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九年级英语限时练(十)一 单项选择 20( )1. Mom,remember _ a pen for me. OK.I will. A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.bought( ) 2. There are _ people in the hallways. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too( ) 3.To protect the environment,supermarkets dont_ free plastic bags for shoppers. A.take B.show C.provide D.carry( ) 4.Tom,what do you think of the school? Oh,no other school is_ in the city. Its_ one. A.better;a better B.the best;the best C.better;the best D.the best;a better( ) 5. I met a good friend of mine while I_on the street. A.walks B.walk C.was walking D.am walking( ) 6. What does your brother look like? _. A.He is a little shy B.He is tall C.He likes dancing D.He is a doctor( ) 7. The T-shirt _ of silk_very comfortable. A.made;feels B.makes;feels C.making;is felt D.is made;is felt( ) 8.“Dont worry,” she said and_ her hand on my shoulder. A.lied B.laid C.lay D.laying( ) 9.When _ you_ your homework? I had finished it before he _back. A.have;finished;came B.have;finished;was coming C.did;finish;came D.did;finish;was coming( ) 10.- Excuse me, do you know _? - SureThere is a bookstore down the street Awhere can I get some postcards Bwhere I can get some postcards Cwhen I can get some postcards Dwhen can I get some postcards二 完形填空 20 The Power of Determination(决心) The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old coal stove(火炉).A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the 11 and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates got there. One morning they 12 to find the schoolhouse burning.They dragged(拖) the little boy out of the building.Then he was 13 taken to the nearby country hospital. The doctor told the boys mother that since the lower part of his body was seriously burnt,he couldnt use his legs anymore.However,the 14 boy made up his mind that he would walk.Unluckily his thin legs 15 hung there,all but lifeless. Finally he returned home from the hospital. Every day his mother would press his little legs,but there were no feelings,no control, 16 .Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever. When he wasnt in bed,he would sit in a wheelchair.One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air.This day, instead of sitting there,he threw himself from the wheelchair and pulled himself across the grass,dragging his 17 behind him. He made his way to the white fence(栅栏) around the yard.With great effort,he raised himself up on the fence.Then he began dragging himself along the fence, 18 that he would walk.He started to do this every day.There was nothing he 19 more than to develop life in those legs. In the end,through his determination he did stand up.Gradually he began to walk to school,then ran to school,and ran 20 the joy of running.Later in college he joined the track team. Still later in Madison Square Garden this determined young man,Dr.Glenn Cunningham,ran the worlds fastest mile!11.A.fire B.class C.game D.story12.A.left B.waited C.arrived D.hid13.A.clearly B.quickly C.suddenly D.nearly14.A.honest B.brave C.careful D.rude15.A.just B.also C.once D.ever16.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing17.A.arms B.wheelchair C.legs D.mother18.A.believing B.doubting C.promising D.suggesting19.A.afforded B.hated C.forgot D.wanted20.A.to B.for C.from D.without三. 阅读理解 20A One day after school, I went to the teachers office to see my teacher, but nobody was there. As I was about to leave, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and saw the words FINAL-TERM EXAMINATION at the top. I put the paper into my school bag secretly and ran out of the room.After I came back home, I took out the paper quickly. It was the exam paper of my worst subject, History. I felt excited. My heart beat fast. I took out my History book and started working on the answer. I had never answered any questions so seriously.On the day of the History exam, I went into the exam hall confidently. When the paper was sent to me, I dreamt of getting the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling. My History teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grades, but I let him down time and time again. This time I will give him a big surprise, I thought.When the teacher said we could start, I turned the paper over. To my surprise, all the questions were different. Later I felt nervous. In the end, I almost left the paper undone. After the exam. I ran to the toilet, took out the paper and carefully read it from the top. Oh! It was last years exam paper. I read all the questions but I hadnt read the date.This is a lesson in which I know I have to put my feet on the ground. I regretted doing such a silly thing. After that, I told my teacher the truth and I promised to be honest. From then on, I worked harder than ever before.21. The writer went to the teachers office to _.A. take an exam B. see his teacher C. get his school bag D. ask some questions22. The writer always _ in his History exams.A. got high marks B. did silly thing C. let his teacher down D. left the paper undone23. The writer felt _ when he first saw all the questions were different.A. surprised B. excited C. nervous D. crazy24. When did the writer know it was last years exam paper?A. Before he read all the questions. B. As soon as he returned home.C. Until he went into the teachers office. D. After he read the paper in the toilet.25. What might the writer write in his diary?A. Im glad that I did very well in the exam. B. After the exam, my teacher asked me to go to his office.C. When I turned over the paper, I couldnt help smiling. D. Im truly sorry for what I did. Everyone should be honest. BMaking a good job choice is almost as good as choosing a good life. So, choosing a job is one of the most important decisions to make in life.For my job, there are three important things that I will consider:The first one that I