) that should not25seriously26,others think that numbers27have the power to affect peoples28In ancient times,it was quite common to believe in the magical power of numbersIt29that some numbers could clue(暗示)someone in to the30or show the31side of a persons personality(个性) Numerology(命理学),the “art” of 32the power in numbers, was often practised in Jewish tradition(传统) and among Greek mathematicians(数学家) Today, many of those 33still practise numerology use the Hebrew calendric system(希伯来历法) which gives each34of the alphabet 35of the numbers 1 through 816. A. of B. to C. in D. on17. A. alone B. lonely C. yourself D. only18. A. number B. numbers C. the number D. Number 19. A. often B. ever C. always D. never20. A. good B. terrible C. badly D. terribly21. A. in B. at C. on D. of22. A. lucky B. unlucky C. luckily D. luck23. A. Almost B. Not C. Nearly D. No24. A. or B. and C. but D. also25. A. take B. taking C. be taken D. be taking26. A. But B. HoweverC. While D. Yet27. A. do B. dont C. also D. but28. A. life B. lives C. living D. job29. A. believe B. believed C. is believed D. was believed30. A. past B. present C. future D. last31. A. hide B. hiding C. hid D. hidden32. A. read B. reading C. reads D. being read33. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom34. A. letter B. word C. number D. name35. A. some B. any C. many D. one . 语法填空Susan: Im so glad to see you, David. 36 has been such a long time. How are you?David: Im fine, and you?Susan: Im just wonderful. God, time goes by so quickly! Are you going to the air quality conference in Chicago?David: I am. And Im really glad to see you. Just last night I found your name in the conference materials, but it didnt come to my 37 that we would meet on the plane.Susan: Im afraid I havent had time to look at 38 conference materials very carefully. I had no idea you were coming, but I am certainly glad to see you. I was feeling very nervous about going there 39 friends.David: I can imagine. My English has gotten not so fluent since I returned from the States, 40 Im rather nervous myself. But I saw that you 41 (give) the most important talk at the conference.Susan: 42 (frank) speaking, Im scared to death about it.David: Im just giving a talk in one of the workshop sections, and I hope I wont make all of you 43 (disappoint).Susan: But your English is much 44 (good) than mine.David: But youre now the Director of the Air Quality Institute, so you 45 know the technical terms.Susan: Maybe. But I still cant understand totally a lot of technical terms in my field.36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _40. _ 41. _ 42. _ 43. _44. _ 45. 第十三天I. 1. abstract 2. imagination 3. emphasizes 4. jewelry 5. downtownII. 6.have改为has 7.and改为or 8.am后the去掉 9.anything改为something10.good改为well 11.what改为that 12.order后加to 13.rule改为rules14.the改为a 15.to改为forIII. 16-20 BACDB 2125 CABAC 2630 BABDC 3135 DBBAD . 36. It 37. mind 38. the 39. without 40. so/therefore/thus 41. would give / were giving 42. Frankly 43. disappointed 44. better 45. must5


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