must work in an area I like is most important to me. Someone once said if you find a job that you enjoy, then you wont have to work another day. I would like to work in an area where I can be more creative. I would like to be the most valuable member there. All this is possible only if I like what I do.The second one is that the area of my work must lead me to solve some new and hard problems. I would like to stay in the same area for a long time. In order for this to happen, the work must provide enough problems. More than just working to live, I enjoy making a difference and trying my best for the whole progress. I would also like to be well remunerated for my hard work, so I can lead a comfortable life with this hard-won money. Then I can provide the best for my family.The third important thing is that I would like to work in an area that would help other people. The work in my mind is in fields such as the army, training or management. In such areas, I can help to develop the abilities of others and bring out their best. It would be a most satisfying job to help young people to become the best that they can be. When I become old, I would like to look back with a great sense of satisfaction that thousands of people have become better persons through my work.I accept the idea that no one should make a choice of a job suddenly or quickly. He should decide what he wants to be in the long run. Then, he should decide how he works towards it. He should study the proper courses, read the books and speak to knowledgeable persons in that field before making a job choice. A good choice will most probably lead to a better life.26. According to the passage, a good job choice probably makes people _.A. solve fewer problem B. choose a good life C. be good family members D. provide hard things27. The writer considers an enjoyable job most important because _A. he has to bring out his best B. it can make him more creativeC. he will have to work another day D. it is possible for him to live better28. The underlined word remunerated in the passage means _A. trained B. praised C. accepted D. paid29. The writer wants to tell us that everyone should _A. become a knowledgeable personB. join the army to become a better personC. make preparations to find a satisfying jobD. help young people to choose an interesting job30. What is the best title for the passage?A. My Job Choice B. My Favorite JobC. My Comfortable Life D. My Sense of Satisfaction四单词拼写 81. Thursday is the f_ day of a week. 2. Get up early, go out for some f_ air and enjoy a healthy life. 3. We must learn these rules by h_. 4. Why didnt you go to Anns birthday party?- Because I wasnt i_. 5. Can you speak_ (慢慢地)?I cant follow you.6. I like this film _ (最). 7Ive had some most_ (美味的) food in that restaurant . 8Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and _ (发展). 五动词运用 7A Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties, courage and a spirit of independence(独立) can be more useful than _1_ (cry) for help. So when you face difficulties, _2_ (not complain) about bad luck. Consider what more you could do for your family and society(社会) and you_3_ (find) the world smiling back.1._ 2. _ 3. _B One of the most difficult times for American teenagers and their families is when they go from high school to college or university. In fact, American teenagers begin to get ready for this difficult time before they are 15 or 16 years old. They succeed in _4_ (go) to higher education with the help of their teachers and parents who work together to help teenagers make decisions about their future. The school education makes it necessary for a student _5_ (receive) different kinds of knowledge. High schools often _6_ (have) meetings with family to discuss teenagers problems. A teenager usually takes part in many activities in or after school. When teenagers_7_ (give) the opportunity(机会) to experience different things, they will be able to choose the best way to develop themselves. Many families in the U.S. have found that what theyve done to help their children a lot so far. 4._ 5. _ 6. _ 7._九年级英语限时练(十)答案卷1234578910111213141517181920212223242527282930四根据句意和首字母写单词 8_2. _ 3. _4. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _五动词应用 71. _2. _ 3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _六 阅读表达 10Different children like different stories. Very young children usually like stories about animals more than stories about people. They like books with lots of picture most of all.Older children like stories bout children of their own age. They like them more than stories about adults. They also like fantasies. These are stories about strange and wonderful places. Some of the best fantasies are movies-Star Wars and Star Trek, for example. This kind of fantasy is called science fiction. It takes place in the future.In different countries some stories are more popular than others. In Egypt and other Arab countries, stories from Arabian Nights are very popular. Some of these stories are quite popular in America, too. However, they are not as popular as American stories, such as Little Women or The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.Do you have a favorite story?1. What kind of books do young children like? _ 2. What kind of stories do older children like? _3. What are fantasies about? _4. 请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。 _请给短文拟一个适当的英语标题。 _书面表达 15 随着手机功能日益增多,越来越多的年轻人沉迷于手机娱乐活动,成为“手机控”一族。假定你是某校学生,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,向某英文报投稿,谈谈你对该现象的看法和建议。“手机控”的表现沉迷于手机娱乐活动(聊天、看电影等),与朋友和家人的交流减少,离开手机会有焦虑等异常情绪表现“手机控”的危害对健康不利,影响学习你的建议参考词汇:手机控 a phone freak 焦虑 anxious (adj.) 沉迷于 be addicted to注意:1. 内容须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥; 2. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 90个单词左右。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They_


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